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Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 09:39:50
Foroyaa: NO. 4, 2013
The two books entitled “Quality Assurance: Pedagogic Guide For Effective Teaching and Learning” and “Monitoring schools: Quantitative Data Collection Analysis and Reporting” were launched on Friday, 28 December 2012. Educationists were invited to review the two books and give their expert views on the content. The Chief Launcher was Mr. Ebrima Njie, former Principal of Armitage High School and Ex. Head of the National Branch of the West African Exam Council (WAEC). In the last issue, we published the review statement delivered by Dr. Burama Jammeh, Director of CREDD, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. This issue deals with the review statement given by Mr Lamin Fatajo, Principal Education Officer (PEO), Human Resource Department of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. Mr Fatajo indicated that his focus was the book entitled Monitoring Schools “Qualitative Data Collection Analysis and Reporting. He expressed his appreciation for the confidence bestowed on him by the author for selecting him, not only to go through the book before it was published but also to invite him to deliver a reviewer’s statement. He also commended the author for having the courage to subject the books to peer review and further incorporate observations they deemed to be relevant. Mr Fatajo observed that the author is respected at the Ministry of Education for the passion she displays in doing her work. He expressed the belief that the publication of the books is motivated by the desire to fix the hidden pieces of the jig saw puzzle in the effective management of schools. He emphasised that effective monitoring fundamentally impacts on the success of lesson delivery and eventually learning outcomes. He indicated that one of the problems of the education planners is the difficulty they have in backing conclusions with data. He said the logical mind in science cannot give backing to arguments that are not backed by data even if they are evidently true. He indicated that the book is an attempt to equip managers at all levels of the classroom and administration with tools to gather data and make informed choices. He said the book started with an introduction which gives justification for its publication. It gives definition for types of monitoring. It highlights the need for a monitoring plan and spelt out the monitoring process which includes data collection, analysis and reporting. Chapter one elaborated on data collection starting with the definition and concept of data collection, distinguishing between population and samples and further highlighting the different types of samples. He indicated that the book has an advantage in introducing the reader to basic computer skills which is so precise and simplified that one could follow the lessons without having in-depth knowledge of computer application. Mr. Fatajo indicated that the book meticulously focused on situation specific for the utilization of computer skills. He added that Chapter one further defines variables and proceeded to align data collection with the real classroom setting of the current education system by making references and showing how the tools could be utilised in the current education system. He added that after indicating the tools and how they could be utilised by monitors the author sends a word of caution and he quoted the following: “It is paramount to note that before using the monitoring tools or carrying on such an activity, data collectors in particular, both internal and external monitors need to be trained properly.” Mr Fatajo observed that one could have the tools but if one does not have the requisite training there will be a shortcoming in professional delivery. He noted that Chapter two covered data analysis focusing on the concepts and definitions of data analysis. The Chapter lays emphasis on quantitative data analysis. It looked at three level of analysis, that is elementary, intermediate and advance level. He said for obvious reasons the book lays emphasis on the elementary and intermediate level because of the anticipated readership. He said the Chapter gives a schematic diagram of data processing incorporating how to clean the data up to the interpretation of results. Mr. Fatajo indicated that Chapter three focused on the characterization of data showing how tools like spread sheet excel and SPSS are utilised at the elementary and intermediate level to acquire and interpret results. The Chapter, he said includes tables and charts which could be relied on to make inferences and informed decisions. According to Mr Fatajo, Chapter four took the significant step to establish relationships by making basic correlation analysis. It gave examples of the relationship between lesson plan and lesson delivery and did calculation to give interpretation. Chapter five dilated on the multi variable based analysis by focusing on certain schools as case studies. He said charts and tables are provided to make elementary and intermediate analysis to interpret the results. Mr Fatajo said Chapter six is the most important because it deals with report writing. It focuses on the outcome of all the labour of establishing schools, delivering lessons, monitoring the delivery of the lessons. It highlighted the characteristics of reporting and provided tables to show the elements of quality reporting and their individual advantages. Mr. Fatajo indicated that the author has showed the characteristics of quality report and concluded with a sound note. “However and once again, the effective materialization of such an expectation requires user’s professional capacity in particular that of internal and external monitors’, to be built properly before executing their monitoring duties”. Mr. Fatajo concluded that in this day and age of technology what we put in our system is what we reap. According to him, if we put garbage in we get garbage out. Mr. Fatajo called on all school managers and education administrators to have a copy of the books. He said that it will effectively guide the processes of their institutions and further help them to better understand their institutions. This in turn will help them to make better decision, he concluded.
