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 Gambian Minister Fights New York Protestors
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2013 :  18:20:43  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message

Mamadou Tangara Gambian former minister of Foreign Affairs and now UN Ambassador is reported in physical fight with Falai Baldeh and Bakary Jarju known as Jalang on Friday 27 September 2013. It all happened in New York.



11650 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2013 :  19:55:30  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
By Modou Nyang

Foroyaa: Published on Friday, 27 September 2013

Gambians living in the United States Wednesday protested what they called the lack of democracy in the Gambia in front of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New York where President Yaya Jammeh is lodging while here to attend the 68th UN General Assembly meeting. Scores of Gambians from Atlanta, the state of Georgia and Washington DC area joined their counterparts in New York to protest the lack of adherence to the rule of law and the disregard of democratic norms by the Jammeh government. Protestors held placards and chanted as Gambian officials left and entered the hotel. Mr Momodou Sabally, the Secretary General and Minister of Presidential Affairs and Susan Waffa Ogu, Minister of Foreign Affairs were among those who came face to face with the protesters.

Mrs Zeinab Jammeh, the spouse of the president on her way out was quickly taken back into the hotel by US secret Service officials who were deployed at the hotel to maintain calm. No one was arrested and Mrs Jammeh and Mr Sabally had to be escorted out of the hotel through the back door and were hurried into a car that sped away. Throughout the day, President Yaya Jammeh was not seen entering or leaving the Hotel. South African president Jacob Zuma who is also lodging at the same hotel was twice cheered by the Gambian protesters.

Zuma was in the first instance returning to the hotel and on the second occasion was on his way out. He responded to the protesters waving back in appreciation of their comments. Protesters also jeered at Minister Momodou Sabally and newly appointed Representative to the UN, Momodou Tangara earlier on Tuesday in front of the Gambian mission Building. The duo was quickly whisked away into the mission building by the GRTS and Daily Observer reporters.

Source: Foroyaa

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2013 :  22:36:32  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Gambia’s Ambassador To The UN Momodou Tangara Engages In A Fist Fight With Falai Baldeh And Bakary Jarju At The Carlton Hotel!

"A fight ensued between Momodou Tangara, Gambia’s newly appointed Ambassador to the UN and Falai Baldeh, and Bakary Jarju, AKA Jalang both Gambian political activists. Tangara came out of the hotel, where Jammeh Musa is hosted and he started picking up a beef with Falai and Bax. What started as verbal words of confrontation later degenerated into a physical fight. Tangara was alleged to have first hit Mr. Falai Baldeh, who responded by beating the hell out of the Gambian envoy to the UN. Bakary Jarju, also another demonstrator later came to the aid of Falai. Bax singlehandedly tackled Yahya Jammeh’s personal driver before coming for Momodou Tangara. Tangara was knocked to the ground. Jammeh’s bodyguards later came to rescue Tangara. The guards were restrained by the Secret Service, when they wanted to pick up a fight with Falai and Bakary Jarju. Tangara quickly withdrew from the scene of the incident.

Police later showed up and wanted to arrest Falai Baldeh and Bakary Jarju . Both Falai and Jarju were about to be handcuffed by the New York PD officers dispatched to the scene. But according to Saihou Mballow, he saved Falai and Bakary Jarju from being arrested. Mballow said he told the officers that a lawsuit awaits them if they ever arrest Falai and Bakary Jarju—arguing that Ambassador Momodou Tangara provoked the two by physically assaulting them.

“I told the officers that Falai and Bakary have not broken any laws. I witnessed the incident. It was Momodou Tangara, who was accompanied by Batata Juwara, and others, who first assaulted Falai Baldeh. I saw him hitting Falai. Falai responded by employing self defence. Bakary Jarju too was attacked by Jammeh’s driver. It was a serious fight. The officers left without arresting anyone,” Saihou Mballow tells Freedom Radio.."....

Read full report: Freedom News

Edited by - kobo on 27 Sep 2013 22:45:37
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2013 :  00:00:48  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message
How Captain Jammeh reactsto these encounters, we wait and see. Will the two ministers continue enjoying good company of Captain Yahya AJJJ Jamus Jammeh?

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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  00:14:00  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
So basically the gist of this breaking news is that some ex-Gambians politicans made their way from two southern states in America to protest against President Jammeh and to cheer for President Zuma. Now I wonder if our South African brothers and sisters did the same for Jammeh.

Come on Guys bring us some real news.Your intelligence was not even good enough to find out where the President was going to be. Let alone organise a successful protest. What a sham!

