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Posted - 11 Feb 2012 :  08:04:46  Show Profile
Arrived from Hawaii to Cancun Yakatan Mexico
When we go away on holiday yes we do all the tourist attractions Most people equate the Yacatan peninsular in Mexico with the beaches and the coral reefs but the best place to experience the culture the food also the architecture of the real Mexico is mix with the locals and take a trip a few hours drive from the main tourist arrears take a trip to Merida in land and Chatamal in the south not far from the Belize border where you will see historical homes that have been turned in to Inns or guest houses at a fraction of the cost in Cancun the main tourist resort At the weekends these places becomes the scene of dance food and parties by the locals. Take a side trip and see hundreds of pink flamingos in the unspoilt mangroves

The Mayan ruins in Mexico have been nominated as one of the 7 wonders Of The World.
When you go to Cancun move away from the tourist traps but take a fascinating trip to the Mayan ruins whose centre piece is the pyramid El Catello- or the temple of Kukulkan - which was nominated one of the 7 wonders of the world.
Not as impressive as the Great Pyramid in Egypt or the monuments down the river Nile
But the wonder is the history of this place, the design of the structures to high light the sun and the heavens, and the huge human endeavours using only hammers and chisels to build the lime stone monuments that have lasted centuries. that plus an organised system of human sacrifice, ranging from the poor to the nobility leaves one scratching your head and wondering just how sharp those sacrificial implements could be.

On a typical day 2000 to 3000 people visit the site but jump even higher at equinox

Mayan civilisation dates back more than 3000 years and centres in the rain forests and mountains of what is now Mexico Guatemala Honduras and Belize- The land between North and South America Chichen Itza is in the mid- Yucatan Peninsula which features the tourist mecca of Cancun on its North East side and many other Mayan sites
There is much to see and do you are really spoilt for choice to much to list here
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