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 gambia-l: LOG9712B - Digest 97

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 10 Sep 2021 : 15:36:59
GAMBIA-L Digest 97

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) Re: Zone II Tourney - 2nd day
2) Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
by Tamsir Mbai <>
3) Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
4) Winnie Madizela Mandela
5) RE: introduction
6) niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
7) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
by "" <>
8) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
9) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
by "" <>
10) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
by "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
11) Re: New Members
12) Re: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
13) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
by Tamsir Mbai <>
15) [Fwd: Fwd: R: [Fwd: I: Fw: Take time to read this.]] (fwd)
by Abdoulie Sanyang IBS96 <>
16) Zone II - The Scorpions have done it again
by "" <>
17) Re: Zone II - The Scorpions have done it again
18) Re: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
19) introduction of new member
by "Sawo" <>
20) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
21) (Fwd) New Member
by S Njie <>
22) New Members
by (Camara, Momodou)
23) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
by "" <>
24) Apology for copying personal message to other list members
by "" <>
25) Re: introduction of new member
26) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
27) Re: Introduction
by Thomas Forster <>
28) Zone II - The Scorpions to watch out for the Francophones
by "" <>
29) New members and soccer/football history
by "A. Loum" <>
30) Students seeking info about The Gambia
by Andy Lyons <>
31) Re: New members and soccer/football history
32) Fwd: FW: Please Do this for me
33) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2-
Mauretania 1
by "amy aidara" <>
34) Re: New members and soccer/football history
35) Delist member
by "sillah conateh" <>
36) unsubscribe
by Fatim Cham <>
37) Re: New members and soccer/football history
38) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
39) Gambia Educational Support Plan
by (Malanding S. Jaiteh)
40) Education Support Plan
by (Malanding S. Jaiteh)
41) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Mali 6: G. Bissau 1; G. Conakry 3: S/Leone 0
by "" <>
42) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Mali 6: G. Bissau 1; G. Conakry 3: S/Leone 0
43) education support plan
by =?iso-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn_Nordam?= <>
44) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : que le meilleur gagne
by "" <>
45) Re: Zone II - The Scorpions to watch out for the Francophones
by (Camara, Momodou)
46) Re: New members and soccer/football history
by "A. Loum" <>
47) Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
by Sulayman Nyang <>
48) Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
by Sulayman Nyang <>
49) SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
by "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
50) Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
by habib <>
51) Re: New members and soccer/football history
by habib <>
52) Introduction
by Sailey_Sey <>
53) Re: SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
54) Gambia And Senegal Playing Soccer
by Naffie Jammeh <>
56) Introduction -Reply
by Naffie Jammeh <>
57) Is anybody home?
by "Katim S. Touray" <>
58) Introduction -Reply -Reply
by Naffie Jammeh <>
59) Fw: 97-98 Fellowship Program (fwd)
by "Katim S. Touray" <>
60) unsubscribe memeber
by "bukhary sillah" <>
61) unsubscribe
by Eretimy George <>
62) Re: Introduction
by "Malanding S. Jaiteh" <>
63) Gambia-L
by (Modou Jallow)
64) Re: Gambia-L
by (Modou Jallow)
65) Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
by "" <>
66) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 0- Senegal 0
by "" <>
67) Gambia And Senegal Playing Soccer <fwd>
by "B.M.Jones" <>
68) Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
69) Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 0- Senegal 0
70) New Members
by (Camara, Momodou)
71) Re: Winnie Madizela Mandela
72) Please Add a new member
by Paul Jammeh <>
73) Re: Introduction
by Solomon Sylva <>
74) Please Add a new member
by "D. Singhateh" <>
75) Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
by Solomon Sylva <>
76) New Members
by Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
77) Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
by Sulayman Nyang <>
78) Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
by Sulayman Nyang <>
79) Gambia Educational Support Plan
by Ancha Bala-Gaye u <>
80) Cyber cracks
by "Katim S. Touray" <>
by MJagana <>
82) introduction
by Saikou B M Njai <>
83) Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
85) Introduction
by "Fanneh" <>
86) Re: New Members
by "Fanneh" <>
87) Re: Zone II commentary from the arm chair: Mali vs S/Leone: 1-1
by "" <>
88) Re: Winnie Madikizela Mandela
by "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
89) Re: Zone II commentary from the arm chair: Mali vs S/Leone: 1-1
90) Youssou N'Dour is Authored FIFA Anthem
by (Modou Jallow)
by habib <>
92) Internet <fwd>
by "D. Proctor" <>
by "D. Proctor" <>
94) Modern Slavery in Africa.
by (Modou Jallow)
95) Re: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
by Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
96) Re: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
by Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
97) RE: Modern Slavery in Africa.
98) FWD:Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
by "Momodou Camara" <>
99) SV: Internet <fwd>
by "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
100) Slavery In Africa...................
101) Re: Modern Slavery in Africa.
by (Modou Jallow)
by S Njie <>
103) RE: Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
104) New Member
by Michael Jatta <>
105) Subscription
106) Re: New Member
by Paul Jammeh <>
107) New Member
by (Camara, Momodou)
108) Re: Gambia-L
109) Re: SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
110) Is It In Our Nature?
111) Re: New Member
112) Re: Is It In Our Nature?
by Ousman Gajigo <>
113) Re: FWD:Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
by "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
114) Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro continues while Little watches on)
by "" <>
115) Re: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro
by Thomas Forster <>
116) Re: Is It In Our Nature?
by "D. Singhateh" <>
by "D. Singhateh" <>
118) Introduction
by "Ousainou Demba - EECS (EE214)" <>
119) RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
120) Re: NEXT STEP?
by Musa Sowe <chemsm@panther.Gsu.EDU>
121) RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
by Ousman Gajigo <>
122) Re: NEXT STEP?
by Musa Sowe <chemsm@panther.Gsu.EDU>
123) New Member
by Raye Sosseh <>
124) Request
by "Ousainou Demba - EECS (EE214)" <>
125) RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
by Tamsir Mbai <>
126) Re: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro continues while Little watches on)
by "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
127) greetings
by "latjor ndow" <>
128) Touching Story - DEATH OF AN INNOCENT


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 11:50:52 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Zone II Tourney - 2nd day
Message-ID: <01bcfd6d$433a7b60$LocalHost@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

A great job,this! Keep it up. But what do you think of the
Mauritania team?

Regards Basss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 30/رجب/1418 09:12 ص
Subject: Zone II Tourney - 2nd day

>Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
> via Commit
>Hi all on the list
>Another day with the tournament has successfully ended.
>The 1st match turned out to be a victory for the Leone Stars of Sierra
>Leone, with a 2 - 1 victory over Guinea Bissau after discounting 2 of the
>goals shoots of the Leone Stars disallowed by the referee.
>The Leone Stars team, currently the Trophy's champions, is said to have
>been reinforced bearly 24 hours ago when some of the players successfully
>made their way through the borders of crisis striven Sierra Leone with the
>aid of the ECOMOG forces. Anyway despite their troubles back home they
>are apparently a formidable force that the Scorpions need not under rate.
>Their coordination during the match despite virtually no preparatory team
>workings leaves doubts in me of excuses made by some African international
>players that they would not perform well locally as they do on the
>international scene because it would take a while to get into the local
>team's rhythm.
>The 2nd match between Guinea Conakry and Mali ended up in a deadlock with a
>goal-less draw.
>If I were to opt for a replay of any of the matches played to date, I
>would not hesitate to request for this 2nd match of today between Guinea
>Conakry and Mali. The ball play was fast, the passes were accurate, and the
>technical formation satisfactory on both sides. It is also noteworthy that
>Guinea Conakry is the only team represented in the tournament that is
>qualified for the next continental Africa Cup 1998 in Burkina Faso.
>This appearance of theirs in the tournament would surely add to their
>experience build up for the Cup of Nations.
>So far, Gambia is leading in Group A with 3 points followed by Senegal and
>Mauritania with 1 point each, whereas in Group B Sierra Leone leads with 3
>points followed also by Guinea and Mali with 1 point each.
>Tomorrow Gambia plays with Mauritania in the 1st match while Cape Verde
>takes on Senegal in the 2nd.
>Nice weekend.


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 04:44:43 -0600
From: Tamsir Mbai <>
Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 12:49 AM 11/30/97 -0500, you wrote:
>hi buharry
>i am not sure if you will get this because this is my first time messing with
>cumputer and i dont know what am doing this is amie secka just saying hi

Amie, don't worry, you got it right. Come on Buharry, the sister is waiting.
Be sure you send your response to the bantaba 'cos we wanna know. Just
thought i should go back to my old self of teasing people. Peace!!!!

It's Tamsir.


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 12:46:40 -0800
Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Tamsir!
Thanks for the humour. Sorry to disappoint but I=B4ve already replied
privately. Have a nice Sunday.

Tamsir Mbai wrote:
> =

> At 12:49 AM 11/30/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >hi buharry
> >i am not sure if you will get this because this is my first time messi=
ng with
> >the
> >cumputer and i dont know what am doing this is amie secka just saying =
> >
> >
> =

> Amie, don't worry, you got it right. Come on Buharry, the sister is wai=
> Be sure you send your response to the bantaba 'cos we wanna know. Just
> thought i should go back to my old self of teasing people. Peace!!!!
> =

> It's Tamsir.


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 10:54:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Winnie Madizela Mandela
Message-ID: <>

Brother Bass,you wrote:


I don't think I could say it better myself!The Third Force,as Winnie calls

them,with their racist friends around the world,esp.those of them in

Britain, want to do everything that could help puncture Winnie's chances of

becoming the future president of South Africa.

Thabo Nbeki may or may not be the next president of South Africa, but sadly

for her enemies,the Mother of the Nation would sooner or later become the

president of South Africa;and when that happens, she would do exactly what

the white establishment and its friends are so scared of,namely,the real

dismantlement of all the white power structures without which the real

enpowerment of Shaka's children would never materialise.

Could the South African diamond giant,De Beers,for instance,ever imagine the

day when 80 or 90% of its board members would be black men and women?! And

what about the gold industry and the banks and how would most white families

manage to clean up and feed themselves in a world in which they could no

longer afford to pay black nannies and domestic helps to do that for

them.These are the real stuffs that is scaring them to death,and who else

could deliver that last blow to the remnants of apartheid than the very

woman who has kept the liberation candle burning for twenty-seven eternal


Winnie,we are waiting! Come and rule over us,its your turn now.


Jabou Joh.

Reagrds Basss!

-----Original Message-----

From: <>

To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List


Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 9:13 AM

Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>

> via Commit



>Dear Folks,

>Regarding Mrs Winnie Madikezela-Mandela: On BBC Focus on Africa, 25/11/97;

>It was reported that "Baroness"Emma Nicholson was taking private

>prosecution on murder charges against Winnie on behalf of Stompie ??'s


>now this Emma Nicholson if I recall was a short-lived Minsiter or junior

>minister under Margaret Thatcher..the latter and her cabinet was very

>famous in affording apartheid much needed breathing space in its latter

>years and also holding the ANC and Mandala as communist-terrorists;

>I think Nicholson should just simply be deported as an undesirable and

>unwanted element in Africa..

>I don't care whether Winnie is guilty or innocent; Emma does not have a

>voice or vote in our affairs; it is like having the KKK decide on black on

>black crime


>folks, I have used the utmost restraint in not calling the b******* the

>names she deserves in my opinion.




>> From: Modou Jallow <>




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Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 10:58:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RE: introduction
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Mr Marenah, you wrote:

Hillo members,

My name is Sarjo Marenah,I was burn in 1975,in Kaur Janneh Kund ,Lower
Saloum District,Central River Division.
I started at Armitage High School for my O'levels,but soon
transfered to Albert Academy in Freetown,Sierra Leone,where I completed
both "O" and "A"Levels.Iam now pursuing my undergraduate degree in
Accounting at The International Islamic University-Malaysia.
I am a freshman student.
It's a pleasure to join this L.
Thank you.


Jabou Joh.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

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Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 19:50:49 +0300
To: <>
Subject: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
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In Gina's House: The Gambia experience I
could do without
( Weekly Journal, The )
IN GINA'S HOUSE: The Gambia experience I could do without
I'm back! But I'm sure you didn't miss me very much, as
you've all probably
been watching me make a fool out of myself again on The A
Force on
BBC2. (You better had been watching!)
As most of you may know, I have been in The Gambia for a
supposedly to take part in the second annual roots
Homecoming Festival,
which provided black people from all over the world the
opportunity to
rediscover their roots and acquaint themselves with the
country of Alex
Hailey' s famous Kunta Kinte. I was very excited.
So there I was, on the plane, waiting for it to take off.
It was meant to have
taken off at 9am, but due to some of the passengers' lack
of punctuality --
need I tell you what colour they were? -- we were delayed
about half an
hour. And some people still missed the plane.
I hoped that this was not a sign of things to come. We
arrived at Banjul
airport; the weather was beautiful, the people were
black - - luvly!
Having been to The Gambia before, I shot off the plane to
get my luggage.
You see, there are no luggage carousels a la Heathrow. Oh
no. When your
cases come off the plane, they are dumped in the dirt
outside for anyone to
claim. Which is exactly what happened.
Somebody must have looked at one particular woman's case
and thought:
"That luggage is pretty, it looks better than mine, thank
you very much, I'll
take it!"
This poor woman was left cussing about losing her best
batty riders. Maybe
losing her luggage was for the best.
There is actually a new Banjul Airport which has been
recently built.
Actually, The Gambia Ministry of Tourism had told us it
would be ready by
the time we got there, but it wasn't. Need I say more? BMT
(black man's
time, for those of you not in the know) is obviously
So there we were, walking along a dirt track looking at
the beautiful new
Banjul airport, just a few hundred feet away and saying:
"That' s a nice
airport, pity we ain't using it!"
Having been flown over -- all expenses paid (thank you
very much Clarrie
Mendy of Pan African Travel) -- I mistakenly believed that
I must be a VIP.
I was swiftly brought down to earth by the Gambians, who
informed me that
my five star complimentary hotel room had been given away
at the last
minute to someone more important than me. Thanx a bunch.
Having been relocated to a four star, I prepared for the
first show of the
festival, which was to take place at a hotel not far from
where I was staying.
The show started two hours late. The PA system was
archaic. I would have
been heard better if I had communicated through a baked
bean can attached
to a piece of string.
And to top it all, I was performing to a swimming pool.
Yes, you heard (or
should I say read!) me the first time. There was me on
stage, then a huge
swimming pool, and then my audience about a quarter of a
mile away.
I couldn't even see them let alone hear if they were
laughing. At one point, I
considered jumping in and doing some synchronised joke
There also seemed to be an abundance of Germans in the
audience. What
roots they were looking for in The Gambia, I don't know.
The rest of the festival was more of the same disorganised
rubbish, with the
Gambian Ministry of Tourism having bitten off much more
than it could
The highlight of the festival was meant to be the
screening of a film made in
Gambia from a play written by a Nigerian guy. (Can't
remember his name,
but the film was so bad that I don't want to!)
The film, Chains, was meant to be an indictment of all
these well- qualified
Africans who rush off to Europe and the US and toil in
low- paid, menial
work, rather than stay in Africa and try to build it.
Could have been good, but the story had been
over-simplified to the point of
farce, and the acting! Oh my, the acting! Put it this way.
Those `actors' made
Alan Jackson from Eastenders look like Laurence Olivier!
So I ignored the festival and concentrated on doing what I
do best. Having a
good time!
I hung out with the brothers and sisters, and made sure I
spent my money
with them. And they had no qualms about helping me do
I got to put my bartering skills to good use and shocked
the Gambians with
my savvy. I may have an English accent but Africa's in the
blood! The
beaches in The Gambia are wicked! So nice that I spent
days doing what
white people do -- sunbathing.
But I don't care, I got a wicked tan -- though I am
starting to doubt my
blackness, as my skin has started peeling.
Me, an African with sunburn! Still, I refused to use
factor 8. Just cocoa
butter for me, thank you very much!

Is this girl not wicked or what?!

Regards Basssss!


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 16:50:53 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Hi Tamsir and Folks,
The Gambia's international players are:
Pa Fofana: playing for HAMMAR, Sweden
Jatto Ceesay; ILLEMZ, Holland Tillburg; 1st Division
Dodou Loum; Helsinborg; Drottnifgen Sweden
Kemo Ceesay; Freunde; Ricklingen Germany
Alpha Macdoll; Karlruhe, Germany
Ebou Sillah; Brugg in Belgium
Edrissa Sonko; Anderlec
Sam Kargbo: Denize, Belgium

on the downside:
Jatto Ceesay was given two yellow cards or rumoured to have been given 2
yellow cards, but he is playing in Game 2 so sometimes the commentators are
not correct..but it
seems we are in good stead..for the first time, The Gambia has more
internationals than any other team..

from the arm chair....


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 22:47:18 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
Message-ID: <01bcfdc8$c4aeae40$202385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

You don't have to play yourself to be able to give a good commentary.Thanks
a ton for the ArmChair commentary! And keep up the Commentary flooowwwing!!

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 01/شغبال/1418 03:11 ص
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Hi Tamsir and Folks,
>The Gambia's international players are:
>Pa Fofana: playing for HAMMAR, Sweden
>Jatto Ceesay; ILLEMZ, Holland Tillburg; 1st Division
>Dodou Loum; Helsinborg; Drottnifgen Sweden
>Kemo Ceesay; Freunde; Ricklingen Germany
>Alpha Macdoll; Karlruhe, Germany
>Ebou Sillah; Brugg in Belgium
>Edrissa Sonko; Anderlec
>Sam Kargbo: Denize, Belgium
>on the downside:
>Jatto Ceesay was given two yellow cards or rumoured to have been given 2
>yellow cards, but he is playing in Game 2 so sometimes the commentators are
>not correct..but it
>seems we are in good stead..for the first time, The Gambia has more
>internationals than any other team..
>from the arm chair....


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 18:52:02 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Again from my most comfortable arm chair in Banjul I am very pleased to
report that The Gambia today played in best match so far to come from one
goal down after almost 60 minutes and one player..Edrissa Sonko being
ejected for arguing wirh the referee to equalise and and then proceed and
win the game 2-1..the malian referee seems to be competing for worst
referee award and unreasonbly ejected a Gambian and then proceeded to even
the score by unreasonably ejecting a Mauretanian...The Gambia kept a well
coordinated and sustained attack; suffered from a quick and well
accomplished Mauretanian attack to go one down..very much the same thing
that happened to Senegal..they however tried to play a defensive game
against a continued Gambian attack, a strategy that is not always smart at
1-0 and played an offside trap that was effectively 80% of the time. The
Gambia today played its most controlled game so far and triumped.
The goals were Ebou Sillah and ??? I have yet to find out i was too busy
dnacing my a*** off from Banjul after the 1st Game of Sunday
Nov. 30th 1997
>ps. The Gambia leads its group with 6 points 5 goals for and 2 goals
against and will definitely qualify for the semis..The Gambia has to face
Senegal on Tuesday...always a THRILLER as the RIVALRY contines


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 19:04:39 -0500
From: "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Thanks for your pleasant commentary from the base. I can imagine the momentum
at the independence stadium as the Scorpions emerge from the dressing room.
Its super that they're winning. Don't worry about Senegal this year. Its going
to be the first time that we will beat them in soccer. Its good we are in the
same group with them, so we won't meet in the semi-final. That would be more
scary. I think Conakry will be more fearsome than any other team this year,
but its the 90minutes that will decide between us (if we meet).
Thanks for a job well done.

Pa-Mambuna, the Bluegrass State. wrote:

> Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
> Folks,
> Again from my most comfortable arm chair in Banjul I am very pleased to
> report that The Gambia today played in best match so far to come from one
> goal down after almost 60 minutes and one player..Edrissa Sonko being
> ejected for arguing wirh the referee to equalise and and then proceed and
> win the game 2-1..the malian referee seems to be competing for worst
> referee award and unreasonbly ejected a Gambian and then proceeded to even
> the score by unreasonably ejecting a Mauretanian...The Gambia kept a well
> coordinated and sustained attack; suffered from a quick and well
> accomplished Mauretanian attack to go one down..very much the same thing
> that happened to Senegal..they however tried to play a defensive game
> against a continued Gambian attack, a strategy that is not always smart at
> 1-0 and played an offside trap that was effectively 80% of the time. The
> Gambia today played its most controlled game so far and triumped.
> The goals were Ebou Sillah and ??? I have yet to find out i was too busy
> dnacing my a*** off from Banjul after the 1st Game of Sunday
> Nov. 30th 1997
> pmj
> ----------
> >ps. The Gambia leads its group with 6 points 5 goals for and 2 goals
> against and will definitely qualify for the semis..The Gambia has to face
> Senegal on Tuesday...always a THRILLER as the RIVALRY contines


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 20:33:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: New Members
Message-ID: <>

Welcome Sailey Sey!!!

I hope you enjoy this forun as well as I do.


Your sis (Awa)


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 21:07:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
Message-ID: <>

Very wicked indeed, but right. It is painful to read about such negative
things about our country. But it is important to receive such feed back in
order to know what is not being done right. The organizers need to listen to
such comments and make room for improvement.

I hope such information get to the organizers of the festival and to airport
authorities so that they will know where they are lagging behind.


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 20:30:10 -0600
From: Tamsir Mbai <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair: our professionals
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Pa Musa, thanx a lot for the commentary and the profile on our soccer giants
who are playing abroad. I'm glad our SCORPIONS are winning and i hope it
doesn't stop any time soon. Keep the commentary coming 'cos you are saving
me a lot of long distance charges which i would have had to make to get the
results. Thanx again!!! Peace!!!!!!!!!
GO SCORPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Tamsir.

At 04:50 PM 11/30/97 -0000, you wrote:
>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Hi Tamsir and Folks,
>The Gambia's international players are:
>Pa Fofana: playing for HAMMAR, Sweden
>Jatto Ceesay; ILLEMZ, Holland Tillburg; 1st Division
>Dodou Loum; Helsinborg; Drottnifgen Sweden
>Kemo Ceesay; Freunde; Ricklingen Germany
>Alpha Macdoll; Karlruhe, Germany
>Ebou Sillah; Brugg in Belgium
>Edrissa Sonko; Anderlec
>Sam Kargbo: Denize, Belgium
>on the downside:
>Jatto Ceesay was given two yellow cards or rumoured to have been given 2
>yellow cards, but he is playing in Game 2 so sometimes the commentators are
>not correct..but it
>seems we are in good stead..for the first time, The Gambia has more
>internationals than any other team..
>from the arm chair....


Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 08:41:00 +0100
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=body.txt

Last week I sent the message below to Sarian but I do not seem to have =

subscribed to The Bush List yet. Is there anyone out there that can help?=

Thanks in advance!

A. Kabir Njie.

PS: I was subscribed before but to a different address.

From: Amadou Kabir Njie
Sent: 26. november 1997 12:34
To: 'Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.Com'

Hey Sarian,

Would you please subscribe me to the Bush List at the following address:=

I would also be more than grateful if you can find the time to send me =

materials from the past week or so.

Thanks for the sacrifice you are making on our behalf.

A. Kabir Njie.

Narud Stokke Wiig AS
R=E5dhusgt. 27
N-0158 OSLO
Tel: +47 22 33 06 70
Fax: +47 22 41 45 01


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 10:19:14 +0200 (EET)
From: Abdoulie Sanyang IBS96 <>
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: R: [Fwd: I: Fw: Take time to read this.]] (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
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I hope you will find this interesting.

Abdoulie Sanyang
Vattuvuorenkatu 4 B 23
78200 Varkaus

Tel 050 5944803.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 09:50:53 +0200
From: Tuula Virman-Ojanen <>
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: R: [Fwd: I: Fw: Take time to read this.]]

Hei, I do not usually forward chain letters I get, but this poem is so
nice that I send it now. Have a nice week - ja hyv=E4=E4 pikkujoulua. Tuula

MONICA Data Centre Tel: + 358 9 4744 640
National Public Health Institute Fax: + 358 9 4744 338
Mannerheimintie 166, 00300 Helsinki, Finland

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>From Thu Nov 27 06:44:43 1997
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>From: "Bruno Bral" <>
>To: "MARIKA" <>
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>Subject: R: [Fwd: I: Fw: Take time to read this.]
>Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 15:45:07 +0100
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>> Da: MARIKA <>
>> A:
>> Oggetto: [Fwd: I: Fw: Take time to read this.]=3D20
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>> Message-Id: <9710268805.AA880563937@cclink.metrodesk.metrotor.on.c=
>> Subject: I: Fw: Take time to read this.
>> ----------
>> > Da: paula iraggi <>
>> > A:
>> > Oggetto: Fwd: Fw: Take time to read this.
>> > Data: domenica 23 novembre 1997 17.53
>> >=3D20
>> >=3D20
>> >=3D20
>> > >From Sun Nov 23 06:20:04 1997
>> > >Received: from lizard ([])
>> > > by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id QAA00299
>> > > for <>; Sun, 23 Nov 1997 16:24:49 +0100
>> > >Message-Id: <
>> > >X-Sender:
>> > >X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.1 (16)
>> > >Date: Sun, 23 Nov 1997 15:19:50
>> > >To:
>> > >From: "Bioform69" <> (by way of Falco=
>> > <>)
>> > >Subject: Fw: Take time to read this.
>> > >Mime-Version: 1.0
>> > >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D3D"us-ascii"
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >-----Original Message-----
>> > >From: David A. Rollins, Jr. <>
>> > >To: Algera Tucker <>; Ryan <>;=
>> > >Postell <>; Bill Ambrose Medcalf
>> > ><>; Daniel McFee <>;=
>> > Jamison
>> > ><>; james jamison <>; Jame=
>> > Jamison
>> > >II <>; Juan Evans <>
>> > >Date: Friday, November 21, 1997 11:33 PM
>> > >Subject: Fw: Take time to read this.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >>"Around The Corner"
>> > >>-By Henson Towne
>> > >>Around the corner I have a friend
>> > >> In this great city that has no end,
>> > >>Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
>> > >>And before I know it, a year is gone
>> > >>And I never see my old friends face,
>> > >>For life is a swift and terrible race,
>> > >>He knows I like him just as well
>> > >>As in the days when I rang his bell,
>> > >>And he rang mine.
>> > >>
>> > >>If, we were younger then,
>> > >>And now we are busy, tired men.
>> > >>Tired of playing a foolish game,
>> > >>Tired of trying to make a name.
>> > >>"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim"
>> > >>"Just to show that I'm thinking of him"
>> > >>But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And
>> > >>distance between us grows and grows.
>> > >>Around the corner!-yet miles away,
>> > >>
>> > >>"Here's a telegram sir--"
>> > >>"Jim died today."
>> > >>And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
>> > >>Around the corner, a vanished friend.
>> > >>
>> > >>If you love someone, tell them. Remember always to say what
>> > >>you mean. Never be afraid to express yourself. Take this
>> > >>opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you. Seize the
>> > >>day and have no regrets.
>> > >>
>> > >>Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for t=
>> > >>have helped make you the person you are today and are what
>> > >>it's all about anyway. Pass this along to your friends. Let
>> > >>it make a difference in your day and theirs. The difference
>> > >>between expressing love and having regrets which may stay arou=
>> > >>forever.
>> > >>
>> > >>This is a love chain letter. Within 1 hour you must
>> > >>send it to other people. Within 5 days you will have a
>> > >>miraculous occurance in your relationships. You will find
>> > >>new love or have a old love rekindled. If you do not send
>> > >>it, you will have once again passed up the opportunity to do
>> > >>something loving and beautiful and continue the trend that giv=
>> > >>
>> > >>I'm not going to make silly claims that this same letter has b=
>> > >>traveling around since before the advent of email and
>> > >>typewriters. It doesn't contain gruesome stories of what has
>> > >>happened to the people who haven't sent it on. It doesn't
>> > >>need to.
>> > >>
>> > >>If you've received this it is because someone cares for you an=
>> > >>it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care.=
>> > >>you're too busy to take the few minutes that it would take rig=
>> > >>now to forward this to ten people, would it be the first time =
>> > >>didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in yo=
>> > >>relationships? I can tell you it certainly won't be
>> > >>the last. I don't have to make up silly stories about
>> > >>people being hit by buses or crushed by falling disco balls fo=
>> > >>not sending this letter on. You've seen the result of this
>> > >>neglect in your own relationships that you have allowed to fad=
>> > >>dissolve, and fall into disrepair.
>> > >>
>> > >>Take this opportunity to set a new trend. Take a few minutes
>> > >>to send this to a few people you care about, just to let them
>> > >>know that you're thinking of them. It's even better if
>> > >>they're not people you already correspond with every
>> > >>week. The more people you send this to, the better
>> > >>luck you will have. And the better you'll get at reaching out =
>> > >>those you care about.
>> > >>
>> > >>Here's the deal:
>> > >>
>> > >>Forward this letter to at least 10 different people; within 1
>> > >>hour of receiving it.
>> > >>
>> > >>Do it, and reap what you sow: luck in love,
>> > >>people who care for you, and that warm glowy feeling that
>> > >>comes from loving others.
>> > >>
>> > >>Don't do it, and suffer the consequences
>> > >>of being alone, wrapped up in your own affairs,
>> > >>and being too busy to do the things
>> > >>you actually care about.
>> > >>
>> > >>May love litter your life with blessings!!
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >=3D20
>> >=3D20
>> > ______________________________________________________
>> > Get Your Private, Free Email at
>> --------------818A7F56ECD22CE544A7C69A--
>> ------------- fine del messaggio originale -------------

Get Your Private, Free Email at

--Boundary (ID 9klu5xNBi+bzsz1B6Zr5Lg)--


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 22:53:37 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List" <>
Subject: Zone II - The Scorpions have done it again
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
via Commit

Hi to all with:

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!!!.... to the Scorpions.

Today's match proved lots of things about courage to the end in
sportsmanship when the Scorpions turned a 1 goal score against them for
the Mauritainians since the 1st half into a 2 - 1 victory for them just
within 15 mins to the end of the game.

The equalizing goal for the scorpions and the winning goal for them went in
quick succession within the space of 3 mins. Their tactics had to change
during the 2nd half leading to confusion of the Mauritainains and better
ball control for the Scorpions resulting in two decisive goals for the
Scorpions just within 15 mins towards the end.

The team's moral is indeed high and to be counted upon with all the support
they are receiving from all angles. The hopes are high for Tuesday's match
with Senegal.

Senegal seem to be gaining more footing though with their 2 - 0 defeat of
Cape Verde during today's 2nd match.

This place Senegal on 2nd in Group A with 4 points, following Gambia with
now 6 point on the chart.

Come Tuesday's match between Gambia and Senegal, the following could

1. Gambia retains its current place within the group by winning the match
or at worst opting for a draw in the match with 9 or 7 points respectively

2. Senegal overtaking the reins with at least a victory match for them
leading them to 7 points as opposed to Gambia's current 6 points on hold.

Anyway Tuesday's match is yet to prove what would happen.

In the interim, Mali takes on Guinea Bissau in the 1st match tomorrow while
Guinea tackles Sierra Leone in the 2nd.

That is all for now. Good night.



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 13:18:48 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - The Scorpions have done it again
Message-ID: <01bcfe42$a106b800$222385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

You and Mr. Jallow are doing a great job,but I am very nervous
and I want you to tell me anything that could help me believe that big
brother,Senegal will not Fry us on tuesday.If you could do that,I would send
you some Nyambee-Nyeebeh as a present.In the mean time, keep up the good
work down there!

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 01/شغبال/1418 05:26 ك
Subject: Zone II - The Scorpions have done it again

>Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
> via Commit
>Hi to all with:
>Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!!!.... to the Scorpions.
>Today's match proved lots of things about courage to the end in
>sportsmanship when the Scorpions turned a 1 goal score against them for
>the Mauritainians since the 1st half into a 2 - 1 victory for them just
>within 15 mins to the end of the game.
>The equalizing goal for the scorpions and the winning goal for them went in
>quick succession within the space of 3 mins. Their tactics had to change
>during the 2nd half leading to confusion of the Mauritainains and better
>ball control for the Scorpions resulting in two decisive goals for the
>Scorpions just within 15 mins towards the end.
>The team's moral is indeed high and to be counted upon with all the support
>they are receiving from all angles. The hopes are high for Tuesday's match
>with Senegal.
>Senegal seem to be gaining more footing though with their 2 - 0 defeat of
>Cape Verde during today's 2nd match.
>This place Senegal on 2nd in Group A with 4 points, following Gambia with
>now 6 point on the chart.
>Come Tuesday's match between Gambia and Senegal, the following could
>1. Gambia retains its current place within the group by winning the match
>or at worst opting for a draw in the match with 9 or 7 points respectively
>2. Senegal overtaking the reins with at least a victory match for them
>leading them to 7 points as opposed to Gambia's current 6 points on hold.
>Anyway Tuesday's match is yet to prove what would happen.
>In the interim, Mali takes on Guinea Bissau in the 1st match tomorrow while
>Guinea tackles Sierra Leone in the 2nd.
>That is all for now. Good night.


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 13:24:17 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!
Message-ID: <01bcfe43$47ba8000$222385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I am absolutely in agreement.Thanks and keep up the good work down

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 01/شغبال/1418 11:03 ص
Subject: Re: niG S, CBBa Aims At Gambia's Incompetence!

>Very wicked indeed, but right. It is painful to read about such negative
>things about our country. But it is important to receive such feed back
>order to know what is not being done right. The organizers need to listen
>such comments and make room for improvement.
>I hope such information get to the organizers of the festival and to
>authorities so that they will know where they are lagging behind.


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:36:32 +0200 (SAST)
From: "Sawo" <>
Subject: introduction of new member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Hello Colleagues,
I thank everyone for accepting me as a memeber and I wuld like to
introduce myself.

My name is Lamin Sawo, known widely as Bilali. I was born in Kayai
Village, Niani District, CRD. But my parents are now in Karantaba
Tabokoto, where they hailed from, it is also in Niani.

I attended Kayai primary School 1976-1982.
Armitage High School 1982-1987
Gambia High School Sixth Form 1987-1989

I did my Bachelors Degree at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra
Leone, from 1991-1995, then I joined Civil Service working as Planner
with Ministry of Works.

Currently I am pursuing a M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering at
University of Natal, Durban, Republic of South Africa.

I am glad that I can now communicate with some lost friends and
Once again I say a big thak you.

Lamin Sawo


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 13:39:02 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <01bcfe45$572b8640$222385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I sometimes have a problem telling pmj the Gambian supporting his nations
team no matter what from pmj the ArmChair commentator! Now,I am betting ten
Riyals that big brother will trash us on tuesday and what is your

In the meantime,I want both you and ARCHI to keep up the good work down

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 01/شغبال/1418 05:13 ص
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Again from my most comfortable arm chair in Banjul I am very pleased to
>report that The Gambia today played in best match so far to come from one
>goal down after almost 60 minutes and one player..Edrissa Sonko being
>ejected for arguing wirh the referee to equalise and and then proceed and
>win the game 2-1..the malian referee seems to be competing for worst
>referee award and unreasonbly ejected a Gambian and then proceeded to even
>the score by unreasonably ejecting a Mauretanian...The Gambia kept a well
>coordinated and sustained attack; suffered from a quick and well
>accomplished Mauretanian attack to go one down..very much the same thing
>that happened to Senegal..they however tried to play a defensive game
>against a continued Gambian attack, a strategy that is not always smart at
>1-0 and played an offside trap that was effectively 80% of the time. The
>Gambia today played its most controlled game so far and triumped.
>The goals were Ebou Sillah and ??? I have yet to find out i was too busy
>dnacing my a*** off from Banjul after the 1st Game of Sunday
>Nov. 30th 1997
>>ps. The Gambia leads its group with 6 points 5 goals for and 2 goals
>against and will definitely qualify for the semis..The Gambia has to face
>Senegal on Tuesday...always a THRILLER as the RIVALRY contines


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 15:35:47 +0000
From: S Njie <>
Subject: (Fwd) New Member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-disposition: inline
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Forwarded message:
From: Self <QH/NjieS.MTSD.COMSEC>
Subject: New Member
Reply-to: Njies@Comsec
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 10:32:55

List Manager(s),

Kindly subscribe Mr Thomas Forster, a Gambian
studying in New Zealand.

His address is


S G Njie


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 18:17:57 +0200
From: (Camara, Momodou)
Subject: New Members
Message-ID: <19971201172005.AAA50162@momodou>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Thomas Forster and Mr. Kendaka Gaye have been added to the list.
Welcome to Gambia-l Mr. Gaye and Mr. Forster you can send a brief
Our address is:

Momodou Camara


**"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's
possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible"***


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:38:50 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Hi Bass,
from a Scorpion..I think les grands..the Senegalese are trying to con us
again..(of course they always fail) but they have been telling anyone
within earshot..that they do not have a team..this is a junior
squad..nawettan boys make up the squad..acoriding ex-national players
here, it is a lot of crap; either way; they lose, they claim they only
claim for sportmanship; they know the rest; this Senegalese team
of newer players is very good and tactically sound, they play the same fast
coordinated attacking game that Gambia plays; it may rain goals tomorrow
but I hope in our favour; they thrashed Cape Verde 2-0 and kept attcking
throughout the game;
Tactically: we should rest our boys as we have already qualified; but we
have to beat Senegal
and we need to beat the crap out of Senegal...we beat Senegal and we lift
the trophy; we draw; we postpone D-Day, we lose to Senegal and we might as
well quit...
Senegal is a mental and psychological stumbling block that we have to
overcome once and for all..and all Scorpions know that
and we ARE READY
I bet 100 bucks ( dalasi) that is we beat Senegal even if we do not win the
Yesterday's goals were by Ebou Sillah in the 75th minute and Pa Fofana in
the 80th minute.
from the office desk @ Banjul International Airport, Yundum


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:53:28 -0800
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Apology for copying personal message to other list members
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "National Agricultural Research Institute" <>
via Commit

List Managers

Dear Sirs,

I am sorry for mistakenly copying my personal message of 27 November (meant
for Fafanding Fatajo) to all list members. Please accept my apology for the
mistake and thanks for your patience and good work down there.

Falankoi M.S.Janneh


Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 13:55:42 -0500
Subject: Re: introduction of new member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sawo wrote:
> Hello Colleagues,
> I thank everyone for accepting me as a memeber and I wuld like to
> introduce myself.
> My name is Lamin Sawo, known widely as Bilali. I was born in Kayai
> Village, Niani District, CRD. But my parents are now in Karantaba
> Tabokoto, where they hailed from, it is also in Niani.
> I attended Kayai primary School 1976-1982.
> Armitage High School 1982-1987
> Gambia High School Sixth Form 1987-1989
> I did my Bachelors Degree at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra
> Leone, from 1991-1995, then I joined Civil Service working as Planner
> with Ministry of Works.
> Currently I am pursuing a M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering at
> University of Natal, Durban, Republic of South Africa.
> I am glad that I can now communicate with some lost friends and
> classmates.
> Once again I say a big thak you.
> Lamin Sawo

Congratulations Lamin
Naini District was my father's base (in Kuntaur)
Welcome and wishing all the sucess in South Africa


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:08:01 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <01bcfe8c$a1471cc0$6a2385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Well,these are Senghore,s children,the patriarch who called their nation:"
Pays de Dialogue" and their verbal gymnastics is something that always
confuses the people of sleepy little Gambia .And of course recorded history
with regards football between our two nations is against us.One can only
hope that the Scorpions will help us rewrite that history at least for this
once.But the decisive factor would not be so much technical competence as
mental preparedness.And I hope that our scorpions will put to use every drop
of poison they have in their arsenals to make sure the "grands" will have
our Domodaa as dinner tommorow instead of their routine if somewhat
monotonous Cheabougen.

So,until tomorrow.......... keep up the good work down there.

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 02/شغبال/1418 03:12 ص
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Hi Bass,
>from a Scorpion..I think les grands..the Senegalese are trying to con us
>again..(of course they always fail) but they have been telling anyone
>within earshot..that they do not have a team..this is a junior
>squad..nawettan boys make up the squad..acoriding ex-national players
>here, it is a lot of crap; either way; they lose, they claim they only
>claim for sportmanship; they know the rest; this Senegalese team
>of newer players is very good and tactically sound, they play the same fast
>coordinated attacking game that Gambia plays; it may rain goals tomorrow
>but I hope in our favour; they thrashed Cape Verde 2-0 and kept attcking
>throughout the game;
>Tactically: we should rest our boys as we have already qualified; but we
>have to beat Senegal
>and we need to beat the crap out of Senegal...we beat Senegal and we lift
>the trophy; we draw; we postpone D-Day, we lose to Senegal and we might as
>well quit...
>Senegal is a mental and psychological stumbling block that we have to
>overcome once and for all..and all Scorpions know that
>and we ARE READY
>I bet 100 bucks ( dalasi) that is we beat Senegal even if we do not win the
>Yesterday's goals were by Ebou Sillah in the 75th minute and Pa Fofana in
>the 80th minute.
>from the office desk @ Banjul International Airport, Yundum


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 10:25:02 +1300
From: Thomas Forster <>
Subject: Re: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Hi colleagues,

I must first of all thank you for accepting me as a member of

My name is Thomas Forster (usually called Tom). I was born and bred
in Banjul and attended Methodist Primary School from 1971-1978. I
proceeded to the Gambia High School from 1978 - 1985 where I did both
O and A levels.

>From Gambia I went to freetown and studied Electrical Engineering
from 1985 - 1989 and graduated with a B.Eng. I joined the Gambia
Telecommunications company ltd (gamtel) thereafter and have been with
them since.

I pursued a masters degree from the University of Canterbury,
Christchurch New Zealand in 1993/94, and I'm back again at Canterbury
doing a Phd in management.

Being a subscriber of Gambia-L, I hope I will be able to communicate
with some of my colleagues/classmates who might be at different parts
of the globe.

Best Regards

Thomas Hamilton Forster
Flat 9 Ilam Flats
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
Tel: 0064 3 348 9504

Office Address
Department of Management
University of Canterbury Tel: 0064 3 3642 987 Ext 8634
Private Bag 4800 Fax: 0064 3 3642 020
Christchurch email
New Zealand


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 23:06:04 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List" <>
Subject: Zone II - The Scorpions to watch out for the Francophones
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
via Commit

Hi to all

It is rather unfortunate though that GRTVS (Gambia Radio & Television
Service) decided not to show any of today's matches live on TV reducing me
to the Radio commentary which was broadcasted live for the first match

Anyway from a close follow up on the Radio commentary you could sense the
quality of football that the Malian team is still putting up earning them a
solid 5 - 1 victory (at the time the commentary finished, some 5mins to the
game end) over Guinea Bissau. What a shame for the Bissau Guinean
team. We only hope the Scorpions would do far better if ever they encounter
the Malian team at a latter date.

Speaking to a friend not too long a ago, I am made to understand that
Guinea Conakry overcame the Leone Stars by a 3 - 0 score. Another shame for
the Leone Stars, the current champs of the trophy.

I can't say much on these game due to the limitation I earlier stated, but
one thing if Senegal (currently referred to by some on the list as "Big
Brother") is a team to be reckoned with as a threat to the Scorpions
achieving their aims, personally I thing both Mali and Guinea Conakry are
worthy of double reckoning if not more. This I say because even if the
Scorpions lose their tomorrow's match to the Lions of Senegal they would be
qualified for the Semi-final though as a 2nd placed team from their group,
but then there would be either the Malian or the Guinean team to encounter.
And for a certainty these two are displaying far more advanced football
than the Senegalese team in this tourney. They seem to have a better feel
and control of the ball whenever it is in their possession. It is not
surprising that even the today's Daily Observer remarked that the match
between these two contenders last Saturday is "by far the best so far". In
fact, these two teams seem to be converting some laudable noteworthy
support for the
Scorpions locally to silence support for themselves. I mean they seem to be
some people's favorite talked about team at work places today.