Sister Omega

Edited by - Sister Omega on 29 Sep 2013 00:15:52
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United Kingdom
1382 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  16:32:04  Show Profile Send Nyarikangbanna a Private Message
No sister omega, the news is that a former foreign minister and now Gambia's Ambassador to the UN, was engaged in a fist fight with a protestor on a New York Street. That is definitely newsworthy by every standard of journalism.

If Jack Straw, former British Foreign Secretary, had done the same, it would have been widely reported in the British Media including the BBC. Likewise, if it was done by Samantha Powers, the current US Ambassador to the UN, it would have been all over CNN and other American cable news channels.

The truth is, Dr. Tangara has brought his office into disrepute and shame onto an entire nation (The Gambia). He should have placed himself above the fray notwithstanding any provocation, and the fact that he hasn't done this, in my view, means he is not a worthy representative of our dear nation and should be sacked.


I do not oppose unity but I oppose dumb union.

Edited by - Nyarikangbanna on 29 Sep 2013 17:31:08
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12306 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  16:43:18  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
OK NOT as important as the UN but similar surely:

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 29 Sep 2013 16:43:56
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  22:29:19  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
The protest already achieved what it was meant for by going viral in the media. It's part of a campaign and struggle to fight dictatorship and shame for Jammeh & Gambian delegation to UN by given them a hostile reception. It was successful and courageous patriotic citizens represented and fought for me there; amongst many who rights are trampled by Jammeh's misrule, criminal and terrorist government.

Sister Omega you can show support and mock us on Jammeh but one day country will be liberated under tyranny, a corrupt leader and bad governance. Gambia is unstable under President Jammeh and WE WILL DO "ANY MEANS NECESSARY" TO GET RID OF THIS KANILAI MONSTER!

Courtesy of Freedom Newspaper Protest video media player here

Edited by - kobo on 30 Sep 2013 00:23:38
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  23:46:13  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
Kobo I mock you not. Anyone can make anything go viral just look at what happened in Kenya but that doesn't make it right? Give us a break. The question people want answered is what doesthe opposition want? Can they actually be trused by the people when they choose to live abroad rather than remain at home and support the people who they profess to represent.
i didn't see Martin Lurther King cut and run when African Americans were being lynched for sport. I never saw Patrice Lumumba runaway when the nouce was dangling close by. I never seen Nelson Mandela run away when the going got tough these freedom fighters used a variety of tactics. Running out of their country to leave in comfort of the west and sending crumbs home from a foreign table wasn't one of them and given the chance they decided to stand with the people not using their privilege position to get a western visa.

Where was the opposition's conscience when they were on the plane then? People would respect you Guys more on Gambian soil rather than making noises to attract media attention. Where are you for the Gambians at home? If there is a legitmate challenge to Jammeh it will come from Gambians living at home not one's abroad. Keep it real Kobo. You really think the next generation in Gambia take you seriously? The youth are the future after all and new leaders will eventually emerge from them.

Sister Omega

Edited by - Sister Omega on 29 Sep 2013 23:53:12
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  23:59:48  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
Nyarikangbanna, I see your point. Do you remember John prescott when he got into a fray giving as good as he got he kept his job. Kobo your rhetoric is like the empty barrel it makes a lot of noise but has no substance and basically is not taken seriously no matter how many different ways it's spun.

Sister Omega
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2013 :  00:30:16  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Sister Omega. You are the one who should "GIVE US A BREAK".Jammeh is not immortal and GOING DOWN LIKE OTHER DICTATORS AND TYRANTS!


More with courtesy of Freedom News Jammeh Chased By New York Protesters!

Edited by - kobo on 30 Sep 2013 00:43:04
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United Kingdom
1382 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2013 :  00:49:33  Show Profile Send Nyarikangbanna a Private Message
Originally posted by Sister Omega

Nyarikangbanna, I see your point. Do you remember John prescott when he got into a fray giving as good as he got he kept his job. Kobo your rhetoric is like the empty barrel it makes a lot of noise but has no substance and basically is not taken seriously no matter how many different ways it's spun.

Prescott was a candidate on a campaign trail. He was not out there representing the United Kingdom in a foreign country let alone attending an international gathering overseas as her Majesty's Deputy Prime Minister.

Besides; Prescott could not have prevented the egg been thrown at him whereas Dr Tangara could have avoid this incident entirely by simply walking away.

According to reports, Dr. Taranga was in fact, the aggressor whereas Prescott was a victim who merely acted in self defence which, by the way, is an inalienable right recognised by the law of the land.

And by the way; the Prescott incident was newsworthy and was widely reported in the British media as such.

None of the executive members of Gambia's main opposition United Democratic Party lives outside The Gambia. God knows what you talking about when you said the opposition lives abroad.