Source: Foroyaa
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |

11650 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jan 2013 : 17:17:57
Foroyaa: Published on Friday, 11 January 2013
Dr. Ida Jallow Sallah has on Friday 28th of December 2012, launched two books on Education entitle: - Quality assurance Pedagogic Guide for Effective Teaching and Learning and the second, Monitoring Schools: Data Collection Analysis and Report Writing at the Regional education Directorates' Main hall in Kanifing. In this edition, we focus on the address given by Dr. Jallow Sallah before proceeding to cover the final presentation by the Master of Ceremony, Mr. Lamin Sonko.
As the backbone of any development machinery, education is a collective endeavour. It requires the contribution of many stakeholders such as teachers, parents, learners, community, internal and external monitors and development partners. The assurance of its quality should therefore be a collective moral responsibility. This is the reason why it continues to gain momentum in many intellectual fora. Coming down to the classroom level, with the necessary supporting resources provided, its materialization remains principally the responsibility of teachers and school monitors. This is why this day is considered as a day for educationists. This is why representative of teachers and monitors and education administrators are occupying the high table and gave statements. In terms of human resources, if one accepts that the education sector is the main raw material provider for all development oriented institutions, one should equally accept that when the delivery of services of its key actors leaves much to be desired no society can develop. Therefore cognizant of such a vivid reality, I decided to take this opportunity to write and dedicate these two books to teachers and schools monitors in order to uplift their spirit and motivate them to accept their roles as a duty to the people. I have gathered two lessons in life which enabled me to write these two books. The first lesson is that knowledge acquisition without knowledge production is counterproductive. Our children need learning materials in order to have the knowledge necessary to contribute their quota to the development of society. Those who are to teach them must therefore have the requisite knowledge and skills that would enable them to effectively and efficiently carry out their professional duties and responsibilities. In the same vein, those who are charged with the responsibility to ensure effective internal and external monitoring such as the senior teachers, head teachers and the cluster monitors also need continuous professional support in a bid to measure up to expectations. Therefore putting at their disposal such materials geared at enhancing their professional competence will surely transform their inputs into value added components to the teaching and learning process and thus make the team highly productive. The second lesson which became very apparent to me is that to get a holistic conceptualisation of a given subject of study, one needs to value research and research based writings. I fully came to realise this when I was writing my dissertation. The core of such a principle holds that in order to write one must begin as if one knows nothing about the subject. This reminds me of some words of wisdom which I gathered in my reading of Socrates in French, "tout ce que je sais c'est parce que je ne sais rien". In short, if one accepts one does not know one has to inquire to know; one must become motivated to conduct research to know. To strengthen my allegiance to such a principle, in addition to the in-depth research I had to conduct as revealed by the contents of the two books, I decided to subject them to peer review. Allow me therefore, to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to the following people: My husband, Halifa Sallah, for intellectual and moral support. Allow me again to thank all my Colleagues in the Ministry and friends who in one way or the other contributed to the accomplishment associated with these books and the realisation of this launching. I wish to take this opportunity to thank my Father for his continuous prayers and concern. Papa Alpha as we call you, thank you. My dear mother, my source of inspiration, I wish you were alive today to witness this. May your soul rest in perfect peace. My Dear grandma and friend Aunty Mary Chapman, for her love, concern, admiration and encouragement; her reminder, that is, her motto: "Never say fail." Mam Kololi, as we used to call you, we missed you and may your soul also rest in perfect peace. My dear Uncle Adama, thank you for your immense contribution to my life and success. Papa, as we call you, thank you immensely. To the rest of my family and in laws and friends of the family I thank all of you for your moral support To all of you here present to grace this important occasion. I thank you immensely and wish you a happy new year 2013.