So Pa-Mambuna, there you are by stating on your mail to the list: " Don't
worry about Senegal this year. Its going
to be the first time that we will beat them in soccer. Its good we are in
same group with them, so we won't meet in the semi-final. That would be
scary. I think Conakry will be more fearsome than any other team this
but its the 90minutes that will decide between us (if we meet)".

And Bassss if this convinces you that needless to say that the Scorpions
are about escaping the Senegalese fry (as they have virtually a younger
team make-up) tomorrow but might enter the Malian and Guinea fires sometime
latter either to be consumed by them or to quench them, then do not forget
to send me the promised Nyambee-Nyeebeh as a present. All the same we hope
the D-Day comes and go by and the surprises unveil in the next few days.

Till then, Goodnight, as Pa-Musa would say: "from the arm chair...."



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 18:26:57 -0800 (PST)
From: "A. Loum" <>
Subject: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Amadou Jaiteh and Musa Ceesay were added to the list. We welcome them and
look forward to their introductions and contributions.

On another note and to set the record straight, The Gambia has defeated
Senegal before in soccer or football. That may have been before most
Gambia-lers were born. I do not know the recent soccer history scores
between the two nations since I did not keep abreast with it. The
list members in the early forties and above remembered that during the
sixties and before, The Gambia was very competitive against Senegal with
both nations capturing victories interchangeably against each other. Those
were during the days of the likes of Solomon Gomez ( left winger
extraordinare ) nicknamed after the great Brazilian star Garrincher, Old
Man Jatta better known then as " Body Balance ", George Gomez who they
used to call " Quart cent quart " because of his extraordinary speed on
The right wing. Off course later on Biri (( Alagie Njie ) was the most
feared player The Senegalese whom they used to call Biri Biri. People
like Daddy Sang Ndow and Habib Diab
can remember those good old glorious days. Few people will ever remember
that at that time before resorting to a musical profession, Pa Touray of
( Super Eagles/Ifang Bondi ) was one of the best goal keepers in the
Gambia and represented The country numerous times in international
matches. He used to play for the team " White Phantoms " and his nick name
Abes or Aves. It was very difficult to score a goal against him guarding
the net.

This is just to give you a historical perspective from a forty
three old and to also shatter the myth that The Gambia had never defeated
Senegal in soccer matches.

Tony Loum


Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 21:50:35 -0500
From: Andy Lyons <>
Subject: Students seeking info about The Gambia
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,

The two students below are looking for help on a school
project on The Gambia. If anyone has some spare time
and can steer them in the right direction, they'd
be very grateful. Please reply directly to the
students at because they are
not on this list.


Andy Lyons The Gambia Resource Page

>Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 19:41:57 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: The Gambia
>Hello. We are students doing a school project on
>The Gambia. We were wondering if you can send us
>any information on their holidays, celebrations,
>landmarks, tourist attractions, or the Mandinka
>(malinke) ethnic group. If you could it would
>be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you!
> Sara Schmitt, Julie Littler
> Minnesota, USA
>P.S. If you know how to say please, thank you, or
>any other common words in any of their languages
>that would be great.


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 21:58:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <971201215801_1373516722@mrin39>

Hey Bro,

Thank you very much for the flashback of the
good old days.
I just think that the Gambia can beat the hell
out of Senegal if they play with confidence
and take the fear of the GAINDEH out of
Dude! ''The scorpion might look small but can
knock the lion out in a second.''
I know that senegal can play very good but
that doesn't make them unbeatable.



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:44:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Fwd: FW: Please Do this for me
Message-ID: <>

Forwarded message:
From: (Yahya N. Darboe)
To: (''), mbk007@AOL.COM
(''), mjawara@AOL.COM ('')
Date: 97-12-01 20:28:09 EST

Yo! guys can one of you please do me a favor and have this guy subscribed to
the Gambia-L discussion group.

Name: Amadou Jaiteh

Sent: Monday, December 01, 1997 1:18 PM
To: Yahya N. Darboe
Subject: Please Do this for me

Please introduce or tell the bosses to introduce Amadou Jaiteh to the
Gambia-L. His address is I got this address a long time ago and could not have
chance to give it to you or
Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? How are Kaddy, Sana and Alagie doing?



Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 19:49:35 PST
From: "amy aidara" <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2-
Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Don't worry bro,it is not important that Gambia win or not.As they say
in french "que le meilleur gagne" Is what is important.
This match will show who is the best. so there is no need to show your
nationalism . This zone 2 is created to unite people.
>From Mon Dec 1 11:21:16 1997
>Received: from host ( [])
> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) with
> id LAA21406; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 11:09:07 -0800
>Received: from (
> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) with
> id LAA40228 for <>; Mon, 1 Dec 1997
11:08:45 -0800
>Received: from ( [])
> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.09) with
> id LAA08115 for <>; Mon, 1 Dec 1997
11:08:38 -0800
>Received: from kolls567 by
(SMI-8.6/Qatar-Internet-Sendmail It's now Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:03:03
> id WAA24096; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:03:03 -0300
>Message-Id: <01bcfe8c$a1471cc0$6a2385c2@kolls567>
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:08:01 +0300
>Precedence: bulk
>To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
>Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2-
Mauretania 1
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="ISO-8859-1"
>X-To: <>
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.71.1712.3
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 beta -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id LAA21406
>Well,these are Senghore,s children,the patriarch who called their
>Pays de Dialogue" and their verbal gymnastics is something that always
>confuses the people of sleepy little Gambia .And of course recorded
>with regards football between our two nations is against us.One can
>hope that the Scorpions will help us rewrite that history at least for
>once.But the decisive factor would not be so much technical competence
>mental preparedness.And I hope that our scorpions will put to use every
>of poison they have in their arsenals to make sure the "grands" will
>our Domodaa as dinner tommorow instead of their routine if somewhat
>monotonous Cheabougen.
>So,until tomorrow.......... keep up the good work down there.
> Regards

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 01:40:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <>

thanks for your e-mail....i say the same thing....GO SCORPIONS


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 01:25:19 PST
From: "sillah conateh" <>
Subject: Delist member
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear List Manager,

Please delist Marie saine << >> until further
notice. Your usual co-operation is highly appreciated.

Sillah Conateh.

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 13:05:22 +0100
From: Fatim Cham <>
Subject: unsubscribe
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hello List managers,
Please delist me from Gambia-L mailing list as I will be away from Belgium
for a while. I would love to resubscribe in the future . Until then it was
nice been on the list.
Dank U


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 14:08:53 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <01bcff12$ad0aed80$f62385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Thanks for the History! and keep up the good work down

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: A. Loum <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 02/شغبال/1418 11:23 ص
Subject: New members and soccer/football history

>Amadou Jaiteh and Musa Ceesay were added to the list. We welcome them and
>look forward to their introductions and contributions.
> On another note and to set the record straight, The Gambia has defeated
>Senegal before in soccer or football. That may have been before most
>Gambia-lers were born. I do not know the recent soccer history scores
>between the two nations since I did not keep abreast with it. The
>list members in the early forties and above remembered that during the
>sixties and before, The Gambia was very competitive against Senegal with
>both nations capturing victories interchangeably against each other. Those
>were during the days of the likes of Solomon Gomez ( left winger
>extraordinare ) nicknamed after the great Brazilian star Garrincher, Old
>Man Jatta better known then as " Body Balance ", George Gomez who they
>used to call " Quart cent quart " because of his extraordinary speed on
>The right wing. Off course later on Biri (( Alagie Njie ) was the most
>feared player The Senegalese whom they used to call Biri Biri. People
>like Daddy Sang Ndow and Habib Diab
>can remember those good old glorious days. Few people will ever remember
>that at that time before resorting to a musical profession, Pa Touray of
>( Super Eagles/Ifang Bondi ) was one of the best goal keepers in the
>Gambia and represented The country numerous times in international
>matches. He used to play for the team " White Phantoms " and his nick name
>Abes or Aves. It was very difficult to score a goal against him guarding
>the net.
> This is just to give you a historical perspective from a forty
>three old and to also shatter the myth that The Gambia had never defeated
>Senegal in soccer matches.
> Thanks
> Tony Loum


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 14:27:02 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1
Message-ID: <01bcff15$3624aaa0$f62385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

"que le meilleur gagne"
If this is from the French,then they are dead wrong,because the best does
not always win in real life;and, certainly,not in football.

As for what you said about the objective of Zone(2) football,namely ,to
bring people together,I absolutely agree with you.But i am much more
interested in the Trophy remaining in Banjul than that.

So,I will be very patient as you advised,but will not not make me change my
mind about wanting Gambia to win Senegal today,and I don't give a heck about
who is better.I just want to win,period! By the way,which side are you on?!

In the meantime,keep up the good work down there!

Regards Basssss!

-----Original Message-----
From: amy aidara <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 02/شغبال/1418 12:45 ك
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2- Mauretania 1

>Don't worry bro,it is not important that Gambia win or not.As they say
>in french "que le meilleur gagne" Is what is important.
>This match will show who is the best. so there is no need to show your
>nationalism . This zone 2 is created to unite people.
>>From Mon Dec 1 11:21:16 1997
>>Received: from host ( [])
>> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) with
>> id LAA21406; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 11:09:07 -0800
>>Received: from (
>> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) with
>> id LAA40228 for <>; Mon, 1 Dec 1997
>11:08:45 -0800
>>Received: from ( [])
>> by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.09) with
>> id LAA08115 for <>; Mon, 1 Dec 1997
>11:08:38 -0800
>>Received: from kolls567 by
>(SMI-8.6/Qatar-Internet-Sendmail It's now Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:03:03
>> id WAA24096; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:03:03 -0300
>>Message-Id: <01bcfe8c$a1471cc0$6a2385c2@kolls567>
>>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:08:01 +0300
>>Precedence: bulk
>>To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
>>Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 2-
>Mauretania 1
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>Content-Type: text/plain;
>> charset="ISO-8859-1"
>>X-To: <>
>>X-Priority: 3
>>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.71.1712.3
>>X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 beta -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by
> id LAA21406
>>Well,these are Senghore,s children,the patriarch who called their
>>Pays de Dialogue" and their verbal gymnastics is something that always
>>confuses the people of sleepy little Gambia .And of course recorded
>>with regards football between our two nations is against us.One can
>>hope that the Scorpions will help us rewrite that history at least for
>>once.But the decisive factor would not be so much technical competence
>>mental preparedness.And I hope that our scorpions will put to use every
>>of poison they have in their arsenals to make sure the "grands" will
>>our Domodaa as dinner tommorow instead of their routine if somewhat
>>monotonous Cheabougen.
>>So,until tomorrow.......... keep up the good work down there.
>> Regards
>Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 09:18:23 -0500
From: (Malanding S. Jaiteh)
Subject: Gambia Educational Support Plan
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: X-sun-attachment

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 18

I am glad to bring you the Education Support Plan as promised. For the benefit of our new members, some months ago members of Gambia-l suggested that we come together as community to assist education in the Gambia. A questionnaire survey was conducted and many members express desire to establish an independent Organization to gather necessary funds and support to help individuals and institutions in education in the Gambia. A working group (later refered to as the Education Committee) was formed to come up with a plan. The attached document is the result of months of hardwork(believe me).

It is important to note that the Plan is far from complete. We hope that the entire membership would take time and go through it. Please do not hesitate to come forward with suggestions. It can only make it better.

Some tentative dates for implementation

December 15 Last day for comments and suggestion.
Dec 22 Final plan Presented for approval
Jan 5 appointment of electoral committee
Jan 15 election of Executive Committee

I cannot conclude without acknowledging the contributions of some of my colleagues in the drafting team. Musa Sowe, his famous "food for thought" message made all this possible. Andrea klumpp for conducting the questionnaire survey. Ancha Bala Gaye without whom the committee would still be sleeping. I thank you all. Its an experience to work with you all.

Malanding Jaiteh

ps the document is in two parts. Part 1 is attached and part 2 will be sent separately. Please let me know if you have difficulty in reading it.
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Gambia Educational Support Organisation

I. Mission

The mission of the Gambia Educational Support Organisation is to
provide assistance to Gambians and Gambian institutions in
education in the Gambia. A vital part of the Organization's
mission will be to become a medium through which intellectual,
logistic and material resources of Gambians and friends of the
Gambia can be utilized to improve education in the Gambia.

To this end, the Organization will:

Provide intellectual, material, logistic and other support to
individuals and institutions in need at all levels of education
in the Gambia.

Facilitate access to information and resources on education and
research in the Gambia.

Improve coordination and communication among members to support
education in the Gambia.

Develop and maintain a responsive and financially stable

II. Organizational structure:

1. General Membership

Membership to the Organization is open to all(Gambians
and non-Gambians). There shall be two categories of
membership, voting-and non-voting members. Non-voting
members are one-time contributors. Voting members will
be required to pay annual membership fees as determined
by the Organization. All voting members will have the
right to vote and run for office. Members who fail to
fulfill their obligations will cease to have the above

2. Executive Committee

The Organisation will conduct its overall activity
through the Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee will oversee the planning and implementation
of the Organization's activities. The Committee will be
voted in every two years. It shall consist of the
Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director,
ex-Executive Director, three Zonal Coordinators (Gamabia,
Europe and America), and a Financial Comptroller.

Executive Committee members and responsibilities

i. Executive Director
The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer
of the Organization and is:
a) responsible for coordinating the Organization's
efforts to fulfill its mission.

b) the principal liason officer between the
Organization and others parties

c) carry out the responsibilities of any Executive
Committee member who is unable to fulfil his/her duties
until a replacement is named.

d) be a signatory to the Organizations account.

ii. Ex-Executive Director
The responsibility of the ex-Executive Director shall
be to facilitate smooth transition from one Executive
Committees to another. The role is largely advisory and
would only vote within the committee to break a tie.

iii. The Financial Comptroller
Shall be the principal custodian of the Organization's
funds. The Financial Comptroller responsibilities shall
include, overseeing fundraisers; collection and
disbursing funds; financial record keeping and regular
reporting. He/she will be a signatory to the
Organization's account.

iv. Zonal Coordinators
Geographically the Organization will be divided to
three zones: Europe, America and Gambia. Members in
other regions can chose their zone of affliation at
their convenience. Each zone will be run by a comittee of
three to be led by a Zonal Coordinator. Zonal Coordinators
will oversee Organizational activities in their zones and
will act and speak on behave of their zones.

3. Ad hoc Committees (Working Committees)
The Working Committee members will be appointed by the
Executive Committee on need bases. The Working
Committees will be technical working groups to prepare
activity plans, or implement activities. The Working
Committee will be disolved at the end of their
assignment or at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

4. Financial/Fundraising Committee
The Organizations will raise the necessary finances
through membership fees, individual contributions and
fundraisers. The Committee will be the Organization's
official fundraiser. The committee shall coordinate all
fundraising activities and will consist of three
members and the Financial Comptroller as chair. The
Committee will be charged with determining annual
membership fees. If this Organization is dissolved all
its net funds will be donated to an institution or
institutions of its choice.

5. Election Committee
A three member election committee shall be chosen by the general body
every two years. Members of this committee cannot run for any other
ofiice during their tenure as election officials. The committee shall
prepare their own working document to be approved by the general
membership. They will be independent from other committees in the
Organization and will have final say in on election results.

6. Audit Unit

This unit will help ensure that the organization's funds are used as
specified. The unit will comprise of a Chairperson and two committee
members. Members of the committee will be voted every two years and
shall not concurrently hold any other positions within the
organization. The unit will prepare its own operational document to be
approved by the General mambership.


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 09:22:40 -0500
From: (Malanding S. Jaiteh)
Subject: Education Support Plan
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This is part 2 of 2 of the Education Plan. Please send all comments and suggestions by December 15.

Malanding Jaiteh
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Document Two

Activity Plan.

Focus 1: Program for Institutions in Education .

The long-term goal of this focus is to help upgrade library and
laboratory facilities(including computer) facilities in selected
schools and intitutions. The activities will be implemented
concurrently. With some initiatives already being discussed every
effort will be made to make those the priority. These are the
Gambia College Library and Coputer facilities initiative and the
Give-a-book drive.

Activity 1.1 Gambia College library support

Several members have reported the need for a more up-to-date Library
at Gambia College. The Primary objective of this activity is to
provide the College Library with basic textbooks and other Reference
materials. To achieve this objective it is suggested that:

each member to contribute at least one book and $US10 for shipping and
handling each year.

each Zone will be resposible for collection and shipping to
the Gambia.

that the organization approach agencies and other bodies for
assistance in transportation of these books.

Activity 1.2 Computer facility upgrade
The objective of this activity is to donate 10 computers to
Gambia College, the National Library system and secondary schools
in the Country over a 5 year period.

This will include:
5 Pentium based Multi-media Pcs @ $1500 = $7500
5 x86 PCs (preferably used) @ $750 = $3750
5 Bubble jet printers @ $500 = $2500

Activity 1.3 School classroom support
The aim of this activity is to provide classroom materials and
textbooks to selected Primary and Junior Secondary schools each.
Primary School
5000 Pencils
5000 erasers
2000 sharperners
2000 rulers
2000 color pencils
2000 crayons
500 textbooks
50 teachers guides

Focus 2: Program for Individual Development
The goal of this is to support students in need. To achieve this,
the organization will provide financial assistance through short
grants and scholarships, stationery and book award to students in
financial difficulties. The organization will set up a Students
Advisory and Mentorship Program to advice students.

Activity 2.1 Adopt a student/pupil
The organization's objective is to sponsor 10 students, 5 at
Primary and 5 at Secondary Schooleach years. These sponsorship
could range from one time payment of bills to payment of tuition
and books. Recipients will have to demonstrate they are in
considerable financial hardship. The Gambia Zonal Co-ordinator
will in consultation with the rest of the Executive Committee
oversee selection of recipients and disbursement of funds.

Current cost of funding 5 Secondary School students at $150 per student
per year amounts to $750. Cost of funding Primary school students
is estimated at $50 per student per year. This amounts to $250
per year. This amount may change each year due ti changes in the cost of

Cost of 1 year sponsorship.

5 Student @ $150 - $750
5 Pupils @ $50 = $250

Starting 1999, competitions will be supported in essay writing,
science and art projects and award granted. Awards in these
competitions will be in the form of one-time awards.

Activity 2.1 Mentorship and Guidance activity

It is the belief that members of this Organization are notable
role models to many Gambian students in the Gambia. The purpose of this
activity is to take advantage of this possibility and to established
contact between students particularly Senior Secondary school students in the Gambia andmembers of this organization. The activity will also focus on aadvising students on matters such as careers, courses, Standardized exams and study abroad. A Working Committe to compile guidelines on careers, scholarships and study abroad.

Focus 3: Education Information Pragram
A comprehensive information on education in the Gambia is vital
for planning and development of the educational system. The goal of this
focus is to facilitate access to basic information on eduction
in the Gambia such as school enrolment, student-teacher ratio, as well as
laboratory and classroom facilities. This information will make this infromation available to individuals and organizations that may not have access to the internet. It is hoped that easy access to such data would assist planners and organizations interested in hte development of Gambian education.

Activity 3.1 Develop and maintain an Internet Education
Resource Center for the Gambia
The primary objective of this activity is to develop a HomePage
to publish basic information database on education in the Gambia.
The directory will contain information on school enrollment; number of
teachers and qualification; The database will contain information
on all schools from Primaty to Higher Edcuation Institutions.

Primary Schools
No. of Classrooms
No. of students
No. of Teachers (uncertified and certified)
student-textbook ratio

Secondary Schools
No. of classrooms
no. of students
no. of teachers(qualification)
student-textbook ratio

Higher Institutions
No. of classrooms
no. of students
No. of teachers(qualification)
Programs offered

A database of Gambians professonals abroad
The purpose of this is to develop and maintain a database on
Gambian professionals around the world. It is hoped that employers
in the Gambia willuse the database a resource pool. It is important to note that entries in this database will be purely voluntary and will include names, profession(or intended profession), and contact address.


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 11:48:44 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Mali 6: G. Bissau 1; G. Conakry 3: S/Leone 0
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Hi Folks,
Sorry for the late news but Gambia TV for some godforsaken reason decided
not to broadcast the above matches and you can imagine how I felt but thank
God for the radio

Mali massacred Guinea Bissau 6-1; Bissau put up a valiant resistance
against a superior team, kept the score 1-0 in the first half, an early
second goal was met with a goal from Bissau to put it to 2:1, then Bissau
had a player chucked out and Mali rained goals: scoring even at the last
minute; suffice to say that the whole stadium..Gambians, Senegalese, etc
were all rooting for Guinea Bissau
Guinea Conakry beat the crap out of Sierra is definite that the
cup is not going to Freetown --oops Conakry (Sierra Leone's exiled Govt.
capital....heh heh..sorry very mean joke) Gambia meets Senegal today and
will solve the Senegalese problem...once and for all

pmj from the sidelines



Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:18:59 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Mali 6: G. Bissau 1; G. Conakry 3: S/Leone 0
Message-ID: <01bcff35$9d2c3180$432385c2@kolls567>
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Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Gambia meets Senegal today and
will solve the Senegalese problem...once and for all

I hope Soooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 03/شغبال/1418 12:05 ص
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Mali 6: G. Bissau 1; G.
Conakry 3: S/Leone 0

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Hi Folks,
>Sorry for the late news but Gambia TV for some godforsaken reason decided
>not to broadcast the above matches and you can imagine how I felt but thank
>God for the radio
>Mali massacred Guinea Bissau 6-1; Bissau put up a valiant resistance
>against a superior team, kept the score 1-0 in the first half, an early
>second goal was met with a goal from Bissau to put it to 2:1, then Bissau
>had a player chucked out and Mali rained goals: scoring even at the last
>minute; suffice to say that the whole stadium..Gambians, Senegalese, etc
>were all rooting for Guinea Bissau
>Guinea Conakry beat the crap out of Sierra is definite that the
>cup is not going to Freetown --oops Conakry (Sierra Leone's exiled Govt.
>capital....heh heh..sorry very mean joke) Gambia meets Senegal today and
>will solve the Senegalese problem...once and for all
>pmj from the sidelines


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:35:06 +0100
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn_Nordam?= <>
To: "'Gambia-L'" <>
Subject: education support plan
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Friends, I very glad to see the suggestions from M.S. Jaiteh. And I=B4m =
sorry that due to heavy work in Danish Sports Federation, I have not
been able to put my report on the net, from my visit to the Gambia
College. I have their own priority-list with me. Let me very briefly =
that this government has given education top-priority, as I can see it.
It was nearly impossible to get time to talk to "our" people in the
Ministry of education, because they were working very hard on the
educational plan of action. Gambia college has expanded, so the
Institute from next year can double the numbers of students.
I will come back next week. We have general annual meeting, our =
of Culture willl "steal" 25 million DKr. from our organisation, so the
staff are on duty night and day to see if we can come up with arguments
to avoid that. And we are all out lobbying. My department in the
federation will have to discuss our next years plan of action thursday,
I have a delegation from Poland to tell all about danish sports =
(and not yet started the preparation) and friday I have to discuss
"sport and enviroment" , saturday I=B4m in a debate on "The social work =
sports". And there are people hanging on the phone every second. So you
may have me excused, that I have not been able to write my report and
the priority-list from the Gambia College. Next week - I=B4ll promise =

And tonight I cross my fingers and wish good luck for the Scorpions.
Psykological it means a lot for them, the nation, if they beat the
Senegalese - even sport is also comming together. But as Bass I also =
when it comes to football-matches, there are very few "friendly"
matches. It=B4s dammed serious. We danes hate to see Sweden or Germany
beat us in the game. For many, many years we were underdogs, but now we
have started to beat them once in a while. I wish that The Scorpions
will fight, bite and win tonight. Asbj=F8rn Nordam


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 12:27:47 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : que le meilleur gagne
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Hi Amy Aidara,
As always our womenfolk always have more sense..actually imagine a bunch of
full grown men running and kicking a bag of air with more full grown men
yelling and screaming and fighting..that is a man's world...dumb ain't
it..but again women folk are so serious about life that I think a woman's
world will have food for everyone, care, love and boring to death; the
measure of things will be dig..
but football is now the modern form of have to let off
steam and control our agressive impulses is better to be football
nationalists..(not hooligans) rather than warmongering nationalists,
sectarians etc..
football also unites us above race, religion, tribe etc..on a national
level or city or county level as opposed to please forgive us our
chauvinist attitude ..just this see we men are trying to behave
humanly these days..thanks to women for keeping us in check..on the other
hand..we men are raised and trained and spoilt who is to
so is your fault ...nah..just kidding but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GOD
Let Gambia WIN and BEAT the CRAP out of SENEGAL
honestly..given the choice of beating Senegal and losing the trophy or
losing to Senegal and winning the trophy..
I will beat Senegal and to hell with the trophy...I know..stupid isn't
..yeh but after 30 years of losing to Senegal; we need a WIN
so much for Gambia vs Senegal

> From: amy aidara <>


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 19:08:12 +0200
From: (Camara, Momodou)
Subject: Re: Zone II - The Scorpions to watch out for the Francophones
Message-ID: <19971202180824.AAC37036@momodou>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

On 2 Dec 97 at 23:06, wrote:
> Hi to all
> It is rather unfortunate though that GRTVS (Gambia Radio &
> Television Service) decided not to show any of today's matches live
> on TV reducing me to the Radio commentary which was broadcasted live
> for the first match only.

Pa-Musa and Archibald,
As the danes would say "tusind tak!".
Direct translation meaning a thousand thanks!!!:-)))))

Azis Corr who plays for a team here in Denmark arrived in Gambia on
the 12th november and I was surprised to see that he is not playing
for the Scorpions. Sheriff Ceesay another national team player is
here too.

Tony, thanks for the history.

I say.. GO SCORPIONS!!!!!

Momodou Camara


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 11:07:25 -0800 (PST)
From: "A. Loum" <>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Another player, a star of that era whom I forgot to mention is
Azziz Coker ( Kottaway or Alhagie Kottoway ) as some used to call him
after he took a pilgrimage trip to Mecca.

Tony Loum

On Mon, 1 Dec 1997 wrote:

> Hey Bro,
> Thank you very much for the flashback of the
> good old days.
> I just think that the Gambia can beat the hell
> out of Senegal if they play with confidence
> and take the fear of the GAINDEH out of
> themselves.
> Dude! ''The scorpion might look small but can
> knock the lion out in a second.''
> I know that senegal can play very good but
> that doesn't make them unbeatable.
> Lamin


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 15:04:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Sulayman Nyang <>
To: Habib Ghanim <>
Cc: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <gambia-l@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>, ;
Subject: Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Many thanks for the announcement of my return to the net. Greetings to all
Gambians and friends of the Gambia. I hope we will be able to exchange
ideas and discuss matters of common interest in a responsible and polite
manner. Peace, Shalom and Salaam.
Sulayman S. Nyang


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 15:10:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Sulayman Nyang <>
To: "A. Loum" <tloum@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Cc: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <gambia-l@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>, ;
Subject: Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Thanks a lot for reconnecting me with the rest of the Gambia list. I
really missed the daily flow of opinions from persons scattered around the
globe.There is nothing like this system of communication.We must use it
wisely. We must be polite to one another and enjoy the gift of collective
wisdom and knowledge of our times. Peace, Shalom and Salaam.
Sulayman S. Nyang


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:00:00 +0100
From: "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
To: <>
Subject: SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Folks....Sisiter Jabou, Bass, Buhari, and others....
Just managed to go through so much mail this morning. I simply could not
withstand the urge to answer to this issue even before managing to go
through the rest of the mail.
Before going any further, I must at once state that I would beg to DIFFER
ALMOST COMPLETELY with the views expressed on Winnie Mandela. The issue is
too important to be uncritically dealt with.

While I have no intention to make an analyses of the situation I should
opine that the final phase of the liberation struggle in South Africa -
especially from the early 1980s onwards - was fraught with extreme
difficulties both for the forces allied to bring down apartheid together
with its capitalist power structures, and those that clamoured for ending
apartheid but reforming the power structures to the extent that they could
be made to respond to the needs of the majority of South Africans. Even
before the Zulu nationalist movement made a serious bid for power amongst
the black population, the ANC and AZAPO had already first cooperated, and
then waged a brutal struggle against one another for supremacy. (This
bitter struggle began in fact immediately after the visit to South Africa
by U.S senator Edward Kennedy in (1986?)). The violent nature of this
struggle - essentially between disciples of Steve Biko and followers of
Nelson Mandela - was a devastating blow to the revolutionary movement and
its supporters and sympathisers. It must be borne in mind however, that
this phase of the struggle against apartheid, had for various reasons,
received only very scant attention from the international press and media.
The internecine violence became even more complicated with the emergence
of Inkatha; neither was the eqaution simplified by the involvement of the
South African security services in augmenting the violence.
OF WINNIE MANDELA. Of course she has suffered a lot and went through
extreme trials. But so did millions of black South African women! Winnie,
in fact, had it much more comfortable than millions and millions of others.
Many things happened in Winnie Mandela's backyard. Without going into all
that, I should simply invite you to think about this: During the period of
the so-called "black on black" violence Winnie's house in Soweto was set
alight and was completely burnt to ashes. The neighbours, most of them
women, just stood by and watched, not offering so much as a cup of water to
douse the flames.

The history of the struggle against apartheid is probably the most
important piece of human history (for black people, at any rate) depicting
organised struggle against an awesomely powerful and systematically
organised RACISM. My opinion is that we need to assess this history very
seriously if we are to ensure the eternal freedom of the race. Here,
simplifications, that appeal to sentiments eulogising heroines and heroes
must be rejected. Remembering what we have gone through as a people, and
being aware of the yoke we are carrying today, our search for heoines is
completely understandable. The fact sadly, is simply that Winnie Mandela
has not reached the level of leadership that we should wish her to have
You all seem to have been saying that IT WAS OKEY FOR WINNIE TO SANCTION
BUSINESS OF LIBERATING THEM!!!!!! That does not make very pleasant
reasoning to me. You can choose Winnie Mandela to rule over you in
Dippa-Kunda. But for those of us in Kartong, we will forever praise her for
her invaluable contribution, and denounce her for ultimately failing TO

Momodou Sidibeh /Stockholm, Kartong====

> Frمn:
> Till: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> ؤmne: Winnie Madizela Mandela
> Datum: den 30 november 1997 16:54
> Brother Bass,you wrote:
> Mr.Jallow,
> I don't think I could say it better myself!The Third Force,as Winnie
> them,with their racist friends around the world,esp.those of them in
> Britain, want to do everything that could help puncture Winnie's chances
> becoming the future president of South Africa.
> Thabo Nbeki may or may not be the next president of South Africa, but
> for her enemies,the Mother of the Nation would sooner or later become the
> president of South Africa;and when that happens, she would do exactly
> the white establishment and its friends are so scared of,namely,the real
> dismantlement of all the white power structures without which the real
> enpowerment of Shaka's children would never materialise.
> Could the South African diamond giant,De Beers,for instance,ever imagine
> day when 80 or 90% of its board members would be black men and women?!
> what about the gold industry and the banks and how would most white
> manage to clean up and feed themselves in a world in which they could no
> longer afford to pay black nannies and domestic helps to do that for
> them.These are the real stuffs that is scaring them to death,and who else
> could deliver that last blow to the remnants of apartheid than the very
> woman who has kept the liberation candle burning for twenty-seven eternal
> years.
> Winnie,we are waiting! Come and rule over us,its your turn now.
> Jabou Joh.
> Reagrds Basss!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> <>
> Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 9:13 AM
> Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
> >Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> > via Commit
> >
> >
> >Dear Folks,
> >Regarding Mrs Winnie Madikezela-Mandela: On BBC Focus on Africa,
> >It was reported that "Baroness"Emma Nicholson was taking private
> >prosecution on murder charges against Winnie on behalf of Stompie ??'s
> >mother;
> >now this Emma Nicholson if I recall was a short-lived Minsiter or junior
> >minister under Margaret Thatcher..the latter and her cabinet was very
> >famous in affording apartheid much needed breathing space in its latter
> >years and also holding the ANC and Mandala as communist-terrorists;
> >I think Nicholson should just simply be deported as an undesirable and
> >unwanted element in Africa..
> >I don't care whether Winnie is guilty or innocent; Emma does not have a
> >voice or vote in our affairs; it is like having the KKK decide on black
> >black crime
> >
> >folks, I have used the utmost restraint in not calling the b******* the
> >names she deserves in my opinion.
> >pmj
> >
> >----------
> >> From: Modou Jallow <>
> >
> >
> >
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> Message-Id: <01bcfaef$c8c654a0$>
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 07:48:07 +0300
> Reply-To:
> Sender:
> Precedence: bulk
> From: "Bassirou Dodou Drammeh" <>
> To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> <>
> Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
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1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Momodou Posted - 10 Sep 2021 : 15:37:21

Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 15:38:45 -0500
From: habib <>
Subject: Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sulayman Nyang wrote:
> Many thanks for the announcement of my return to the net. Greetings to all
> Gambians and friends of the Gambia. I hope we will be able to exchange
> ideas and discuss matters of common interest in a responsible and polite
> manner. Peace, Shalom and Salaam.
> Sulayman S. Nyang

just a reminder for fundraiser on Thursday 4 th Dec 1997 at Howard Univ,
Blackburn center ballroom and thanks for for help in the efforts to help
the refugees from Sierra Leone with the" self help initiative" program
ooops -time 5.00 pm, Howard Univ, 2400 6th street NW , main campus( Wash
DC )
To others in Gambia-l , please pass this word and attend. It is for a
good and much needed humanitarian cause for our neighbours in Sierra
Leone who are in a terrible mess following the recent coup d'etat in
Freetown. a lot of American and African Artworkwill be Auctioned and the
proceeds sent directly only to the refugees NOT the government along
with donated medicine.


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 16:08:45 -0500
From: habib <>
Subject: Re: New members and soccer/football history
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

A. Loum wrote:
> Another player, a star of that era whom I forgot to mention is
> Azziz Coker ( Kottaway or Alhagie Kottoway ) as some used to call him
> after he took a pilgrimage trip to Mecca.
> Tony Loum
> On Mon, 1 Dec 1997 wrote:
> > Hey Bro,
> >
> > Thank you very much for the flashback of the
> > good old days.
> > I just think that the Gambia can beat the hell
> > out of Senegal if they play with confidence
> > and take the fear of the GAINDEH out of
> > themselves.
> > Dude! ''The scorpion might look small but can
> > knock the lion out in a second.''
> > I know that senegal can play very good but
> > that doesn't make them unbeatable.
> >
> > Lamin
> >
Good memories
Where is BIRI now?



Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:12:19 -0500
From: Sailey_Sey <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello Colleagues,

Thanks for the subscription. I'll like to take a minute to introduce
myself. My name is Sailey Sey, and I was born in
Brikama, but brought up in Banjul. I went to Methodist Primary
School. I then moved to Kairaba Avenue, Pipe Line
while going to Gambia High School. I took my 'o' levels in 1992, and
then went to Saint Augustine's High School
for a year. I now go to Husson College in Bangor, Maine. I'm working
towards a Bachelors degree in Business administration with a Finance
concentration. I'll love to hear from friends and former classmates.

Best wishes

Sailey Sey
One College Circle
Bangor, ME 04401



Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 22:42:17 -0800
Subject: Re: SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Momodou!
I=B4m glad that we=B4ve been able to provoke you into the limelight
again. I for one have missed your level-headed analyses and hope that
you can spare a minute or two once in a while.
I=B4m just about to go to bed but hope that when I get a bit alert
tomorrow, I can say a word or two about your post.

What=B4s up, man? How can we provoke you out of your project?

Momodou S Sidibeh wrote:
> =

> Folks....Sisiter Jabou, Bass, Buhari, and others....
> Just managed to go through so much mail this morning. I simply could no=
> withstand the urge to answer to this issue even before managing to go
> through the rest of the mail.
> Before going any further, I must at once state that I would beg to DIFF=
> ALMOST COMPLETELY with the views expressed on Winnie Mandela. The issue=
> too important to be uncritically dealt with.
> =

> While I have no intention to make an analyses of the situation I shou=
> opine that the final phase of the liberation struggle in South Africa -=

> especially from the early 1980s onwards - was fraught with extreme
> difficulties both for the forces allied to bring down apartheid togethe=
> with its capitalist power structures, and those that clamoured for endi=
> apartheid but reforming the power structures to the extent that they co=
> be made to respond to the needs of the majority of South Africans. Eve=
> before the Zulu nationalist movement made a serious bid for power among=
> the black population, the ANC and AZAPO had already first cooperated, a=
> then waged a brutal struggle against one another for supremacy. (This
> bitter struggle began in fact immediately after the visit to South Afri=
> by U.S senator Edward Kennedy in (1986?)). The violent nature of this
> struggle - essentially between disciples of Steve Biko and followers of=

> Nelson Mandela - was a devastating blow to the revolutionary movement a=
> its supporters and sympathisers. It must be borne in mind however, that=

> this phase of the struggle against apartheid, had for various reasons,
> received only very scant attention from the international press and med=
> The internecine violence became even more complicated with the emerg=
> of Inkatha; neither was the eqaution simplified by the involvement of t=
> South African security services in augmenting the violence.
> OF WINNIE MANDELA. Of course she has suffered a lot and went through
> extreme trials. But so did millions of black South African women! Winni=
> in fact, had it much more comfortable than millions and millions of oth=
> Many things happened in Winnie Mandela's backyard. Without going into a=
> that, I should simply invite you to think about this: During the period=
> the so-called "black on black" violence Winnie's house in Soweto was se=
> alight and was completely burnt to ashes. The neighbours, most of them
> women, just stood by and watched, not offering so much as a cup of wate=
r to
> douse the flames.
> =

> The history of the struggle against apartheid is probably the most
> important piece of human history (for black people, at any rate) depict=
> organised struggle against an awesomely powerful and systematically
> organised RACISM. My opinion is that we need to assess this history ver=
> seriously if we are to ensure the eternal freedom of the race. Here,
> simplifications, that appeal to sentiments eulogising heroines and hero=
> must be rejected. Remembering what we have gone through as a people, an=
> being aware of the yoke we are carrying today, our search for heoines i=
> completely understandable. The fact sadly, is simply that Winnie Mandel=
> has not reached the level of leadership that we should wish her to have=

> eclipsed.
> You all seem to have been saying that IT WAS OKEY FOR WINNIE TO SANCTIO=
> BUSINESS OF LIBERATING THEM!!!!!! That does not make very pleasant
> reasoning to me. You can choose Winnie Mandela to rule over you in
> Dippa-Kunda. But for those of us in Kartong, we will forever praise her=
> her invaluable contribution, and denounce her for ultimately failing TO=

> =

> Momodou Sidibeh /Stockholm, Kartong=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =

> > Fr=E5n:
> > Till: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> <>
> > =C4mne: Winnie Madizela Mandela
> > Datum: den 30 november 1997 16:54
> >
> > Brother Bass,you wrote:
> >
> > Mr.Jallow,
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't think I could say it better myself!The Third Force,as Winnie
> calls
> >
> > them,with their racist friends around the world,esp.those of them in
> >
> > Britain, want to do everything that could help puncture Winnie's chan=
> of
> >
> > becoming the future president of South Africa.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thabo Nbeki may or may not be the next president of South Africa, but=

> sadly
> >
> > for her enemies,the Mother of the Nation would sooner or later become=
> >
> > president of South Africa;and when that happens, she would do exactly=

> what
> >
> > the white establishment and its friends are so scared of,namely,the r=
> >
> > dismantlement of all the white power structures without which the rea=
> >
> > enpowerment of Shaka's children would never materialise.
> >
> >
> >
> > Could the South African diamond giant,De Beers,for instance,ever imag=
> the
> >
> > day when 80 or 90% of its board members would be black men and women?=
> And
> >
> > what about the gold industry and the banks and how would most white
> families
> >
> > manage to clean up and feed themselves in a world in which they could=
> >
> > longer afford to pay black nannies and domestic helps to do that for
> >
> > them.These are the real stuffs that is scaring them to death,and who =
> >
> > could deliver that last blow to the remnants of apartheid than the ve=
> >
> > woman who has kept the liberation candle burning for twenty-seven ete=
> >
> > years.
> >
> >
> >
> > Winnie,we are waiting! Come and rule over us,its your turn now.
> >
> >
> > Jabou Joh.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Reagrds Basss!
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > From: <>
> >
> > To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 9:13 AM
> >
> > Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> >
> > > via Commit
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >Dear Folks,
> >
> > >Regarding Mrs Winnie Madikezela-Mandela: On BBC Focus on Africa,
> 25/11/97;
> >
> > >It was reported that "Baroness"Emma Nicholson was taking private
> >
> > >prosecution on murder charges against Winnie on behalf of Stompie ??=
> >
> > >mother;
> >
> > >now this Emma Nicholson if I recall was a short-lived Minsiter or ju=
> >
> > >minister under Margaret Thatcher..the latter and her cabinet was ver=
> >
> > >famous in affording apartheid much needed breathing space in its lat=
> >
> > >years and also holding the ANC and Mandala as communist-terrorists;
> >
> > >I think Nicholson should just simply be deported as an undesirable a=
> >
> > >unwanted element in Africa..
> >
> > >I don't care whether Winnie is guilty or innocent; Emma does not hav=
e a
> >
> > >voice or vote in our affairs; it is like having the KKK decide on bl=
> on
> >
> > >black crime
> >
> > >
> >
> > >folks, I have used the utmost restraint in not calling the b******* =
> >
> > >names she deserves in my opinion.
> >
> > >pmj
> >
> > >
> >
> > >----------
> >
> > >> From: Modou Jallow <>
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
> > Return-Path: <>
> > Received: from (
> [])
> > by (v36.0) with SMTP; Thu, 27 Nov 1997 01:17:40 -0=
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> > [])
> > by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
> > with ESMTP id XAA03450;
> > Wed, 26 Nov 1997 23:52:41 -0500 (EST)
> > Received: from host ( [])
> > by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) wi=
> > id UAA08597; Wed, 26 Nov 1997 20:52:19 -0800
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> > by (8.8.4+UW97.07/8.8.4+UW97.05) wit=
> > id UAA26856 for <>; Wed, 26 No=
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> > 20:52:01 -0800
> > Received: from ( [])
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> > id UAA26960 for <>; Wed, 26 Nov 1997=
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> > Received: from by
> > (SMI-8.6/Qatar-Internet-Sendmail It's now Thu, 27 Nov 1997 07:46:26
> -0300)
> > id HAA27456; Thu, 27 Nov 1997 07:46:26 -0300
> > Message-Id: <01bcfaef$c8c654a0$>
> > Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 07:48:07 +0300
> > Reply-To:
> > Sender:
> > Precedence: bulk
> > From: "Bassirou Dodou Drammeh" <>
> > To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> > <>
> > Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
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> >
> >


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 19:29:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Gambia And Senegal Playing Soccer
Message-ID: <>

Tony, you are quite right, I also remember the likes of Abdoulie Ngum,
Charles Thomas, Babbu Sowe and Aziz Coker(cut away) Yes indeed the rivalry <>
Gambia and Senegal went way back and each have won against each other.
Senegal at that time got players like Louie Camara and Sheffif Sulayman. It
was always a big deal when Senegal came to town with the late Pa Prom running
around the field yelling at the players. Yes, indeed we've beatened Senegal
Daddy Sang


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 19:45:42 -0500
From: Naffie Jammeh <>
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline

HI Gambia-l,
A friend of mind would like to be added to the
list. His name is Kebba Barrow and his e-mail
address is
Thanks in advance.
peace Naffie.


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 19:53:09 -0500
From: Naffie Jammeh <>
Subject: Introduction -Reply
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline

hi Sailey,
It's nice to hear from a long time friend like you.
How are you doing? Hope fine and working hard. I
have not heard from you since you left the Gambia.
By the way, this is Naffie Jammeh, a former
classmate of yours from GHS. I am residing in
Kentucky with Annie Bittaye and Sigga Jagne and
few other Gambia students. Well, I'll stop for now till
you reply.Keep in touch.
peace Naf.


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:47:33 -0600
From: "Katim S. Touray" <>
To: "Gambia-l" <>
Subject: Is anybody home?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi folks,

what's going on? i haven't heard a thing a long while (except for error
messages!). i suppose people are very busy, with Christmas, exams and all
that coming up. so i thought i'd stoke the fire a little, and send a
message just to say "Hi." i hope everyone's doing o.k.

have a great week!



Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 19:56:17 -0500
From: Naffie Jammeh <>
Subject: Introduction -Reply -Reply
Message-ID: <>


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:48:55 -0600
From: "Katim S. Touray" <>
To: "Gambia-l" <>
Subject: Fw: 97-98 Fellowship Program (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi folks,

it's me again! i thought some of us migt be interested in the announcement
below. good luck!


> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> Subject: FW: Fellowship Program (fwd)
> To: Fred Tombar, Michael Borden
> cc:
> From: michael_j._borden @ @ Internet (Tampa-TSS-Gate6)
> Date: 12/01/97 01:42:06 PM
> Subject: FW: Fellowship Program (fwd)
> > Five College Fellowship Program for Minority Scholars
> > >
> > > Located in western Massachusetts, Amherst, Hampshire, Mount
> Holyoke
> > and
> > > Smith colleges and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst are
> > members
> > > of
> > > the Five College consortium.
> > >
> > > The Fellowship provides a year in residence at one of the five
> > colleges
> > > for
> > > minority graduate students who have completed all requirements
> for
> > the
> > > Ph.D. except the dissertation. (At Smith, recipients hold a
> > Mendenhall
> > > Fellowship.)
> > >
> > > The Fellowship includes a stipend of $25,000, office space,
> housing > >
> assistance, and library privileges at the five colleges. Emphasis
> > is on
> > > completion of the dissertation. Most Fellows are asked to do a
> > limited
> > > amount of teaching, but no more than a single one-semester
> course at
> > the
> > > hosting institution.
> > >
> > > Date of Fellowship: Sept. 1, 1998 to May 31, 1999 (non-renewable)
> > >
> > > Stipend: $25,000
> > > Review of Applications begins: January 16, 1998
> > > Awards announced by May 1, 1998
> > >
> > > For further information and application materials contact:
> > > Carol Angus, Five College Fellowshi Program Committee
> > > Five Colleges Incorporated
> > > 97 Spring Street, Amherst, MA 01002-2324
> > > 413-256-8316
> > >
> > >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------
> > --
> > > Shirley A. Jackson, Assistant Professor 419-372-7118
> > > Department of Ethnic Studies 419-372-0330
> > > (FAX)
> > > Bowling Green State University
> > > Bowling Green, OH 43403-0216
> Vicki C. Washington, Director
> Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs
> 432 N. Lake Street
> 501 Extension Building
> Madison, WI 53706
> (608) 262-0277


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 17:04:25 PST
From: "bukhary sillah" <>
Subject: unsubscribe memeber
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Content-Type: text/plain

Hello ,
List manager
I would like you to unsubscribe me for the time being .
I appreciate all your efforts .

yours sincerely

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:09:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Eretimy George <>
Subject: unsubscribe
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Please unsubscribe.


Name:Eretimy George
School: University Of Maryland University College
Location: Shady Grove Road


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:46:40 -0500 (EST)
From: "Malanding S. Jaiteh" <>
Subject: Re: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text

> Hello Colleagues,
> Thanks for the subscription. I'll like to take a minute to introduce
> myself. My name is Sailey Sey, and I was born in
> Brikama, but brought up in Banjul. I went to Methodist Primary
> School. I then moved to Kairaba Avenue, Pipe Line
> while going to Gambia High School. I took my 'o' levels in 1992, and
> then went to Saint Augustine's High School
> for a year. I now go to Husson College in Bangor, Maine. I'm working
> towards a Bachelors degree in Business administration with a Finance
> concentration. I'll love to hear from friends and former classmates.
> Best wishes
> Sailey Sey
> One College Circle
> Bangor, ME 04401
> email
Welcome onboard Sailey.

Malanding Jaiteh


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 00:29:27 -0500 (EST)
From: (Modou Jallow)
Subject: Gambia-L
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Momodou Buharry Gassama wrote:

> P.S.
> Moe,
> What's up, man? How can we provoke you out of your project?
> D.S.

Hey Tom and fellow Gambia-Lers,

What a life without Gambia-L!
I must admit I always feel the urge to come to Gambia-L
but my hands and feet are tied up. Hopefully and thankfully,
I will be back soon to read and write, smile and laugh, sigh and
grin, annoy and get angry, love and get loved with you again.

Just to say: WHAT'S UP GAMBIA-L???

Moe S. Jallow



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 00:40:04 -0500 (EST)
From: (Modou Jallow)
Subject: Re: Gambia-L
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Here is a POEM to prove that I truly miss the "Bantaba".

A place
To catch information
A village of Voices
Without Faces!
Opinions clash
Crash on the screen
The net shakes ... but
Gambia-L goes on...

As often as always
Memories are edited
History narrated
from different Mounts!
Molecules of wisdom
populate cyberspace
What a dynamic chemistry!

Here is the place
Where issues
come and go:
serious or casual
complex or simple
private or public
ALL in ONE Bantaba!

This village square
located in continent SPACE
prides itself of
An intellectual bank
A courtroom
A gossip market
A battleground
A place to GIVE TO
A place to TAKE FROM
Makes us think and rethink
Makes us face our REAL selves!

Our voices sometimes whisper
Gambia-L goes on
And weaves us all
that we are
What a great Bantaba in Gambia-L!



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 11:27:06 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List" <>
Subject: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
via Commit

Hi to all,

The most hysterical of all the matches so far on the tournament would
definitely have to be today's match between The Scorpions and The Lions.

The Scorpions tried their best but could not give The Lions a single sting.
On the other hand The Lions could not roar enough for The Scorpions to
succumb. And as such a deadlock was attained by a goal-less draw at the

Although their ball control was quite short of satisfactory, the Scorpions
posed a number of near goal point attacks against the Lions who until
were reduced during the 1st half to defending their positions within their

A number of goal opportunities were wasted by the Scorpions especially
during the 1st half, notably by Pa Fofanna (if I am right with the name)
who was latter substituted during the 2nd half he had earlier performed
quite well in the Scorpions earlier matches and I presumed had recorded 2
goals so far. 2 other substitutions were
made during the 2nd half by the Scorpions while the Lions (who 1st made a
substitution) made 2 substitutions which fact only indicate the tension on
the ground at the time. In fact some delay tactics had to be employed by
Lions' goal keeper by fussing about some wrongs, and this virtually halted
the ball for say a minute or 2. Jatto Ceesay was one of those substituted
by the Scorpions. Jatto had played quite well
but I think he failed to concentrate more on his position rather than cover
other ends which may have worn him down.

The Lions seemed to have capitalized on their height really well to fend
off of the Scorpions goal threats, most of which were coming high up, as
such I think
the Scorpions ought to be playing their ball more on the ground as they
approach the Lions' goal post if ever they have to meet again.

On the whole, although more was to be desired of the outcome of the match,
in my opinion, I think the state of play (a goal-less draw) was the best to
have happened for a
number of reason, including peace and tranquility which prevailed by the
end of the match as some of the Scorpions player emotionally embraced their
Senegalese counterparts, a true sign of sportsmanship.

The Stadium was full to capacity with about an estimated 35,000 on-site
spectators. I guess about a quarter of the country's population must have
been following
this long awaited game by one means or another. Security at the stadium was
said to be really tight. National productivity was really low today as
anxiety over the then anticipated encounter was building up to the hem. At
offices, taxi parks and the like during the earlier hours preceding the
match there was but one major thing on discuss "Senegal or Gambia today"
what else to have been expected).

To sum up The Scorpions takes "big Bro." Lions' hand and zoom off to the
Semi finals of the tournament as 1st and 2nd places of Group A respectively
and await the challenges that the outcomes from Group B might pose while
Mauritania and Cape Verde leaves the scene as 3rd and 4th places
respectively after a 2 -2 draw during today's 2nd match.

Meanwhile Sierra Leone takes on Mali tomorrow, while the two Guineas
encounter each other in tomorrow's 2nd match.

I think it would only be fair for me to say goodnight for now after a long

Regards to all.



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 00:39:57 -0000
From: "" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 0- Senegal 0
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Default
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

I am delighted to report that The Gambia has broken the spell and after 90
minutes of superb play with the Gambians playing a defensive offense..more
defensive but capitalizing on all openings, man to man and out-manning,
outplaying and showboating to the delight of the spectators..for non-US
folks, showboating is a term to describe show -off and exhibition play
which the Scorpions practically overdid..our defenders took out their
forwards, beating them to the ball, running circles around them, our
forwards also kept beating and outplaying the Senegalese defence; all while
making sure that our back was seems that WINNING did not
matter; we have already qualified for the Semis, and currently lead the
games in points and goals: psychologically knowing we did not have to
overplay and not overrplaying has assured me that the JINX is broken
forever..not to understate the Senegalese, their domination of our half
after 20 minutes was broken and they were kept on the defensive, they never
recovered and started fouling..receiving two yellow cards in the process;
it seems that brought SANITY back. The rest of the 1st half was Gambian
exhibition football from the defenders and all, at the second half, a more
cautious and serious team seems Coach Alagie Sillah had a word
with the team, a more defensive Gambia came back and attacks were limited
to openings..Outplayed, out runned and outgunned, Senegal was happy to
settle for a goalless draw..a player that sank to the ground in what was
thought to be jubilation turned out to have been completely exhausted..I
and all The Gambia it seems has only KUDOS to add to the sterling and
superb football by the SENEGAMBIANS..
i guess AIME was right..le meilleur a gagnى was regional football at
its best ever..OUR SUPERP ORGANIZATION and HANDLING of the ZONE II has set
now having knocked myself out, i will report that a superb MAURETANIA took
on CAPE VERDE with a 2-1 result when I heart goes to CAPE VERDE
and GUINEA BISSAU who obviously out of league played VALIANTLY and never
QUIT..I guess I know why this ZONE could not be more rightly called the
so folks from an enthralled and emotionally- and mentally exhausted person
in Banjul, it is your G-L commentator from the arm chair,
ps i look forward to Archi's postings, I enjoy his commentary

pss: thanks folks for all your kind remarks, it is indeed my pleasure to
indulge in this commentary and for Mr. Lamin Ceesay, let us say I am
returning the favour and look forward to the day you are back to take the
hasta la vista
pss after 3 yellows and 2 red cards for arguing or talking to the referee
etc, it seems The Gambia has nipped its discipline problem in the bud, no
caution or disciplinary action was taken against The Gambia in 90+minutes
of superb soccer.....
just had to add this, i had failed to comment on our displine shortcomings


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:41:02 +0000 (GMT)
From: "B.M.Jones" <>
To: bantaba <>
Subject: Gambia And Senegal Playing Soccer <fwd>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

Hi folks,

Bravo to the scorpions and coach Alagi Sillah and the
technical team of Musa njie, M.I. Jallow(Kabba) and
others. Here is a Gambian professional coach who took the
team at short notice around august/September and did a
tremendous job. The Scorpions have done all Gambians proud.
Getting through the first round undefeated is an
achievement considering that the squad was put together
around July and nobody gave them a chance of getting
through the first round let alone leading the group. Hope
they can lift the trophy for the first time. I don't know
about you guys but I am satisfied with the results so far.
Whatever success happens after is a bonus to me.

To the arm chair comentators - Archi and Pa musa, thanks
for keeping us informed.

On the rivalry between Gambia and Senegal, I don't know how
many of you remembered the days of 'Semaine Nationale' that
took place in Dakar. The Gambia once sent a team of under
23 in the Late seventies made up of players like Tony,
charle-boy , Eda, Belai Prom Sholay and Jerimiah Sock,
Peggy, AC Conteh, Essa Fye ect... A formidable side and
they defeated Senegal and came home victorious.

--- Begin Forwarded Message ---
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 19:29:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Gambia And Senegal Playing Soccer
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List

Message-ID: <>

Tony, you are quite right, I also remember the likes of Abdoulie Ngum,
Charles Thomas, Babbu Sowe and Aziz Coker(cut away) Yes indeed the rivalry <>
Gambia and Senegal went way back and each have won against each other.
Senegal at that time got players like Louie Camara and Sheffif Sulayman. It
was always a big deal when Senegal came to town with the late Pa Prom running
around the field yelling at the players. Yes, indeed we've beatened Senegal
Daddy Sang
--- End Forwarded Message ---



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 20:40:50 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
Message-ID: <01bd0012$98c99140$732385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You the Armchair Guys are doing a terrific job! But I think it would be
dangerous at this stage to OverClap for the Scorpions.The ultimate litmus
test would be the Trophy itself.If we can't get it on our own territory,then
we might as well forget getting other trophies from others' territories.

In the meantime,Keep Up the Commentary FLOOOOOWING!

Regards Basss!


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 20:58:07 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: zone II commentary from the arm chair : Gambia 0- Senegal 0
Message-ID: <01bd0015$02b87c40$732385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Well,Well,Well....... That was not that bad given that both Little and Big
brother knew before hand that they were going to go to the next stage
anyway. So,Amie Hydara's assertion that the BETTER of the two would win has
not been satisfactorily answered by the two teams.And maybe it would not be
answered at all during this tournament. But ,to me ,that would not matter
very much as long as all our these guests go back home and leave the Trophy
with us in BANJUNU.........

So,I think the Scorpions have a lot of homework to do inorder to make that
dream a possibility .So,yes,I will clap a little bit for the Scorpions,but i
don't want to reach the euphoric state that B.M. Jones is at the moment.I
think its a little bit too early for that.

So,to all of you................. Keep up the good work down there!

Regards Basssss!


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 19:34:30 +0200
From: (Camara, Momodou)
Subject: New Members
Message-ID: <19971203183450.AAA53510@momodou>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Saikou B.M. Njai and Kebba Barrow have been added to the Bantaba.
Welcome to Gambia-l. You can send a brief introduction to the list.
Our address is:

Momdou Camara


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 21:45:09 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Winnie Madizela Mandela
Message-ID: <01bd001b$94c509e0$732385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Modou sidibeh wrote:-

You all seem to have been saying that IT WAS OKEY FOR WINNIE TO SANCTION
BUSINESS OF LIBERATING THEM!!!!!! That does not make very pleasant
reasoning to me. You can choose Winnie Mandela to rule over you in
Dippa-Kunda. But for those of us in Kartong, we will forever praise her for
her invaluable contribution, and denounce her for ultimately failing TO
Hello Sverige!!
First of all,I am glad that our provocations
were great enough this time to warrant your immediate reaction.So,we will
try more of this kind in the future!

In response: No,we are not saying that its okay for Winnie to sanction
killing black people.All we are doing is to concur with the content of the
letter given to Desmond Tutu by three elderly women veterans of the ANC.And
the most powerful sentence in that letter is as follows:- "It was war,and
when there is war,you kill people who are violating you" Just ask the
palestinians what they do to their fellow Palestinians who sell the secrets
of their struggle to the Israeli Secret Service,Mossad?! That is exactly the
kind of thing that these veterans are referring to.Ever watched the
HollyWood film: Sleeping With The Enemy? one of The worst things that could
happen to you is to discover that the person you love most is your worst

I find it unbelievable that you compare your that little village with my
famous city! How could you?! Please,forget about KARR and Tong and Welcome
to Sukuru Kunda,the place that deserves to play host to the seat of
Government than any other place in the nation.What better dwelling place for
"The mother Of The Nation"

In the meantime,keep Up The good Work Down There!

(The Supreme Alkaloo Of Sukuru


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 15:10:10 -0600 (CST)
From: Paul Jammeh <>
To: "GAMBIA-L (Gambia and related issues)" <>
Subject: Please Add a new member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Gambia-l Managers,
Kindly add Michael Jatta to the list. He is very much interested in
becoming a member so that will be current with the 'burning issues' of the
day in this very educative bantaba. He is a student of the same school,
and wishes to positive contribute to the topics under discussion.

His address is
Keep up the good job, and thanks always.


Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 16:23:51 -0500
From: Solomon Sylva <>
Subject: Re: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sailey_Sey wrote:
> Hello Colleagues,
> Thanks for the subscription. I'll like to take a minute to introduce
> myself. My name is Sailey Sey, and I was born in
> Brikama, but brought up in Banjul. I went to Methodist Primary
> School. I then moved to Kairaba Avenue, Pipe Line
> while going to Gambia High School. I took my 'o' levels in 1992, and
> then went to Saint Augustine's High School
> for a year. I now go to Husson College in Bangor, Maine. I'm working
> towards a Bachelors degree in Business administration with a Finance
> concentration. I'll love to hear from friends and former classmates.
> Best wishes
> Sailey Sey
> One College Circle
> Bangor, ME 04401
> email
Hello Sailey,
Welcome aboard, I am sure you will enjoy this bantaba especially being
up there in Husson College, Maine. I went to the University of Maine at
Farmington (1988-1992) where we played against your College in
Soccer(football) and basketball. We used to be big rivals against each
other, which I enjoyed very much.
A Gambian by the name of Mbake Saidy went to school there and played
soccer in the women's team. She was very good at it.
Well, I hope this Bantaba's dialogs will make you feel at home and keep
you warm during the winter months.
One quick note, go and get yourself some ski lessons. It's lots of fun.
Good Luck to you and Welcome Again!!!!!!

King Solomon


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:51:24 -0800 (PST)
From: "D. Singhateh" <>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Please Add a new member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi!! Gambial Managers,
could you please add Ousainou Demba to the list. His e-mail
address is given below:


Thanks, Dawda.


Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 16:40:59 -0500
From: Solomon Sylva <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> You the Armchair Guys are doing a terrific job! But I think it would be
> dangerous at this stage to OverClap for the Scorpions.The ultimate litmus
> test would be the Trophy itself.If we can't get it on our own territory,then
> we might as well forget getting other trophies from others' territories.
> In the meantime,Keep Up the Commentary FLOOOOOWING!
> Regards Basss!

Hey Basssss,
Stay loose and have confidence in this team. I think they will come out
champions at the end. Keep the faith and hope up high all the all the
King Solomon


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 14:05:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
Subject: New Members
Message-ID: <libSDtMail.9712031405.21849.sarian@groucho>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii


Michael Jatta and Ousainou Demba have been added to our list. Welcome
aboard guys and please send in your intros to




Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 18:56:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Sulayman Nyang <>
To: "Malanding S. Jaiteh" <>
Cc: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>, ;
Subject: Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Thanks for welcoming me back.It is always nice to know that other human
beings appreciate your contributions. I hope we can make the best of this
electronic Bantaba. There are many pressing issues that deserve our
serious attention. We have many competent persons onboard to shed light on
them. Let us join hands and make a difference.Peace, Shalom and Salaam.
Sulayman S. Nyang

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Malanding S. Jaiteh wrote:

> Welcome back Dr Nyang.
> Malanding Jaiteh


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 19:01:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Sulayman Nyang <>
To: Bassirou Dodou Drammeh <>
Cc: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>, ;
Subject: Re: Dr Sulayman Nyang
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Many thanks for your welcoming message. Let us work together and educate
each other about the human condition in the Gambia and elsewhere in the
world.We have a number of problems before us. Each one of the major issues
deserve serious thinking and action. Patience is the mother of all
solutions. Peace, Shalom and Salaam.
Sulayman S. Nyang

On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Bassirou Dodou Drammeh wrote:

> Mr.Loume,
> I am both happy and excited by the twin news of the
> Professor's new job and return to our lovely Bantaba.
> Prof.,you are most welcomed and we are very honoured to have you back!
> Regards Bassss!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A. Loum <>
> To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> <>
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 1997 9:47 AM
> Subject: Dr Sulayman Nyang
> >
> >
> >Gambia-l,
> >
> >I am happy and proud to announce the return of Dr Sulayman Nyang, fellow
> >St Augustine's alumnus and distinguish professor to The Bantaba. As many
> >of you remembered, Dr Nyang used to provide us with educational and
> >insightful contributions.
> > He was away at The University of Hartford where he served as The
> >Henry Luce Forum Visiting Professor of Abrahamic Religions. This chair was
> >created to foster interfaith dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims
> >where he was the first occupant of this postion. This is something that
> >Gambians/friends of The Gambia should be proud of to have one of its sons
> >rise to such a level of academic prominence in The United States.
> > Dr Nyang, congratulations and welcome aboard once again.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tony Loum
> >
> >
> >
> >***************************************************************************
> ****
> >***************************************************************************
> ****
> >
> > Anthony W Loum 206-543-4360 Voice
> > Supervisor, Foster Business Libary 206-616-6430 Fax
> > University of Washington
> > Box 353224
> > Seattle, Wa.98195-3200
> >
> >***************************************************************************
> ****
> >***************************************************************************
> ****
> >
> >
> >
> >


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 19:19:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Ancha Bala-Gaye u <>
To: Gambia <>
Subject: Gambia Educational Support Plan
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I'ld just like to say that without Malanding, the document would probably
not be written. People made suggestions, but he put it all
together!! Thanks Malanding and as Bass always says, keep up the good work!!!


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 18:09:59 -0600
From: "Katim S. Touray" <>
To: "Gambia-l" <>
Subject: Cyber cracks
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi folks,

i fell off the train! i haven't received any messages from Gambia-L in a
number of weeks, and just thought that everyone was too busy. anyway, i
sent out about 2 e-mail messages yesterday, asking if anyone was home. as
it turned out, i never received copies of the messages i sent out so i
suspected that something was amiss. a check of the copy of the "Review
Gambia-L" message i got showed that i wasn't subscribed to the list, even
though i'm listed as one of the managers! which explains why i keep getting
all the error messages, but no postings. in short, i had fallen of the
train, and onto a cyber crack, without knowing it. i never sent out a
message to unsubscribe, so this one really beats the heck out of me. oh
well ...




Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 22:21:48 EST
From: MJagana <>
Subject: DEMOCRACY ?
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit







Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 16:47:33 -0800
From: Saikou B M Njai <>
Subject: introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Thanks for adding me to the list.

I am Saikou Njai. I was born in Farafenni. I went to Farafenni Primary
and Muslim High school respectively. I sat to the O'Level in 1981.
Attended Telecommunications Training center in 1981. Worked with the
department of Water Resources from 1982 to 1989. 1989 to present working
with soil and water management unit, department of agric.
I got my B.Sc. at Eastern Kentucky University in 1994. I am now studying
for Master of Engineering Management( MEM ) at the University of
Canterbury, New Zealand.
I am here with my wife, Oumi Jaiteh, from Kartong.

I would love to hear from my former school mates or co-workers.


Saikou B M Njai

Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Canterbury
PMB 4800, Christchurch



Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 08:54:55 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - Gambia - 0, Senegal - 0 What else!!!
Message-ID: <01bd0079$25d4fc80$5c2385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Okay! I will calm down and have confidence but I hope you guys are right. In
the meantime,keep up the good work down there!

Regards Bassss!
>Hey Basssss,
>Stay loose and have confidence in this team. I think they will come out
>champions at the end. Keep the faith and hope up high all the all the
>King Solomon


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 09:06:57 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: DEMOCRACY ?
Message-ID: <01bd007a$d3bf9480$5c2385c2@kolls567>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

What Abacha is saying is correct but the reason he is saying it is
wrong.So,both he and the International Community are wrong in this
case.Abacha and his henchmen must stop holding Nigeria hostage simply
because they have guns; and the Internatioonal community must stop its
selective and hypocritical morality lectures!

Regards Bassss!

-----Original Message-----
From: MJagana <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 04/#212;#218;#200;#199;#228;/1418 12:27 #227;
Subject: DEMOCRACY ?



Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 11:11:10 +0200 (SAST)
From: "Fanneh" <>
Subject: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 11:25:30 +0200 (SAST)
From: "Fanneh" <>
Subject: Re: New Members
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Hi Colleagues,

Let me seize this opportunity to introduce myself to the members of
the Gambia-list. I was born in Banjul and attended Muhammedan
Primary School from 1978 to 1984. I attended Gambia High School from
1984 to 1991 where I did my "O" and "A" level studies. I did my
undergraduate studies in Economics at Fourah Bay College, University
of Sierra Leone and graduated in 1995. Presently, I am a planner at
the State Department for Works, Communications and Information but
now pursuing a masters degree in transportation engineering at the
university of Natal, South Africa.

Being a member of this list will hep me a lot in order to get in
touch with lost friends and other Gambians. In conclusion, I thank
the Gambia-list for subscribing me and wish all members success
in your undertakings.

Mustapha Fanneh
University of Natal
Durban, South Africa.
Fax: 2601411
Tel: 27(031)215456


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 20:35:31 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "gambia-l" <>
Subject: Re: Zone II commentary from the arm chair: Mali vs S/Leone: 1-1
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
via Commit

Hi Folks,
To rejoin from yesterday's play, Mauretania vs. Cape Verde ended in a 2-2
draw with Cape Verde equalising in the last 3 minutes; this is a good
indicator on the overall quality and calibre of football in the current
Mali..reputed strong man of the games were cut down to size by a
disadvantaged Sierra Leone stars, despite a 1-0 lead in the first half,
Sierra Leone kept attacking and after almost 60 minutes on the defense,
Sierra leone equalised in the 87th minute relegating Mali (most probably )
to second place in group B with Guinea Conakry most probably poised to
defeat Guinea Bissau in today's second encounter.

Grouo A:
Gambia 7 pts, 2 wins , 1 draw
Senegal 5 pts, 1 win, 2 draws
Mauretania 2 pts, 2 draws, 1 loss
Cape Verde 1 pt, 1 draw, 2 losses

Group B
To be resolved finally today, with Mali and Guinea Conakry qualified on
points and goals, S/Leone despite 1 loss, I win and 1 draw likewise Mali, 1
win and 2 draws;
Guinea Conakry will most probably end up with 2 wins, and 1 draw unless
Bissau upsets Conakry

from the arm chair;
Gambia is poised to meet Mali in the scond game of the semifinal and I am
confident of a gambia win and I look forward to a Senegalese upset of
Conakry and a second and final final for Senegambia.

ps. Sierra Leone stars despite an offer of Leone 2 million for each
national player that boycotts, 9 players at grave personal risk, escaped
into the ECOMOG base in Freetown, to be taken to Conakry and brought to The
Gambia to participate by the Gambia Govt., so Sierra Leone is celebrating
their presence the cause of Freedom and Democracy..and should be
APPLAUDED by all...the APRC Govt. despite and inspite of its military
origin has to commended for its soilidarity with the democratic aspirations
of our Sierra Leone-ian brothers and sisters..
as the game is in progress, Guinea Conakry has put in 2 goals in the
initial 20 minutes.


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 12:30:20 +0100
From: "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
To: "Gambia L" <>
Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela Mandela
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Buharry, Bass,.....
It was not so much as provoking me from silence. It was more of a lack of
time to spare. Nevertheless, it is great to know that one has been missed.
Thank you.

I would have to first make a correction. U.S senator, Ted Kennedy went to
South Africa at the invitation of the leadership of the UDF in 1985, not
1986 as I wrote.

As I mentioned earlier, the situation in South Africa during the 1980s, but
especially from 1985 to 1989, was, to put it very mildly, extraordinarily
complex. But without going into all that complexity, suffice it to say that
labels such as " the third force" and "sellouts" meant different things, or
rather referred to different people or groups of people at different times.

The reference to sell-outs made by the grandmother veterans of the ANC in
their letter to archbishop Tutu meant people who betrayed there own by
relaying secret information to the anti-apartheid collectives' supreme
enemy. Or so it seems. However, in the mid 80s in the townships, you were
branded a sellout if you spoke the truth about the horrifying activities of
the WARARAS or the ZIM-ZIMS. The wararas would tell you "say Mandela or
Die", and the zim-zims would answer "say Biko or Die". In either case, you
may simply get 'necklaced' i.e a car tyre would be hung around your neck,
you would be bathed in gasoline and put on fire. To remind you again, this
is the internecine war I referred to. It had it roots in the struggle for
supremacy and legitimacy among the black population. It was not invented by
the South African secret police, but it was eventually exploited by them.

Much of Soweto became reclaimed territory. Turfs became controlled either
by the Wararas or the Zim-zims. Scores if not hundreds of young people were
killed and Steve Biko's closest lieutenants and followers were either
killed or had their homes arsoned. Grandmothers and other relatives of
rivals teenagers who went into hiding were beaten up or had their throats
slit open. The killing went on on both sides. The Zim-zims were the young
radical militants of the BPC (Black People's Convention) and the Wararas
were all members of the mighty, supposedly democratic and non-violent UDF
(united Democratic Front). Its ceremonial leader was none other than
Desmond Tutu. But he was just that - a ceremonial leader. But in the
leadership were heavy veterans like Albertina Sisulu, Murphy Morobe, and
Terror Lekota. And they did not do a thing to stop the fighting.

Fourteen-year-old Stompie Mokhetsie Seipie was NOT A SELLOUT #225;lـ Sleeping
With The Enemy potpourri kind of Hollywoodism. In fact when a
FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD sells information to your absolute enemy, you do not tie
him up and bump his head to the ground until he becomes semi-unconscious,
slit his throat and dump him in the veld. A leader who is aware of that
must immediately stop the thugs responsible and remind them that he was
just fourteen, man!!! In fact, Stompie was a warara who changed sides when
he feared for his life. He was not the kind of sellout the old ladies
referred to in their letter.

Bass, in case you do not know.... President Yahya Jammeh once held a public
meeting in Kartong. He told his audience that while he was still a
presidential guard, former President Jawara warned him for the youth of
Kartong. He said the former president told him that these were very
troublesome and radical. That is a reputation your 'alkaliyaa' will never
match. It is regrettable that Buharry and others will have to swallow this
with you.

In spite of all her mistakes, my heart goes to Winnie today!

Momodou Sidibeh, Sockholm/kartong.


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 18:19:18 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: Zone II commentary from the arm chair: Mali vs S/Leone: 1-1
Message-ID: <01bd00c7$fdc85b20$cc2385c2@kolls567>
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Good work,Mr.Jallow. It looks like we will see a lot of fireworks in the
second stage............

In the meantime,keep up the good work on your that ArmChair of yours!

Regards Bassss!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Date: 04/#212;#218;#200;#199;#228;/1418 08:14 #227;
Subject: Re: Zone II commentary from the arm chair: Mali vs S/Leone: 1-1

>Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> via Commit
>Hi Folks,
>To rejoin from yesterday's play, Mauretania vs. Cape Verde ended in a 2-2
>draw with Cape Verde equalising in the last 3 minutes; this is a good
>indicator on the overall quality and calibre of football in the current
>Mali..reputed strong man of the games were cut down to size by a
>disadvantaged Sierra Leone stars, despite a 1-0 lead in the first half,
>Sierra Leone kept attacking and after almost 60 minutes on the defense,
>Sierra leone equalised in the 87th minute relegating Mali (most probably )
>to second place in group B with Guinea Conakry most probably poised to
>defeat Guinea Bissau in today's second encounter.
>Grouo A:
>Gambia 7 pts, 2 wins , 1 draw
>Senegal 5 pts, 1 win, 2 draws
>Mauretania 2 pts, 2 draws, 1 loss
>Cape Verde 1 pt, 1 draw, 2 losses
>Group B
>To be resolved finally today, with Mali and Guinea Conakry qualified on
>points and goals, S/Leone despite 1 loss, I win and 1 draw likewise Mali, 1
>win and 2 draws;
>Guinea Conakry will most probably end up with 2 wins, and 1 draw unless
>Bissau upsets Conakry
>from the arm chair;
>Gambia is poised to meet Mali in the scond game of the semifinal and I am
>confident of a gambia win and I look forward to a Senegalese upset of
>Conakry and a second and final final for Senegambia.
>ps. Sierra Leone stars despite an offer of Leone 2 million for each
>national player that boycotts, 9 players at grave personal risk, escaped
>into the ECOMOG base in Freetown, to be taken to Conakry and brought to The
>Gambia to participate by the Gambia Govt., so Sierra Leone is celebrating
>their presence the cause of Freedom and Democracy..and should be
>APPLAUDED by all...the APRC Govt. despite and inspite of its military
>origin has to commended for its soilidarity with the democratic aspirations
>of our Sierra Leone-ian brothers and sisters..
>as the game is in progress, Guinea Conakry has put in 2 goals in the
>initial 20 minutes.


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 10:37:53 -0500 (EST)
From: (Modou Jallow)
Subject: Youssou N'Dour is Authored FIFA Anthem
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

The following article jolted me right out of my seat.

Is Youssou a star or what?

For a full report, send me the address of the bush list.


Moe S. Jallow


DAKAR, Dec 3 (AFP) - Youssou N'Dour, Senagalese poor boy crowned
king of the traditional Mbalakh rhythm at home, has the World Cup to
thank for thrusting him into the international spotlight.
His song, "La cour des grands" (which FIFA, football's world
governing body, has translated as "The Beauty of the World at
Play"), has been selected as the football competition's official
anthem and he will sing it together with Belgian pop star Axelle
"La cour des grands" will be premiered at the December 4 World
Cup finals draw in Marseille, France.
Brought up in in the slums of Medina, a district of Dakar,
N'Ddour, a singer since the age of 13, now finds himself where the
grown-ups play: the world stage of pop.



Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 16:24:19 -0500
From: habib <>
Subject: Re: DEMOCRACY ?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

MJagana wrote:

Frankly speaking I did not think of ever supporting any military
government statements, but Sani Abacha is right this time.
They talk of democracy for countries like Algeria or Iran but are so
mute when it comes to for example monarchies in the Arabian Gulf region.
Secondly, what kind of Democracy is good for western countries ? and
which one fits African countries or Asian countries taking cultural
aspects into account.
One man's food may be another man's poison


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 14:22:29 -0800 (PST)
From: "D. Proctor" <>
Subject: Internet <fwd>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Are they ONE MILLION Black Internet Users? We have be told by major
advertising executives that there are not "that many" Black persons on the
Internet. What's even worse is that similar statements being made by a
few people who look like us. Sadly, there is no evidence to dispute such
a ridiculous claim.

We are conducting a research experiement to prove that there are at least
one million regular users of the Internet who classify themselves as
African American, African, Pan-African or Black. The purpose of the
research is to justify to the major media, advertisers, content
developers, hardware and software manufacturers and others that we are a
viable audience that can not be ignored.

You are cordially invited visit and be part of the
"One of the Million" campaign. is a comprehensive
directory of Internet webset of particular interest to persons of African
descent. We have over 500 active listings to date.

An independent audit of the traffic count will be conducted; the infamous
million Man March counters will not be used. Our supporters include the
Black Data Processing Associates and Q.E.D. Inc. The research will be
conducted between February 21st and March 23rd.

Please assist us in this massive research effort. You can help by:
1) Forwarding this message to your e-mail buddies; and
2) visit us at Welcome to!

Thank you for supporting the cause.


Patrick McElroy
CEO, The Freedom Group Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 14:38:28 -0800 (PST)
From: "D. Proctor" <>
Subject: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (a black man to his son) by Abil Zlyad

Listen son, while we have this time together
lets not spend it just talking about the weather.
There are black men who are dying every single day
from every cause and in every kind of way.

Many have died in wars in which nobody has won
many have died in the streets from some policeman's gun.
But the saddest thing of all that is so hard to understand
most of them are killed by some other young black man.

So while I have you close, while I have you near
there are things I must say, things you must hear.
Cause far too often people fail to communicate
what they wished to say many times come much too late.

For a black man this world will always be a struggle
for anyone for that matter, but for you it'll be double.
But never think for a moment you cannot conquer anything
always remember you people were once kings and queens.

And although you live in this country called America
your spirit is from the motherland, continent of Africa.
And though you love to emulate your idol Michael Jordan
remember your ancestors drank from the River Jordan.

Many times you've asked me, Dad why all the history
cause where we're at now son is not where we should be.
There is something that is just so terribly wrong
it's like the black man is lost in a twilight zone.

When you see young brothers not much older than you
killing each other like there's just nothing else to do.
Over materialism, a misguided statement, an ounce of crack
I don't want you to think its always been like that.

When you see black men on corners holding up the walls
remember the time black men stood so tall.
All that wasted talent, they should be busy creating--
don't they know their skills are needed? the world is waiting.

There's so many inventions that are kept hid
not to mention the great wonders of the pyramids.
For instance, who do you think is the father of medicine?
There's even speculation about the inventions of Edison.

When you see black women walking up and down streets
jumping in and out of cars for some trick or treat
remember it's only because they have lost their place
but it's a direct result of their man's fall from grace.

And as you grow up being black, proud and strong
it's incumbent on you to try to uplift your own.
If you meet a sister and your heart goes to thumping
it's incumbent on you to respect that black woman.

Cause among all the colors of this universal equation
the world hates to admit it, she's the mother of creation.
Will it be your generation who puts her back on her throne?
Will it be your generation who'll correct these wrongs?

So son, as you meet this world with all its problems to bear
remember Langston, "life for me ain't been no crystal stair."
And if I should die tomorrow by any stroke of fate,
I'm glad we had this talk before it was too late.



Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 17:44:00 -0500 (EST)
From: (Modou Jallow)
Subject: Modern Slavery in Africa.
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


While watching the program '60 minutes' on CBS this past Sunday, I was
surprised to see a segment on 'Slavery in Ghana'. The reason for my
astonishment was the fact that Ghana used to be one of the good samples
for Africa, and I have never heard of dometicated slavery being practiced
in the country.

Can anyone comment on why African governments still accept and tolerate
slavery within their subjects? Could it be that, perhaps, this something
beyond the governments' control because of cultural or other motivational
forces? I am aware of the fact that the practice is still pertinent in
countries like Mauritania and Sudan. But for Ghana, ... that one beats me!

Any comments?

Moe S. Jallow


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 15:19:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
Message-ID: <libSDtMail.9712041519.9183.sarian@groucho>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-MD5: HyHmqGtCIgbZFvX3qDEcqg==


That was very inspiring. Hope all is well with you and your family. Happy

kind regards,



Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 15:35:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp.Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
Message-ID: <libSDtMail.9712041535.7902.sarian@groucho>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-MD5: oo4AEHj7bkaOmq7AZ63QdQ==

Sorry guys, this was meant for Debbie's private mail.


------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 15:19:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Sarian Loum <Sarian.Loum@Corp>
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List"
Subject: Re: (Fwd) IF I SHOULD DIE TOMORROW (fwd)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-MD5: HyHmqGtCIgbZFvX3qDEcqg==
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 beta -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN


That was very inspiring. Hope all is well with you and your family. Happy

kind regards,


------------- End Forwarded Message -------------


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 10:47:45 +0300
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Modern Slavery in Africa.
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Convention Articles 2 and 3

Female ritual slavery in Ghana. According to the New York Times, there =
are several thousand female ritual slaves in southeastern Ghana. Once a =
girl is given to a priest to appease the gods for crimes committed by =
relatives, she is considered his property. She can be freed only by the =
priest, in which case her family must replace her with a new young girl. =
Although Ghana's Constitution bars slavery, a new bill is pending before =
Parliament that would specifically outlaw this traditional form of =
bondage, which dates at least as far back as the 17th century and also =
persists in neighboring Togo, Benin and southwestern Nigeria.

Women have a particular interest in current negotiations to establish a =
permanent International Criminal Court (ICC). The proposed ICC would =
have jurisdiction to bring to justice those responsible for the most =
serious crimes under international law. A February 1997 PrepCom =
considered issues of jurisdiction, definitions and elements of crimes, =
and general principles of criminal law and penalties. Additional issues =
of standing, guiding legal principles, and cooperation with national =
court systems will be considered in upcoming PrepComs, to be held August =
4-15 and December 1-12, 1997. Women's human rights advocates are =
concerned that the ICC recognize crimes of violence against women as =
within the ambit of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. =
Contact: NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court, (212) =
599-1320; e-mail <>.

Women in Kenya are among the most vulnerable prisoners in police =
custody. According to Interact, the bulletin of Amnesty International =
USA, two women, Jane Wanbui and Virginia Nyambura Wambui, were =
reportedly severely tortured after they were arrested for robbery and =
taken to Kiambu Police station in Kikuyu Township. They were later =
released on the order of a judge who determined that they had been =
tortured. AI asks concerned individuals to write to President Daniel =
Arap Moi, calling on him to ensure that those responsible for the =
torture of these two women are brought to justice.

Land reform in Nepal has been reformed to eliminate discrimination. The =
Land Reform Act 2021 in Nepal was challenged in court by the Forum for =
Public Interest as discriminatory to women. The Act contains a provision =
which denies the transfer of tenancy rights to the daughters of a =
tenant, whether married, unmarried or widowed. The Forum for Public =
Interest used the CEDAW Convention to argue the case. In January 1997 =
the Act was amended and now confers tenancy rights on daughters and =
daughters-in-law who are at least thirty-five years of age.

-----Original Message-----
From: Modou Jallow []
Sent: 05 OUECa, 1418 01:44 O
To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
Subject: Modern Slavery in Africa.


While watching the program '60 minutes' on CBS this past Sunday, I was
surprised to see a segment on 'Slavery in Ghana'. The reason for my
astonishment was the fact that Ghana used to be one of the good samples
for Africa, and I have never heard of dometicated slavery being =
in the country.=20

Can anyone comment on why African governments still accept and tolerate
slavery within their subjects? Could it be that, perhaps, this something
beyond the governments' control because of cultural or other =
forces? I am aware of the fact that the practice is still pertinent in
countries like Mauritania and Sudan. But for Ghana, ... that one beats =

Any comments?

Moe S. Jallow


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 00:52:33 PST
From: "Momodou Camara" <>
Subject: FWD:Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

The rest of the following story can be found at

or the Bush list (Gampatriots).

Momodou Camara

December 4, 1997
Souleymane Gueye, PANA Correspondent

BANJUL, Gambia (PANA) - Gambia and Mali, Guinea and Senegal clash Friday
in the semifinals of the 15th Zone Two
Amilcar Cabral Football Tournament to be played at the Independence
Stadium, Bakau, some 11 kilometres West of the
Gambian capital, Banjul................

Following are the final Group tables:

Group A

Teams P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1-Gambia 3 2 1 0 5 2 3 7
2-Senegal 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 5
3-Mauritania 3 0 2 1 4 3 1 2
4-Cape Verde 3 0 1 2 3 6 -3 1
Group B P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1-Guinea 3 2 1 0 5 0 5 7
2-Mali 3 1 2 0 7 2 5 5
3-Sierra Leone 3 1 1 1 3 5 -2 4
4-Guinea-Bissau 3 0 0 3 2 8 -6 0
Friday's fixtures:
18.00 : Gambia-Mali
20.00 : Guinea-Senegal

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 10:43:01 +0100
From: "Momodou S Sidibeh" <>
To: <>
Subject: SV: Internet <fwd>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The questions of colour, creed, ethnicity, and identity are normal
favourite subjects for discussion in gambia-l. Eventhough, I recognise the
importance of these issues , I must also acknowledge that a constant return
to topics such as race and colour can be very damaging to all of us - but
especially to black people. Naturally, it is impossible to escape these
questions while living outside Africa; and they carry a particularly
"extra-curricular" significance for those of us living in the U.S. Thus it
is normal that a forum like this should offer a chance for us to not only
share experiences and offer advice, but also to vent out frustrations.
Nevertheless, it must be recognised that questions of race and colour are
more often than not, so emotive, frustrating, and psychologically consuming
that constantly dealing with them does sap mental energies such as would be
better spent on other, perhaps equally significant, matters.

Having said that, I would like to question the wisdom of this exercise you
are requesting response to. You wrote:
Are they ONE MILLION Black Internet Users? We have be told by major
> advertising executives that there are not "that many" Black persons on
> Internet. What's even worse is that similar statements being made by a
> few people who look like us. Sadly, there is no evidence to dispute such
> a ridiculous claim.

