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 Ahh well...better do it ourselves then !!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 10 Sep 2020 : 16:01:24

Sep 10, 2020, 1:18 PM
The community of Berending in the Lower Niumi district recently embarked on a community road rehabilitation exercise on the village feeder road connecting the main highway.

The rehabilitation exercise was necessitated by the deplorable state of the road, which has been compounded by erosion making the road unusable by vehicles. The erosion has also threatened a NAWEC service pole and transformer situated along the way to the extent that the perimeter fencing protecting it from encroachment has collapsed.

Recently, members of the Village Development Committee in collaboration with the youths and management of NAWEC embarked on mass rehabilitation exercise to ease movement along the way. The National Assembly Member, Ward Councilor in the area as well as one Sereign Ndure, a local businessman based in Barra, who provided a truck, also supported the community road rehabilitation.

“We urge the government to consider Niumi in general as it is in urgent need of feeder roads and flood mitigating measures to avoid erosion in the near future. We also need help in combating deforestation through unscrupulous illegal timber felling in the Berending forest” the residents stated.

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