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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sankalanka Posted - 22 Jul 2016 : 21:40:10
The wind blows
and caresses your face
the rivulets stream
and fertile the ground
the voice of hope
a salutation at your door
embrace it
open the door wide open.

The rivulets stream
and the ground is fertile
the wind echoes
the power behind your back
the voice of hope assures
that you take a stand
open the door
and be intimate with the visitor.

The ground is fertile
to conceive
at the womb of oppression and repression
the cruel pains of wickedness and evil

which scarred your face
which silence your voice
which fear makes you hide
it is the labor of your conscience
the pangs of something new to be born.

The wind blows
and caresses your face
the rivulets stream
and fertile the ground
the wind echoes
the power behind your back
the voice of hope assures
that you take a stand
your door is wide open
now is the time
something new is to be born.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Momodou Posted - 23 Jul 2016 : 12:47:00
Rene, thanks for sharing.

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