I do not oppose unity but I oppose dumb union.

Edited by - Nyarikangbanna on 30 Sep 2013 01:19:43
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2013 :  02:01:43  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Points and issues that should be made clear are;

1. Gambian dissidents living abroad are playing their role rallying support to topple this regime. Jammeh and APRC Government dread them more than opposition on the ground.

2. There are opposition leaders and opposition parties on the ground BUT ELECTIONS under President Jammeh's handpicked I.E.C and APRC government are SHAMBLES. You can't deny that Sister Omega so where is credibility of Jammeh/APRC corrupt, criminal, terrorist government? President Jammeh DOES NOT HAVE ANY LEGITIMACY AND NOT FIT TO RULE GAMBIA! EVERY SENSIBLE CITIZEN SHOULD DENOUNCE THIS MURDEROUS CRIMINAL AND ARM BANDIT THAT SEIZED POWER BY THE GUN


4. Our smiling coast sweet Gambia is being destroyed by this CRIMINAL AND KANILAI MONSTER EVIDENT from these recent links (courtesy of Gainako & Freedom news)amongst series already exposed online;

NB. Under 4. above; ("Turning a Country into a Personal Investment") these two PRIVATE COMPANIES on the letter exposing THE BIG CRIMINAL are owned by CRIMINAL President Jammeh himself & Kanilai family; "Alhamdullilah Petroleum and Minerals Company Ltd" & "Kanilai Group Investment (KGI)"

5. Our gallant Gambians at the ONYC (OPeration New York City) protests were there for these messages covered above and the tussle incident makes it more interesting newsworthy; also an embarrassing situation for President Jammeh and Gambia delegation to UN General Assembly 2013; GONE DOWN IN HISTORY RECORDS ALREADY

6. Maafanta with more news;

Edited by - kobo on 30 Sep 2013 21:01:52
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2013 :  23:41:46  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Protests against President Jammeh in New York

Foroyaa Burning Issues News: Published on Tuesday, 01 October 2013 Written by: Modou Nyang, New York

"The President of the West African state of the Gambia, Yahya Jammeh was Friday 27th September, hurried into a waiting car under tight security amid jeers from Gambian protestors camped in front of his hotel in New York. Some carried banners with slogans like “Jammeh must go”, “Down with dictatorship”, etc. President Jammeh was headed to the UN headquarters to deliver his speech to the General Assembly later that morning. He used the occasion to continue his campaign denouncing same-sex relationships describing it as the “biggest threat to humanity.” But it was all chaos earlier on the morning of Friday in front of the Ritz Charlton hotel when newly appointed Gambian Ambassador to the UN Momodou Tangara, former Foreign Affairs minister, got involved in a fist fight with one Falai Baldeh, a protestor.

Falai and fellow protestors Saihou Mballow and others were at the hotel in Mid-Town Manhattan early in the morning in order to catch up with the President leaving the hotel. “While we were waiting for the President to come out we saw Batata Juwara entering the hotel. He was followed by Momodou Tangara a little later,” said Mr. Mballow. “We picketed both of them when they were entering the hotel but moments later, Tangara emerged out of the hotel into the street and confronted Falai demanding why he was calling him names,” added Mballow.

According to Mballow, it was during that confrontation that the two came to blows hitting each other when another protestor, Bakary Jarju, joined the fight. Tangara was seen being pulled back into the hotel and the police providing security on the ground were seen arresting Baldeh and Jarju. However, the two arrestees were eventually set free a little later when Saihou Mballow intervened on their behalf insisting that the two were peaceful and it was Tangara who started the fight. They later continued with their protest.There were no reported injuries but Falai got his shirt buttons ripped off and Tangara who was in a ‘Haftan’ gown, had his dress all rumpled.

President Jammeh later emerged out of the hotel on his way to the UN at a time when the protestors had increased in number amid intense booing and jeering at him. There was tight security at the time with the US secret service sealing-off the pavement in front of the hotel to allow the president into a waiting car. The determined protestors followed him to the UN and to the Gambian Mission building, where they continued their protest."

Read Full Story
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2013 :  23:45:51  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Originally posted by Sister Omega


Come on Guys bring us some real news.Your intelligence was not even good enough to find out where the President was going to be. Let alone organise a successful protest. What a sham!


Edited by - kobo on 01 Oct 2013 23:47:53
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Christmas Island
162 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2013 :  16:32:13  Show Profile Send Aku_pickin a Private Message
As far as am concerned, the protests were a success!
The ambassador took the bait and showed the world the heavy handed tactics employed by this brutal regime.

Justice must be served as impunity brings more repression and corruption!
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