11645 Posts |
Posted - 04 May 2024 : 10:06:22
Dear Patteh,
You have all rights to support, cheer, or pray for a “successful” OIC; notwithstanding the fact that you can’t even define what success means in this case. If mediocrity is your barometer for success, then by all means, get a bullhorn and announce to the world that Gambia hosted the most successful OIC! You have the right to mindless and empty slogans!
But Patteh, you must recognize that others also have a right to express their dissatisfaction with the whole OIC, or elements of it. And you, Patteh, do not have to like what they say! What you can do is settle for the simpleton argument that mindless government lackeys love to parrot by saying those who express dissatisfaction are simply jealous of you. Or Patteh, you can mount that “virtue of the vicious” they call patriotism. and claim those who criticize your OIC organization are not as patriotic as you are. At the end of the day, cheap and *****ic arguments are your forte. I acknowledge that we all have an inalienable right to idiocy that we can summon anytime we have nothing to offer!
Patteh, you can support, pray, cheer, dance, do whatever pleases your heart. Just don’t insist on projecting your desires unto others in the name of the “OIC is good for Gambia.” It’s good for some Gambians like you and those closely associated with the event. You know, like the businessmen who are already profiting, or the connected few who are primed to milk the opportunities. The ordinary man and woman will only see crumbs if anything, at all. So Patteh, spare us this nonsense about our image as a country or how beneficial this is for all of us. If your image as a country hinges on some so-called Islamic conference, doesn’t that reveal your self-imposed ignorance about yourself?
Sincerely Yours Corruption, NAWEC, Unemployment,Hypocrisy, Miseducated Hungry,Terrible Healthcare, Terrible Schools, Betrayal, Religious Hypocrites, Greed, Live on the backs of the people (You can simply call me Gambia)
Source: Mmajiky Saidy-Barrow
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |