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 PRESS RELEASE: Establishment of a New University

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 28 Apr 2024 : 20:07:06

Dated: 28th April, 2024.

Cabinet Approves Cabinet Paper on the Establishment of a New University of Education in The Gambia

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) is delighted to announce that Cabinet, in its meeting on 25th April 2024, approved the transformation of the Schools of Education of the Gambia College and the University of the Gambia (UTG) into a University of Education.

The transformation of the School of Education at the Gambia College and the School of Education at UTG into the University of Education, The Gambia, marks a significant milestone in our education sector. It is a crucial step towards The Gambia’s higher education reform agenda, ensuring the provision of quality and relevant teacher training, school management and planning programmes. This will train world-class teachers and educators in The Gambia, who will serve the entire education sector in the teaching, planning and management in our institutions, from Early Childhood Development (ECD) to institutions of higher learning.

Banking on critical provisions of the Tertiary and Higher Education Act, 2016, the Gambia College, combined with the School of Education of the UTG, will now have a mandate to deliver degree programmes and change its name to the University of Education, The Gambia.

As part of the same plan, UTG’s School of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences will integrate the programmes and resources under the Gambia College’s Schools of Nursing and Public Health, and UTG’s School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences will integrate programmes at the School of Agriculture at the Gambia College.

Consequently, the new University of Education will be made up of the two Schools of Education at UTG and Gambia College and be housed at the Gambia College. In contrast, UTG will house all the Medical and Allied Health Sciences and Agriculture and Environmental Science programmes of both UTG and Gambia College.

The Hon. Minster and the entire MoHERST team thank the Executive for the timely approval of this paper. This transformation drive will significantly expand access to tertiary and higher education in The Gambia and ensure the provision of competent teachers, education managers, and planners.

The Ministry appreciates the contribution of all stakeholders in this drive.

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