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 Mysterious fire

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Nov 2020 : 11:37:12



Mysterious fire ravages over D500,000 worth of properties

By Amadou Jadama November 17, 2020

A mysterious fire outbreak in Bundung Six Junction in the Kanifing Municipality has destroyed over five hundred thousand dalasi worth of properties.

Although there were no reports of loss of life, sources said an undisclosed amount of money has also perished in the fire.

Eye witnesses said the inferno started around 8pm and tenants lost all their properties to the fire.

Speaking to The Standard Jebelly Jum, one of the affected tenants, said: “The fire started from my bedroom. I was sitting outside with my family because at that time, there was no electricity and no candle light at the time of the incident. We just saw smoke coming out from my bedroom and then it started spread to other bedrooms. We shouted for help and our neighbours responded swiftly using buckets of water and battling with fire but before we put it off, the entire compound was burned to ashes. We have tried a lot but we could not extinguish the fire on time. Nothing valuable escaped from the compound. There is nobody here who can establish the cause of the fire.”

Ida Saine, also a tenant, said she was at work when the fire started. “Upon my arrival, I found a lot of people battling with the fire. We have lost over six hundred thousand dalasi cash for our house alone. That money is our family members’ contribution because we are planning to buy a compound, so that we could stop renting,” she said. “Right now, we have no place to live and to eat. Even these (clothes) you have seen me wearing were given to me by someone. All our properties were lost in fire.”

Food stuff, clothing, beds; each costing fifteen thousand dalasi, fridges, suitcases, television sets and undisclosed amount of money all perished.

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