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 Death of Ebrima Mballow

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 21 Feb 2023 : 15:44:19

My Condolences to his Family and friends and all who knew him.

Gambian consular in Jeddah dies
The Point: Feb 21, 2023

President Adama Barrow on Sunday announced the passing away of Ebrima Mballow, who served as the Gambian Consular in Jeddah until his demise.

Mballow was first appointed Minister of Interior by President Barrow in October 2018 before he was redeployed to the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia in August 2019.

Mballow, until his demise, believed in diplomacy and was influential in the bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and The Gambia, thus discussing many mutual developmental engagements including the hosting of the OIC Summit.

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