Source: Foroyaa |
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |

11650 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 18:36:38
by Abdoulie G. Dibba.
Foroyaa: Published on Monday, 14 January 2013
Our final coverage of the launching ceremony for the two books written by Dr Ida Jallow Sallah focuses on the presentation made by Mr Lamin Sonko, Senior Education Officer, SQUAD. “Today is a day when giants stand to cast shadows,” said Mr Lamin Sonko.
He quoted a passage which states that “When giants cast shadows there is enough shade.” Similarly Mr Sonko added Dr Ida Jallow Sallah is casting her shadows into the class rooms and above all over the entire environment of the school. He emphasised that the two books will provide enough material for practitioners and prospective teachers to come. Mr Sonko proceeded to give his candid opinion of Dr Ida Jallow Sallah. According to him he has been interacting with Dr Jallow Sallah for the past 8 years at the Ministry of Basic Education. He indicated that Dr. Ida Jallow SaIIah is a highly conscientious, dedicated, dynamic and hardworking professional who is imbued with immense sense of responsibility. She has a positive and tremendous capacity to organize and apply her professional skills to achieve desired results. She is highly meticulous, unassuming and possesses a lot of drive and initiative, observed Mr Sonko. Dr. Ida Jallow SaIIah exhibits a remarkable flare for academic and professional excellence and high ethics. Her willingness to share her knowledge with others is always evident. This platform is ample testimony of these qualities. She interacts freely with others irrespective of class and religion. She puts daily into practice her sterling qualities of kindness and consideration for others. She is an academic giant and a professional inspirer, observed Mr Sonko. She is bilingual, speaking both French and English. According to Mr Sonko, she holds a “Technical Certificate In Quantitative Techniques of Management; High University Diploma of trainers in French as a foreign Language; Series of trainings on teaching methodology, supervision and statistical data analysis. According to Mr Sonko Dr Jallow Sallah holds a Bachelors Degree in Economics, Masters Degree in Comparative Literature, PhD (Doctorate Degree) in Sociology with Particular Focus on Education. In terms of her Professional Career she had Classroom Experience and had taught at Upper Basic SchooIs, Senior Secondary Schools and the University of The Gambia. In The Area of Education Administration she has for over 10 Years Worked With SQAD in the area of Monitoring & Supervision, providing Support to Classroom Teachers, Head Teachers, Cluster Monitors and staff from Regions 1-6. She rose from the Rank of SEO to PEO. No wonder she could produce quality material like this, he remarked. Mr Sonko added that as PEO, Dr Sallah headed the Monitoring and Supervision Section at SQAD, Providing Quarterly Regional Cluster Monitor’s Report Summary and Analysis to Regions 1-6 and that she now serves as the Coordinator of French programme at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education(MOBSE). Mr Sonko said that Dr Sallah was inspired to write the Books, by the Message which has been rung in her ears that “To Scroll up to the Higher Level, of Education Ladder without being a Knowledge Producer is to Cheat Destiny”. He expressed his profound appreciation for such a vision for higher education. Mr Sonko then proceeded to give a summary of the content of the two books. He said book one, Quality Assurance — Pedagogic guide for effective Teaching and Learning is a very Essential Handbook, Relevant for both Teachers & Students This guide meets the needs for a suitable comprehensive and practical text to help prospective and practicing teachers acquire the required pedagogic knowledge and competence in a bid to carry out effective teaching/learning and achieve desired outcomes. It has well crafted and carefully woven chapters that enable the reader to move from concept to practice. He observed that the book is useful to all stakeholders in the business of Education. Book two, Quantitative Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting is specifically dedicated to all School monitors, i.e. Cluster Monitors, School Administrators, etc. It explains what constitutes data, how it is collected, analyzed and interpreted. This book provides a basic understanding of research methods; particularly in the observation of performances. He congratulated Dr Ida Jallow Sallah for the remarkable contribution in a bid to promote quality education. Adama Bah gave a message of appreciation from the family and Mr Bamba Jeng gave a message of appreciation for colleagues in the profession either as teachers, monitors or education administrators.
Source: Foroyaa |
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |
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