Mr. Proctor, why do you have to present evidence to "DISPUTE SUCH A
RIDICULOUS CLAIM"? It seems to me that the whole exercise collapses on
itself precisely because of its very ridiculous nature. I mean if there are
less than 1 million people of African descent wired, so WHAT? Is not the
point to try to get the sisters and brothers hooked up anyway, whether we
are a million or ten???

> We are conducting a research experiement to prove that there are at least
> one million regular users of the Internet who classify themselves as
> African American, African, Pan-African or Black

Everywhere the internet is quickly becoming a marketting front. (Some dude
is selling land on the moon you know - and I read that former President
Bush has bought a chunk). I definitely hope this whole exercise is just not
a big sting? Just think: Some software developers (presumably white) are
thinking of junking in cyberspace advertisements directed to black
consumers. They do not however, want to spend there own money in conducting
statistical research to gauge the size of just this particular market on
the internet. So they provoke some black samurai with an insult..."oh,
there are only 520,000 black surfers". The samurai gets insulted and so
goes about setting up a team to conduct research - with all the time,
energy, and money that it would entail - to prove them wrong. He finds out
that there are only 999,998 of us on the net, gives them the figure, and
retires believing that he has landed a huge blow for Africa's sons and
daughters. But he would also have done their work for them. For FREE!

Please do not take this seriously. My point is that we should do something
else - more important to all of us - black and white.

Momodou Sidibeh, Stockholm/Kartong.



Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 17:26:49 +0300
To: "''" <>
Subject: Slavery In Africa...................
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Slavery in Africa
supposedly ended when Mauritania officially proscribed the trade in
humans around 1981.

But the belief by African states that all forms of the practice have
ended on the continent may be flawed.

"Classical slavery of people in chains has ended but new forms of
servitude have emerged, mostly affecting children," says Cleophas
Mally, the director of Wao-Afrique in Lome, Togo.

The agency's brief is to stop child exploitation and promote peace in

According to him, the new forms of slavery in Africa manifest
themselves in early and forced marriages, exploitation of child labour,
the mortgaging of children by their indebted parents and the female
genital mutilation of young girls.

"Although Africans now refuse to admit the existence of the problem, we
in Togo have witnessed the illegal repatriation of young girls to
middle revenue countries such as Gabon and Cameroon," Mally told PANA
in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

He is attending a subregional meeting on children's rights, education
and development.

The brokers are usually Togolese women living in Gabon. They discuss
with the girls' parents and promise a better life for their children
when they are employed as maids.

"Knowing very well that these girls' parents are far away, their
employers flagrantly violate their rights. Some of them even transform
the girls into prostitutes," Mally said. Other, he said, tell parent
that they are taking their daughters to neighbouring Benin as maids.

"Then, unknown to the parents, some of the girls end up as slaves in
Lebanon," he added.

Mally said before he left Lome Friday, two Beninese women were being
questioned by police for attempting to smuggle out three school girls.

The women had approached a school teacher for the purpose of obtaining
one of her pupils. The teacher leaked the affair to Wao-Afrique which,
in turn, alerted the police.

"Under questioning it became clear that the Beninese women had sought
to obtain permits of safe passage for three girls," he said.

Mally said Wao-Afrique does not know how many girls have been forced
into slavery, "but we are seeking the services of a consultant to
unravel the network of children traffickers."

Mally says Wao-Afrique will begin to pressure legislators for them to
pass legislation protecting children's rights.

The agency also wants the speedy rate ratification of the 1989
convention of child labour by countries where it has chapters: Benin,
Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Niger, Senegal and Togo. Its Burundi and Rwanda
chapters have been closed due to the ethnic-related mayhem which
started in 1993.

However Mally said, "We also managed to convince the Banjul-based
African Human and People's Rights Commission to accept in principle
that new forms of slavery have emerged. Preparation are a foot for a
seminar on the problem, to be organised by the Inter-African Human
Rights Union."


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:27:02 -0500 (EST)
From: (Modou Jallow)
Subject: Re: Modern Slavery in Africa.
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Bassirou Drammeh wrote:
> Female ritual slavery in Ghana. According to the New York Times, there =
> are several thousand female ritual slaves in southeastern Ghana. Once a =
> girl is given to a priest to appease the gods for crimes committed by =
> relatives, she is considered his property. She can be freed only by the =
> priest, in which case her family must replace her with a new young girl. =
> Although Ghana's Constitution bars slavery, a new bill is pending before =
> Parliament that would specifically outlaw this traditional form of =
> bondage, which dates at least as far back as the 17th century and also =
> persists in neighboring Togo, Benin and southwestern Nigeria.


What more can I say other than 'Thank you'? I appreciate it, sir!

Moe S. Jallow



Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 14:47:15 +0000
From: S Njie <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-disposition: inline
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

List Manager(s),

Could you please unsubcribe me temporarily. I shall be away from
my desk on home leave and will be going to the Motherland.

May I wish all list members seasons greetings and a very
prosperous and exciting 1998.

S.G. Njie


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 17:47:53 +0300
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Gambia has never won a competition and appear determined to do so this
time. The team's main asset is the determination of
its players to win the country's first competition.=20
So,I guess we will know today if the Scorpions have what it takes to win =
a Tournament.From what I have gathered from our ArmChair =
commentators,Mali is the most efficient team technically speaking,so if =
we can overcome them today, that would be an enormous psychological =
boost in our bid to clinch this historic opportunity! So,we are waiting =
to hear from our ArmChair people in Town: Archi & Pmj.

In the meantime,Keep Up The Good Work Down There!

Regards Basssss!

Following are the final Group tables:=20

Group A=20

Teams P W D L GF GA GD Pts=20
1-Gambia 3 2 1 0 5 2 3 7=20
2-Senegal 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 5=20
3-Mauritania 3 0 2 1 4 3 1 2=20
4-Cape Verde 3 0 1 2 3 6 -3 1=20
Group B P W D L GF GA GD Pts=20
1-Guinea 3 2 1 0 5 0 5 7=20
2-Mali 3 1 2 0 7 2 5 5=20
3-Sierra Leone 3 1 1 1 3 5 -2 4=20
4-Guinea-Bissau 3 0 0 3 2 8 -6 0=20
Friday's fixtures:=20
18.00 : Gambia-Mali=20
20.00 : Guinea-Senegal=20


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:14:29 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Jatta <>
Subject: New Member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Folks,
Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Michael Jatta, and I
am an undergraduate student studying Economics and Finance in Jacksonville
State in Alabama. I am a senior about to graduate in the spring of 1998.

I am really glad that I was added to the list of Gambians that can
interact using this valuable system to discuss important issues
about The Gambia. I hope that my addition to the group would be an
educational benefit to both the group and myself. Thanks a lot.


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 22:42:38 -0800
Subject: Subscription
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi List Managers!
Sorry for sending this request through the list but I can't find the
managers' individual addresses posted some time ago.
Could you please add Sonna Secka to the list? Her e-mail address is:

Thanks in advance.


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 15:42:22 -0600 (CST)
From: Paul Jammeh <>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: New Member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Mike,
Congratulations and welcome aboard the 'Bantaba'

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Michael Jatta wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Michael Jatta, and I
> am an undergraduate student studying Economics and Finance in Jacksonville
> State in Alabama. I am a senior about to graduate in the spring of 1998.
> I am really glad that I was added to the list of Gambians that can
> interact using this valuable system to discuss important issues
> about The Gambia. I hope that my addition to the group would be an
> educational benefit to both the group and myself. Thanks a lot.


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 22:51:35 +0200
From: (Camara, Momodou)
Subject: New Member
Message-ID: <19971205215149.AAA14448@momodou>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Sonna Secka has been added to the list: Welcome to Gambia-l Sonna.
You can sen a breif introduction. Our address is:

Momodou Camara


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 22:53:50 -0800
Subject: Re: Gambia-L
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Moe!
Thanks for the poem. It=B4s nice to hear that you are still
thinking about Gambia-l. It is everything you talk about in your poem
and then some. Good luck with your project and have a nice weekend.

Modou Jallow wrote:
> =

> Momodou Buharry Gassama wrote:
> =

> > P.S.
> > Moe,
> > What's up, man? How can we provoke you out of your project?
> > D.S.
> =

> Hey Tom and fellow Gambia-Lers,
> =

> What a life without Gambia-L!
> I must admit I always feel the urge to come to Gambia-L
> but my hands and feet are tied up. Hopefully and thankfully,
> I will be back soon to read and write, smile and laugh, sigh and
> grin, annoy and get angry, love and get loved with you again.
> =

> Just to say: WHAT'S UP GAMBIA-L???
> =

> Regards,
> Moe S. Jallow
> =

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------=


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 00:11:04 -0800
Subject: Re: SV: Winnie Madizela Mandela
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Momodou!
I have to first of all apologise for not replying the day after your
post as promised but we have had extra courses at work and I was so
tired when I came home that I just couldn=B4t write anything.
Before going further, I have to acknowledge the perspective you brought
to the issue. I however still sympathise with Winnie like Bass, Jabou,
others on the list and millions of grassroots South Africans.
One of the points you raised was that Winnie had it much more
comfortable than millions of others. I think that comfort is very
subjective. You are right in the sense that at times she had comfortable
accomodation and many privileges compared to others. That is the
privilege enjoyed by leaders and their spouses because they are held in
high esteem because of the sacrifices they are making and people
willingly sacrifice to make it easier for them. There is another side
however. Millions of others were not forced to put their food on
sanitary buckets, see their husbands=B4 feet for the first time in 21
years, never take their children to school because they would break a
banning order, be married for over two decades and never truly
experience married life, banished to a remote place where one knows
nobody, having to live with the psychological burden of knowing that one
is followed and watched daily etc. You see, Winnie had her comforts but
she sure did have her hell also.
Another point you raised was that Winnie=B4s house was torched and the
neighbours, mostly women, did nothing to help. There could be a
multitude of reasons for this. I do not know why. Maybe you can help
with an answer. Was it because they hated her? If so, why?
You also wrote:
> You all seem to have been saying that IT WAS OKEY FOR WINNIE TO SANCTIO=

I don=B4t know what the rest of the people who sent posts on this thread=

are saying, but I am not saying that Winnie should sanction the killing
of innocent people whilst liberating them. Are those who were killed
innocent? What threat did they pose to security of the others in the
struggle? A 14-year old is as dangerous in this respect as a 90-year
old. Espionage is a capital offense and can be punishable by death in
many countries.
It is important to realise at this point that Winnie has not been
convicted of killing anybody. There are accusations against her a lot of
which have been thrown out. The bodyguard who was paraded around the
world by Emma Nicholson had his evidence stamped as inconsistent. Winnie
took the stand late this week and refuted all claims against her even
though some witnesses had punched holes in her alibi. So it is claim and
counter claim at the moment. Until Winnie is convicted of murder, we
have to assume her innocence. =

I posted the quotes to remind people of the contibutions Winnie made to
the struggle. She made some mistakes. That is true. So did everyone else
from the leaders to the ordinary street people. Afterall, they are all
human. Whilst everyone is praised for the contributions they made,
Winnie has been a scapegoat and her contributions have ben negated.
There are many reasons for this one looking like a conspiracy by the ANC
hierarchy to tanish her image because of her popularity and the threat
she poses to them. That is why I thought that it might be a good idea to
share a few quotes that that would bring her contributions into the

Now, let=B4s get to the important part. You wrote in your follow-up:
> Bass, in case you do not know.... President Yahya Jammeh once held a pu=
> meeting in Kartong. He told his audience that while he was still a
> presidential guard, former President Jawara warned him for the youth of=

> Kartong. He said the former president told him that these were very
> troublesome and radical. That is a reputation your 'alkaliyaa' will nev=
> match. It is regrettable that Buharry and others will have to swallow t=
> with you.

I have tried very hard to keep out of this topic but now I have to get
in. First of all, sorry to burst your bubble but where is Kartong? Has
anyone on the list ever heard of the place? =

Secondly, you Gambians have to realise that Gambia cannot be Gambia
without Serrekunda. We are the New York of Gambia. You guys had better
be nice to us. Otherwise I would support Bass if he decides to impose
visa requirements for you guys and that would be terrible indeed. So, be
nice and have a good weekend. Thanks.

Momodou S Sidibeh wrote:
> =

> Folks....Sisiter Jabou, Bass, Buhari, and others....
> Just managed to go through so much mail this morning. I simply could no=
> withstand the urge to answer to this issue even before managing to go
> through the rest of the mail.
> Before going any further, I must at once state that I would beg to DIFF=
> ALMOST COMPLETELY with the views expressed on Winnie Mandela. The issue=
> too important to be uncritically dealt with.
> =

> While I have no intention to make an analyses of the situation I shou=
> opine that the final phase of the liberation struggle in South Africa -=

> especially from the early 1980s onwards - was fraught with extreme
> difficulties both for the forces allied to bring down apartheid togethe=
> with its capitalist power structures, and those that clamoured for endi=
> apartheid but reforming the power structures to the extent that they co=
> be made to respond to the needs of the majority of South Africans. Eve=
> before the Zulu nationalist movement made a serious bid for power among=
> the black population, the ANC and AZAPO had already first cooperated, a=
> then waged a brutal struggle against one another for supremacy. (This
> bitter struggle began in fact immediately after the visit to South Afri=
> by U.S senator Edward Kennedy in (1986?)). The violent nature of this
> struggle - essentially between disciples of Steve Biko and followers of=

> Nelson Mandela - was a devastating blow to the revolutionary movement a=
> its supporters and sympathisers. It must be borne in mind however, that=

> this phase of the struggle against apartheid, had for various reasons,
> received only very scant attention from the international press and med=
> The internecine violence became even more complicated with the emerg=
> of Inkatha; neither was the eqaution simplified by the involvement of t=
> South African security services in augmenting the violence.
> OF WINNIE MANDELA. Of course she has suffered a lot and went through
> extreme trials. But so did millions of black South African women! Winni=
> in fact, had it much more comfortable than millions and millions of oth=
> Many things happened in Winnie Mandela's backyard. Without going into a=
> that, I should simply invite you to think about this: During the period=
> the so-called "black on black" violence Winnie's house in Soweto was se=
> alight and was completely burnt to ashes. The neighbours, most of them
> women, just stood by and watched, not offering so much as a cup of wate=
r to
> douse the flames.
> =

> The history of the struggle against apartheid is probably the most
> important piece of human history (for black people, at any rate) depict=
> organised struggle against an awesomely powerful and systematically
> organised RACISM. My opinion is that we need to assess this history ver=
> seriously if we are to ensure the eternal freedom of the race. Here,
> simplifications, that appeal to sentiments eulogising heroines and hero=
> must be rejected. Remembering what we have gone through as a people, an=
> being aware of the yoke we are carrying today, our search for heoines i=
> completely understandable. The fact sadly, is simply that Winnie Mandel=
> has not reached the level of leadership that we should wish her to have=

> eclipsed.
> You all seem to have been saying that IT WAS OKEY FOR WINNIE TO SANCTIO=
> BUSINESS OF LIBERATING THEM!!!!!! That does not make very pleasant
> reasoning to me. You can choose Winnie Mandela to rule over you in
> Dippa-Kunda. But for those of us in Kartong, we will forever praise her=
> her invaluable contribution, and denounce her for ultimately failing TO=

> =

> Momodou Sidibeh /Stockholm, Kartong=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =

> > Fr=E5n:
> > Till: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> <>
> > =C4mne: Winnie Madizela Mandela
> > Datum: den 30 november 1997 16:54
> >
> > Brother Bass,you wrote:
> >
> > Mr.Jallow,
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't think I could say it better myself!The Third Force,as Winnie
> calls
> >
> > them,with their racist friends around the world,esp.those of them in
> >
> > Britain, want to do everything that could help puncture Winnie's chan=
> of
> >
> > becoming the future president of South Africa.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thabo Nbeki may or may not be the next president of South Africa, but=

> sadly
> >
> > for her enemies,the Mother of the Nation would sooner or later become=
> >
> > president of South Africa;and when that happens, she would do exactly=

> what
> >
> > the white establishment and its friends are so scared of,namely,the r=
> >
> > dismantlement of all the white power structures without which the rea=
> >
> > enpowerment of Shaka's children would never materialise.
> >
> >
> >
> > Could the South African diamond giant,De Beers,for instance,ever imag=
> the
> >
> > day when 80 or 90% of its board members would be black men and women?=
> And
> >
> > what about the gold industry and the banks and how would most white
> families
> >
> > manage to clean up and feed themselves in a world in which they could=
> >
> > longer afford to pay black nannies and domestic helps to do that for
> >
> > them.These are the real stuffs that is scaring them to death,and who =
> >
> > could deliver that last blow to the remnants of apartheid than the ve=
> >
> > woman who has kept the liberation candle burning for twenty-seven ete=
> >
> > years.
> >
> >
> >
> > Winnie,we are waiting! Come and rule over us,its your turn now.
> >
> >
> > Jabou Joh.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Reagrds Basss!
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > From: <>
> >
> > To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 9:13 AM
> >
> > Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >Sent by "Pa Musa Jallow" <>
> >
> > > via Commit
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >Dear Folks,
> >
> > >Regarding Mrs Winnie Madikezela-Mandela: On BBC Focus on Africa,
> 25/11/97;
> >
> > >It was reported that "Baroness"Emma Nicholson was taking private
> >
> > >prosecution on murder charges against Winnie on behalf of Stompie ??=
> >
> > >mother;
> >
> > >now this Emma Nicholson if I recall was a short-lived Minsiter or ju=
> >
> > >minister under Margaret Thatcher..the latter and her cabinet was ver=
> >
> > >famous in affording apartheid much needed breathing space in its lat=
> >
> > >years and also holding the ANC and Mandala as communist-terrorists;
> >
> > >I think Nicholson should just simply be deported as an undesirable a=
> >
> > >unwanted element in Africa..
> >
> > >I don't care whether Winnie is guilty or innocent; Emma does not hav=
e a
> >
> > >voice or vote in our affairs; it is like having the KKK decide on bl=
> on
> >
> > >black crime
> >
> > >
> >
> > >folks, I have used the utmost restraint in not calling the b******* =
> >
> > >names she deserves in my opinion.
> >
> > >pmj
> >
> > >
> >
> > >----------
> >
> > >> From: Modou Jallow <>
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
> > Return-Path: <>
> > Received: from (
> [])
> > by (v36.0) with SMTP; Thu, 27 Nov 1997 01:17:40 -0=
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> > by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
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> > Wed, 26 Nov 1997 23:52:41 -0500 (EST)
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> > Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 07:48:07 +0300
> > Reply-To:
> > Sender:
> > Precedence: bulk
> > From: "Bassirou Dodou Drammeh" <>
> > To: GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List
> > <>
> > Subject: Re: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
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> >


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 00:36:21 -0800
Subject: Is It In Our Nature?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I have always wondered why we as Gambians are one of most
disorganised group of foreigners in all the countries I have been to
outside Gambia. Why we have difficulties setting up cohesive and
representative organisations. Why in Atlanta (when I lived there) and in
G=F6teborg here in Sweden we have organisations or nightclubs for Wollofs=

and others for Mandinkas. Why Gambian holidays are celebrated based on
tribal lines. Why it is difficult to accept it when one of us prospers.
Why we report fellow Gambians who overstay their visas instead of
helping them. Why we refuse to patronise Gambians who set up businesses.
Why we involve in petty squabbles and fights, backbiting, "taysantays"
etc. instead of channelling our energies towards endeavours that can
improve our lot both in Babylon and back home. Why we ....
Is it in our nature to be jealous? Is it in our nature to be
disorganised? Is it in our nature to petty? OR, are we just lost?


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 00:40:38 -0800
Subject: Re: New Member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Hi Sonna!
Welcome to Gambia-l. Hope you enjoy the Bantaba.
Camara, Momodou wrote:
> Greetings,
> Sonna Secka has been added to the list: Welcome to Gambia-l Sonna.
> You can sen a breif introduction. Our address is:
> Momodou Camara


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 19:12:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Ousman Gajigo <>
Subject: Re: Is It In Our Nature?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: Quoted-printable

> Hi!
> I have always wondered why we as Gambians are one of most
> disorganised group of foreigners in all the countries I have been to
> outside Gambia. Why we have difficulties setting up cohesive and
> representative organisations. Why in Atlanta (when I lived there) and in
> G=F6teborg here in Sweden we have organisations or nightclubs for Wollof=
> and others for Mandinkas. Why Gambian holidays are celebrated based on
> tribal lines. Why it is difficult to accept it when one of us prospers.
> Why we report fellow Gambians who overstay their visas instead of
> helping them. Why we refuse to patronise Gambians who set up businesses.
> Why we involve in petty squabbles and fights, backbiting, "taysantays"
> etc. instead of channelling our energies towards endeavours that can
> improve our lot both in Babylon and back home. Why we ....
> Is it in our nature to be jealous? Is it in our nature to be
> disorganised? Is it in our nature to petty? OR, are we just lost?

When did you do your census on such exclusively Gambian behaviors? I
think you will find elements like these in any society. It is very
good to address such problems when they affect a society you belong
but what's up with these sweeping statements? I don't think this is a
recommendable way to spark meaningful discussion on issues.

>Why in Atlanta (when I lived there) and in
> G=F6teborg here in Sweden we have organisations or nightclubs for
> Wollofs and others for Mandinkas. Why Gambian holidays are
> celebrated based on tribal lines.

These ones are very important points. I'm not really ready to
discuss them in detail right now. I personally would like to see more
emphasis on nationality or African, than on individual tribes. But
there is nothing wrong with people identifying themselves with their
tribes as long as there is mutual respect. In fact this is natural
for most people I know because tribes have been in existence
since time immemorial. When did we have a "Gambia" as we know it
today and is it our creation? In fact, in attempting
to identify us into Gambian, one defeat the purpose because we are
drawing another line between Africans. The point is, if we are going
to attack separation base on ethnic groups, we should not stop on
modern divisive national borders but include the whole sub-saharan
Africa. It is longshot but I don't think anyone will argue that
it is impossible.



Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 20:32:48 -0500
From: "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
Subject: Re: FWD:Cabral Cup Semifinals Slated For Friday
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Soccer Fans:
Bravo to our Scorpions! Its nice to learn that they are the group leader.
I've expected that anyway. Well, now they have to watchout for Mali. Its
probably too late to say anyway since the game is already over. I can't wait
for the score. Pa-Musa and Achi, I'm sitting here dying to hear the score.
Please keep me alive, please! Thanks to both of you for your brilliant
commentary from the base. It highly appreciated. I'm predicting a rematch of
the 1986 final - Gambia vs Senegal.
Happy weekend to you all.


Pa-Mambuna, the Bluegrass State.

Momodou Camara wrote:

> Gambia-l,
> The rest of the following story can be found at
> or the Bush list (Gampatriots).
> Momodou Camara
> December 4, 1997
> Souleymane Gueye, PANA Correspondent
> BANJUL, Gambia (PANA) - Gambia and Mali, Guinea and Senegal clash Friday
> in the semifinals of the 15th Zone Two
> Amilcar Cabral Football Tournament to be played at the Independence
> Stadium, Bakau, some 11 kilometres West of the
> Gambian capital, Banjul................
> Following are the final Group tables:
> Group A
> Teams P W D L GF GA GD Pts
> 1-Gambia 3 2 1 0 5 2 3 7
> 2-Senegal 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 5
> 3-Mauritania 3 0 2 1 4 3 1 2
> 4-Cape Verde 3 0 1 2 3 6 -3 1
> Group B P W D L GF GA GD Pts
> 1-Guinea 3 2 1 0 5 0 5 7
> 2-Mali 3 1 2 0 7 2 5 5
> 3-Sierra Leone 3 1 1 1 3 5 -2 4
> 4-Guinea-Bissau 3 0 0 3 2 8 -6 0
> Friday's fixtures:
> 18.00 : Gambia-Mali
> 20.00 : Guinea-Senegal
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 23:26:30 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List" <>
Subject: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro continues while Little watches on)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
via Commit

Well the 1st and most disastrous of all has happened.

The Scorpions lost there Semi final to the Malian team by 2 goals to 1
leading to their miserable downfall in the tournament few hours ago. The
two teams (Malian and Gambian) had come off a long way without any defeat
to prove who was who. But unfortunately for the Scorpions the match ended
proving the other side to be the stronger.

Well this tournament came up with a number of turning points in the history
of the game. I was made to understand that the Scorpions had always been an
obstacle for the Malian in previous editions of the tourney. This time
though they seemed
as indicated from their performance that they are all determined to make it
up with no surrender no defeat mannerism.

The Scorpions, for reason best known to them then, during the 1st half had
slacked off. This slackness losing them a number of goal opportunities paid
no dividend other than 2 solid goals in their net in the very 1st half.
Their determination to make it up during the 2nd half went fell short of
equalizing talk less of winning this crucial match.

However, one need not be surprise that Mali made it. Ever since their very
1st match with Guinea Conakry they were really up to something and with
their determination they may be deem to have it.

It is also regrettable that Guinea Conakry could not make it to the finals
as they also similarly lost to the Lions of Senegal by 2 goals to 1. What a
coincidence. As the Scorpions were not able to make their day, I had keenly
watched the 2nd match with high anticipation that I would be able to
witness another spectacular play between Mali and Conakry at the finals,
but no it could not turn in my desired direction. The Lions of Senegal seem
good at delay tactics whenever they think it fit to do so. After their 2nd
goal tilting the then 1-1 score they made several substitutions and their
players tend to fall to the ground with the slightest wind that they could
sense. But there was a lovely goal the Guineans missed that had it been
materialized I would personally have nominated it to be the best, but then
the two strikers that made the same stylish attempt at the goal missed the
ball as they did the scissors-type shot but both missed the ball right
the Lions' danger zone.

Well the outcome of the finals between the Lions' of Senegal and the Malian
team would lift the trophy from The Gambian either to Dakar or Bamako to
the dismay of the Scorpion who would have to watch and see which direction
it might be heading. Oh, what a petty!!!! What would become of the
President's uncompleted promise? How are the international players on the
squad going to take it as they head back to their respective teams out
there? What really went wrong? Could it be corrected in 2 years for the
next tournament? Will the new trophy acquired and donated by the President
ever see the Gambian soil again? How about the unprecedented Support by
the Scorpions' fans will it cool off that easily? Anyway probably the
Scorpions would someday, somehow and somewhere be able to do better if
there optimum has not been attained.

Looking forward to the decisive finals between Mali and Senegal on Sunday,
I bid all goodnight.



Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 17:27:44 +1300
From: Thomas Forster <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro
Message-ID: <>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

It is sad that after all the effort and hard work of the National
Co-ordinating Committee (NCC) the scorpions failed at the penultimate
hurdle. I only hope the enthusiasm of the NCC and the supporters
will continue because I feel the attitude is right and with
continuation, we can look forward to brighter days.

Thanks Archibald for providing us with this piece of information, I
was longing for it all along. Although depressing,I'm hopeful for a
brighter future.


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 23:26:30 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro continues
while Little watches on)
To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List"
X-To: "GAMBIA-L: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List"

Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
via Commit

Well the 1st and most disastrous of all has happened.

The Scorpions lost there Semi final to the Malian team by 2 goals to 1
leading to their miserable downfall in the tournament few hours ago. The
two teams (Malian and Gambian) had come off a long way without any defeat
to prove who was who. But unfortunately for the Scorpions the match ended
proving the other side to be the stronger.

Well this tournament came up with a number of turning points in the history
of the game. I was made to understand that the Scorpions had always been an
obstacle for the Malian in previous editions of the tourney. This time
though they seemed
as indicated from their performance that they are all determined to make it
up with no surrender no defeat mannerism.

The Scorpions, for reason best known to them then, during the 1st half had
slacked off. This slackness losing them a number of goal opportunities paid
no dividend other than 2 solid goals in their net in the very 1st half.
Their determination to make it up during the 2nd half went fell short of
equalizing talk less of winning this crucial match.

However, one need not be surprise that Mali made it. Ever since their very
1st match with Guinea Conakry they were really up to something and with
their determination they may be deem to have it.

It is also regrettable that Guinea Conakry could not make it to the finals
as they also similarly lost to the Lions of Senegal by 2 goals to 1. What a
coincidence. As the Scorpions were not able to make their day, I had keenly
watched the 2nd match with high anticipation that I would be able to
witness another spectacular play between Mali and Conakry at the finals,
but no it could not turn in my desired direction. The Lions of Senegal seem
good at delay tactics whenever they think it fit to do so. After their 2nd
goal tilting the then 1-1 score they made several substitutions and their
players tend to fall to the ground with the slightest wind that they could
sense. But there was a lovely goal the Guineans missed that had it been
materialized I would personally have nominated it to be the best, but then
the two strikers that made the same stylish attempt at the goal missed the
ball as they did the scissors-type shot but both missed the ball right
the Lions' danger zone.

Well the outcome of the finals between the Lions' of Senegal and the Malian
team would lift the trophy from The Gambian either to Dakar or Bamako to
the dismay of the Scorpion who would have to watch and see which direction
it might be heading. Oh, what a petty!!!! What would become of the
President's uncompleted promise? How are the international players on the
squad going to take it as they head back to their respective teams out
there? What really went wrong? Could it be corrected in 2 years for the
next tournament? Will the new trophy acquired and donated by the President
ever see the Gambian soil again? How about the unprecedented Support by
the Scorpions' fans will it cool off that easily? Anyway probably the
Scorpions would someday, somehow and somewhere be able to do better if
there optimum has not been attained.

Looking forward to the decisive finals between Mali and Senegal on Sunday,
I bid all goodnight.



Thomas Hamilton Forster
Flat 9 Ilam Flats
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
Tel: 0064 3 348 9504

Department of Management
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
New Zealand
Tel: (64) 3 3642 987 Ext 8634
Fax: (64) 3 3642 020



Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 21:17:24 -0800 (PST)
From: "D. Singhateh" <>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Is It In Our Nature?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE

Hello Ousman, =20
I commend you for the response to some of Buharry's
questions? His questions are very intriguing and we can only hope to know
the right answers. I don't think even the greatest sociologist(s) could
hit the bull's eye on every one them questions. This problem is not just
limited to Gambians as you rightly put it. It's just human nature to be
all but...
However, this does not mean that one should do every thing one
could to bring about the down fall of one's neighbor. Yes, it is true,
Some people are more endowed than others but we all, in our own little
ways, yearn for perfection. It could only help if we work together to
bring the best out of every one. I only hope his observation and your
words of caution do not fall on deaf ears. I hope we can mount a
collaborative effort towards the new education program and perhaps set the
stage for others to follow. =20
=09=09Dawda Singhateh.

PS: Hey!! wait a minute, after all, Buharrys observation could not have
come at a more fitting time. The minutes of the newly educational support
plan, which will help among other things to revitalize education in the
Gambia, has just been published. SOoo, may be, Buharrys observation will
spark a fire in all of us to do our best to help our brothers and sisters.=
It's a very worthy cause.

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Ousman Gajigo wrote:

> > Hi!
> > I have always wondered why we as Gambians are one of most
> > disorganised group of foreigners in all the countries I have been to
> > outside Gambia. Why we have difficulties setting up cohesive and
> > representative organisations. Why in Atlanta (when I lived there) and i=
> > G=F6teborg here in Sweden we have organisations or nightclubs for Wollo=
> > and others for Mandinkas. Why Gambian holidays are celebrated based on
> > tribal lines. Why it is difficult to accept it when one of us prospers.
> > Why we report fellow Gambians who overstay their visas instead of
> > helping them. Why we refuse to patronise Gambians who set up businesses=
> > Why we involve in petty squabbles and fights, backbiting, "taysantays"
> > etc. instead of channelling our energies towards endeavours that can
> > improve our lot both in Babylon and back home. Why we ....
> > =09Is it in our nature to be jealous? Is it in our nature to be
> > disorganised? Is it in our nature to petty? OR, are we just lost?
> When did you do your census on such exclusively Gambian behaviors? I
> think you will find elements like these in any society. It is very
> good to address such problems when they affect a society you belong
> but what's up with these sweeping statements? I don't think this is a
> recommendable way to spark meaningful discussion on issues.
> >Why in Atlanta (when I lived there) and in
> > G=F6teborg here in Sweden we have organisations or nightclubs for
> > Wollofs and others for Mandinkas. Why Gambian holidays are
> > celebrated based on tribal lines.
> These ones are very important points. I'm not really ready to
> discuss them in detail right now. I personally would like to see more
> emphasis on nationality or African, than on individual tribes. But
> there is nothing wrong with people identifying themselves with their
> tribes as long as there is mutual respect. In fact this is natural
> for most people I know because tribes have been in existence
> since time immemorial. When did we have a "Gambia" as we know it
> today and is it our creation? In fact, in attempting
> to identify us into Gambian, one defeat the purpose because we are
> drawing another line between Africans. The point is, if we are going
> to attack separation base on ethnic groups, we should not stop on
> modern divisive national borders but include the whole sub-saharan
> Africa. It is longshot but I don't think anyone will argue that
> it is impossible.
> Ousman


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 01:03:50 -0800 (PST)
From: "D. Singhateh" <>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

So after all the effort, the scorpions lost. What a rap to the heart.
Dejected but still a believer and hopefully some day we will all join in
the victory celebration. In the mean time though, I want to congratulate
and thank PMJ and anrchi for a job well done. You saved a lot of dollars,
so far, by your timely reporting of events as they unfold in Banjul. I
thank you guys a lot for your time and effort.
Thanx a lot,
Dawda singhateh.


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 03:30:26 -0800 (PST)
From: "Ousainou Demba - EECS (EE214)" <>
Subject: Introduction
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Forks,

My name is Ousainou Demba.I was born and raised in Brikama.
I attended Brikama Primary School and then to Gambia High School
where i took both 'O' and 'A' levels.I am currently attending Washington
State University major in Electrical Engineering.



Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:17:10 +0300
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

In the end,it was not to be.With all the euphoria,excitement and =
outpouring of nationalistic feelings,the Scorpions,as we all now know, =
do not have that killer instinct required to win the Cup.So,maybe a =
total overhaul or at least a reorganisation of the entire soccer =
machinery in the land is in order.The present one has done a good job =
but quite clearly not good enough!

To our ArmChair commentators ,I would say: Njaaraama for a wonderful job =
and keep up the good work down there!

Regards Bassss!

Amie Aidara (1),the Nationalists (0) but life goes on!!!


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:30:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Musa Sowe <chemsm@panther.Gsu.EDU>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: NEXT STEP?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.971206121551.17312B-100000@panther.Gsu.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hellow everyone:

The Ed committee's report is out. "Older" G.L members will recall
the interesting and enthusiastic debate re. educational support in the
Gambia; Pledges were made, concerns and issues were discussed. Hopefully
the document presented by Malanding on behalf of the committee has
addressed most of the issues. Gambia College and others continue to be in
real need of support. What is the next step?


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 12:25:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Ousman Gajigo <>
Subject: RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-version: 1.0
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Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Bass wrote

>In the end,it was not to be.With all the euphoria,excitement and
>outpouring of nationalistic feelings,the Scorpions,as we all now
>know, do not have that killer instinct required to win the
>Cup.So,maybe a total overhaul or at least a reorganisation of the
>entire soccer machinery in the land is in order.The present one has
>done a good job but quite clearly not good enough!

Yes, there definitely needs to be a total reorganization of the
management and the coaching staff. We definitely have the
talent to win these tournaments. Getting to semi-finals alone is not
the objective.



Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:36:01 -0500 (EST)
From: Musa Sowe <chemsm@panther.Gsu.EDU>
To: The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: NEXT STEP?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.971206123414.17312D-100000@panther.Gsu.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hellow everyone:
The Ed committee's report is out. "Older" G.L members will recall
the interesting and enthusiastic debate re. educational support in the
Gambia;Pledges were made, concerns and issues were discussed. Hopefully
the document presented by Malanding on behalf the committee has addressed
most of that. Gambia College and others continue to be in real need of
support. What is the next step?


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:44:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Raye Sosseh <>
Subject: New Member
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

List Managers,
Please add Malang Maane to the list


* Raye Sosseh *
* George Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering *
* Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 *
* email: *
* *
* Quote *
* ----- *
* "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what *
* keeps you going. *
* *
* Jim Ryun *


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 14:34:27 -0800 (PST)
From: "Ousainou Demba - EECS (EE214)" <>
Subject: Request
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Dear Gambia-L organizers,

I would like to request a new membership for Lamin Jaiteh ( Ten Boy).
His e-mail address is
Your consideration is highly appreciated.


Ousainou Demba.


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 19:08:15 -0600
From: Tamsir Mbai <>
Subject: RE:The Cabral Trophy Fiasco!!
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I think it is very premature to suggest a reorganization of the
management and the coaching staff. Just a few days ago, these coaches were
doing such a wonderful job according to postings on this list. Why then
should we suggest a dismantling of the organization's hierarchy when we do
not even know what went wrong. Maybe Mali just had a better team. If i
remember very well, Archibald, who is based in The Gambia, was very
impressed with Mali from the get-go. I am making these statements because
having played for and with Alhagie Sillah, i know him to be one of the most
competent coaches in The Gambia. Let's give the brother a chance. Our team
wasn't assembled until a couple of months ago.
My recommendation is that we need some technical analysis of the job
done by the coaching staff, and the managerial skills of the management
staff before we judge their performance. For that matter, i ask Sam Thorpe
(former coach of Augustinians Football Club) who is a member of this list to
give us a breakdown of what happened and who, if anybody, is to blame for
our demise at the semi-finals.
To The Gambian international players who went back home to play, i
say, keep up the patriotism. Thank you infinitely for a wonderful job and
CONGRATULATIONS BIG TIME!!! We need more people like you guys. Better luck
next time!!! GO SCORPIONS!!!!!!
To masters Pa Musa and Archi, thanx for a job well done. Bravo
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everybody. Peace!!!!!
It's Tamsir.

At 12:25 PM 12/6/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Bass wrote
>>In the end,it was not to be.With all the euphoria,excitement and
>>outpouring of nationalistic feelings,the Scorpions,as we all now
>>know, do not have that killer instinct required to win the
>>Cup.So,maybe a total overhaul or at least a reorganisation of the
>>entire soccer machinery in the land is in order.The present one has
>>done a good job but quite clearly not good enough!
>Yes, there definitely needs to be a total reorganization of the
>management and the coaching staff. We definitely have the
>talent to win these tournaments. Getting to semi-finals alone is not
>the objective.


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 22:11:37 -0500
From: "Pa-Mambuna O. Bojang" <>
Subject: Re: Zone II - Trophy leaves Banjul for Dakar or Bamako (Big Bro continues while Little watches on)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Achi & Pa Musa;

Thanks for a job well done. You guys are wonderful.
As the base fans say bye to our professionals, those of us in the diaspora are
saying congratulations and thank you for your patriotism. In any competition,
there has to be one winner at the dismay of many. I did have high hopes for the
Scorpions, and I'm content with their performance, so in reiterating Mr. M'bai,
let us no speak too soon of changing the coaching staff. I for one think they
've done the best they can considering the time they had to prepare for the
compitition. Of course that is no excuse, but its worth noting. What we need to
do now is to encourage our many professionals to work harder and build up more
experience for the next couple of years. I strongly believe that one day we
will be able to lift that trophy as winners. So as our professionals and local
players walk out of their camp, I say CONGRATULATIONS for representing our
beloved nation!!
Pa Musa and Achi, please let us know about tomorrow's championship game. I'm
predicting Mali as thechampions.


Pa Mambuna, the Bluegrass State. wrote:

> Sent by "Archibald H. R. Graham" <>
> via Commit
> Well the 1st and most disastrous of all has happened.
> The Scorpions lost there Semi final to the Malian team by 2 goals to 1
> leading to their miserable downfall in the tournament few hours ago. The
> two teams (Malian and Gambian) had come off a long way without any defeat
> to prove who was who. But unfortunately for the Scorpions the match ended
> proving the other side to be the stronger.
> Well this tournament came up with a number of turning points in the history
> of the game. I was made to understand that the Scorpions had always been an
> obstacle for the Malian in previous editions of the tourney. This time
> though they seemed
> as indicated from their performance that they are all determined to make it
> up with no surrender no defeat mannerism.
> The Scorpions, for reason best known to them then, during the 1st half had
> slacked off. This slackness losing them a number of goal opportunities paid
> no dividend other than 2 solid goals in their net in the very 1st half.
> Their determination to make it up during the 2nd half went fell short of
> equalizing talk less of winning this crucial match.
> However, one need not be surprise that Mali made it. Ever since their very
> 1st match with Guinea Conakry they were really up to something and with
> their determination they may be deem to have it.
> It is also regrettable that Guinea Conakry could not make it to the finals
> as they also similarly lost to the Lions of Senegal by 2 goals to 1. What a
> coincidence. As the Scorpions were not able to make their day, I had keenly
> watched the 2nd match with high anticipation that I would be able to
> witness another spectacular play between Mali and Conakry at the finals,
> but no it could not turn in my desired direction. The Lions of Senegal seem
> good at delay tactics whenever they think it fit to do so. After their 2nd
> goal tilting the then 1-1 score they made several substitutions and their
> players tend to fall to the ground with the slightest wind that they could
> sense. But there was a lovely goal the Guineans missed that had it been
> materialized I would personally have nominated it to be the best, but then
> the two strikers that made the same stylish attempt at the goal missed the
> ball as they did the scissors-type shot but both missed the ball right
> within
> the Lions' danger zone.
> Well the outcome of the finals between the Lions' of Senegal and the Malian
> team would lift the trophy from The Gambian either to Dakar or Bamako to
> the dismay of the Scorpion who would have to watch and see which direction
> it might be heading. Oh, what a petty!!!! What would become of the
> President's uncompleted promise? How are the international players on the
> squad going to take it as they head back to their respective teams out
> there? What really went wrong? Could it be corrected in 2 years for the
> next tournament? Will the new trophy acquired and donated by the President
> ever see the Gambian soil again? How about the unprecedented Support by
> the Scorpions' fans will it cool off that easily? Anyway probably the
> Scorpions would someday, somehow and somewhere be able to do better if
> there optimum has not been attained.
> Looking forward to the decisive finals between Mali and Senegal on Sunday,
> I bid all goodnight.
> Archi


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 19:30:35 PST
From: "latjor ndow" <>
Subject: greetings
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Greetings folks:

Glad to be back on the bantaba.

Could the managers please add Omar Jobe to the list. His address is:



Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 97 23:56:54 PST
Subject: Touching Story - DEATH OF AN INNOCENT
Message-ID: <>

Subject: tis the season to be jolly,but don't drink and drive when you get jolly. pass it on.

A forwarded Touching Story - DEATH OF AN INNOCENT

>I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said.
>You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead.
>I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would.
>I didn't drink and drive, Mom, even though the others said I
>I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you are always right.
>Now the party is finally ending, Mom, as everyone is driving out
>of sight.
>As I got into my car, Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
>Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.
>I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road,
>the other car didn't see me, Mom, and hit me like a load.
>As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman say,
>the other guy is drunk, Mom, and now I'm the one who will pay.
>I'm lying here dying, Mom. I wish you'd get here soon.
>How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst like a
>There is blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine.
>I hear the medic say, Mom, I'll die in a short time.
>I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn't drink.
>It was the others, Mom. The others didn't think.
>He was probably at the same party as I.
>The only difference is, he drank and I will die.
>Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life.
>I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.
>The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don't think it's fair.
>I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.
>Tell my brother not to cry, Mom. Tell Daddy to be brave.
>And when I go to heaven, Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave
>Someone should have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive.
>If only they had told him, Mom, I would still be alive.
>My breath is getting shorter, Mom. I'm becoming very scared.
>Please don't cry for me, Mom. When I needed you, you were
>always there.
>I have one last question, Mom, before I say good bye.
>I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?
>please, forward this to as many people as you can.
>And see if we can get a chain going around the world that will
>make people understand that drinking and driving don't mix.
>TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, so please forward this letter
>to as many people as you can.
>REMEMBER THE 6 "D" - Drink Don't Drive, Drive Don't Drink


End of GAMBIA-L Digest 97

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