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Posted - 24 Aug 2022 : 22:27:33
========== https://standard.gm/group-seeks-police-permit-to-protest/ ==========
By Tabora Bojang on August 24, 2022
A group of Gambians identifying themselves as ‘Coalition of Progressives’ has sent a request to the Inspector General of Police yesterday, asking for permission to stage a peaceful protest against current economic hardship, high cost of living, corruption and unemployment.
The letter, signed by one Seedy Cham, the chairman of the Coalition, said it is written on behalf of concerned citizens of the Gambia both home and abroad under the theme ‘stop the corruption.’
According to the letter, the group is against the “continuous price hike of essential basic commodities, high cost of fuel, the rampant corruption in the Barrow administration and the refusal of the National Assembly to pass the anti-corruption bill into law.
“We wish to start the procession from National Assembly building Banjul to McCarthy Square (formerly July 22nd Square), in Banjul, and other regions will also do it in the governors’ offices all between the hours of 10am to 6pm. Please note that a separate request is being made to the Banjul City Council for permission to use the venue and facilities of McCarthy Square for gathering and protest,” Chairman Cham told the IGP in his request.
The Group charged that the planned demonstration scheduled for November 11th 2022 is an exercise of its constitutional rights guaranteed in the 1997 Constitution and adherence to the Public Order Act.
Meanwhile, the group also condemned a statement by the police warning “the Arr Banjul Movement” to call off an ‘unauthorised protest’ which they planned to hold in the capital Monday because they were not issued permit. The protest however went ahead.
However, the Coalition of Progressives described the police statement as a “clear sign of dictatorship and a violation of human rights of the people in the exercise of their freedom of assembly to demonstrate against inefficiency and corrupt practices of the government.”
“We cannot continue to allow the Public Order Act to be used as a tool to enable corruption and mismanagement of public resources,” the Coalition of Progressives said in their letter.

12306 Posts |
Posted - 07 Oct 2022 : 17:44:13
========== https://thepoint.gm/africa/gambia/headlines/govt-revokes-copg-registration-ahead-of-nov-11-protest ==========
Gov’t revokes CoPG registration ahead of Nov 11 protest
Oct 7, 2022, 11:38 AM | Article By: Adama Tine
The Coalition of Progressive Gambians (CoPG), a legally registered association, in a statement yesterday says it’s dismayed by the “arbitrary” revocation of its registration certificate No. 2022C19361:
“In view of this unjust use of state powers, we are hereby registering our total disappointment and condemnation of the Barrow administration over this blatant violation of our rights as bonafide citizens of The Gambia.”
“The CoPG was legally registered as an association on the 28th day of September, 2022 at the AG Chambers, in Banjul. This was achieved after the association fulfilled all the requirements for registration. Following the receipt of the registration certificate, the following day on the 29th of September 2022, we were called back to the registrar’s office to rectify some typographical errors made on the certificate in the form of ‘coalation’ for‘ coalition’ and‘ Gambia’ for ‘Gambians’.
“We returned the certificate to the AG’s Chambers for the due corrections on Monday, the 3rd of October, 2022. Upon arrival and submission of the certificate, we were told that the lady responsible for the registration and correction of the certificate was not in office and therefore, we were asked to deposit it with them and to collect it on Wednesday, the 5th of October, 2022.
“Upon our return for the collection of the corrected certificate, we were informed of the revocation of the registration certificate of the association. We were told that the action was necessitated due to an order from ‘the top.’ saying we were deregistered because we are a pressure group.”
“This is a clear manifestation of arbitrary use of state powers, injustice and corruption. Similarly it lays bare to every Gambian the signs that dictatorship is back in The Gambia. The only part of this distasteful form of governance is extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances.”
“It is our strong conviction that what this time in the history of our country calls for is the unity of all the people in the legitimate fight for the future of our country before it’s too late. We have registered our association with every intention to follow the laws of the country to the latter.”
"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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