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 21 Year Old Woman allegely steals BIG .

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 08 Jul 2024 : 16:31:34

Article from The Standard Newspaper on Monday, July 8, 2024


By Amadou Jadama

A 21-year-old lady who allegedly stole D6,410,200.00 from one Alagie Yusupha Camara in Tallinding on Thursday appeared before Principal Magistrate Dawda Fatty of Bundung court.

The suspect, Maimuna Gibba, was arraigned on a single count charge of stealing.

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Prosecutors said the incident took place in Tallinding on 13 June when Maimuna allegedly stole the following items: Cash amount of 53,200 euros equivalent to D3,936,800.00, cash amount of USD34,000, equivalent to D2,346,000.00, cash amount of D289,000.00, Samsung A54 mobile phone valued at USD 600 equivalent to D41,400.00, 2 gold chains valued at D80,000.00 and cash amount of D6000.

The total value of the entire items stands at D6,410,200.00 from the house of Alagie Yusupha Camara.

The accused pleaded not guilty, and was unrepresented by a lawyer.

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Inspector Bobo Jarju applied for an adjournment to enable them to bring their witnesses which was granted by the court.

Though the prosecution did not oppose granting of bail to the accused, the trial magistrate remanded her until the next adjourned date to decide her bail application.

The trial is set to begin on 15 July.

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