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 Janjangbureh bicentenary celebrations pushed to J

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 25 Sep 2023 : 14:51:02
Janjangbureh bicentenary celebrations pushed to January
The Standard: SEPTEMBER 25, 2023

By Lamin Cham

The planned bicentenary anniversary of Janjangbureh, formerly called Georgetown, the administrative capital of Central River Region, has now been postponed to January, sources close to the organising committee told The Standard. The event was initially scheduled for 23 to 26 November 2023.

According to our source, a new date for the event has been fixed for 4 to 7 January 2024, a period expected to be the peak of the tourist season with a sizeable number of Gambians visiting from abroad.

Our source said some five African heads of state have been invited to attend the event.

A government statement last month said under the theme “celebrating homecoming and our heritage”, the event will aim at stimulating cultural revival, building a robust rural tourism package, promoting Gambian social cohesion and memorialising Janjangbureh’s impressive 200-year historical evolution that witnessed the criss-crossing of several civilisations namely African, Islam, Arabic, English, Portuguese and Christianity.

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