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 What is happening Fire,Gamtel cables damaged

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 12 May 2020 : 17:57:36
Something is drastically wrong here, what I do not know BUT on thing is for certain it is about MONEY.


May 11, 2020

A major fire incident has consumed the Brikama market. Brikama is situated in the West Coast Region of The Gambia, Freedom Newspaper can report. Stalls were burnt beyond recognition. Residents could be seen watching by while the devastating fire consumes the market. Firemen later came in to help doze off the fire, but the fire kept escalating.

he circumstances surrounding the inferno is unknown. Market fires are common in The Gambia. The Basse market was recently set ablaze.

The Barrow government is facing strong opposition. It is not clear if the fire incidents are stage managed, but previous Whatsapp audio files circulating on social media, had suggested that certain markets had been targeted for an arson attack. State controlled telecommunication and the National Energy Company (NAWEC) were also not spared in what could be called the clandestine operation to take on state institutions.

Just last week, Gamtel, the national telecommunication company, said two of its telecommunication cables were cut-off by unknown intruders. The two Gamtel sites were attacked without twenty-four hours. No arrest was made in the said destruction of Gamtel’s cables. Below is a public notice from Gamtel:



The Gambia Telecommunications Company LIMITED (GAMTEL), the National Telecoms service provider has been and continue to suffer vandalism of its cables thereby resulting to communications outages for its esteemed customers, individuals as well as corporate. Recently, these acts have intensified especially in the Greater Banjul Area not only on its overhead cables, but also the underground cables.

Management hereby urges those engaged in this nefarious acts to desist from vandalizing these cables meant to sabotage and interrupt the services of our esteemed customers and the general public at large in these trying times when communication is vital.

Gamtel hereby appeal to the general public to take ownership of this national asset and report any suspicious acts of vandalism of these cables. Anyone caught vandalizing these cables will face the full force of the law. A reward will be given to an individual who helps capture culprit ( s). Please call toll free numbers 111 or 145 to report such incidents.


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 13 May 2020 : 15:17:17
The Point is late with breaking news .



May 13, 2020, 12:03 PM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

A fire incident in the early hours of Tuesday morning engulfed the Brikama Market destroying 20 stalls.

The cause of the inferno was not established at the time of gathering the report. However, our reporter has been reliably informed the Brikama Area Council (BAC) has set-up a committee to get to the bottom of the latest market blaze in the country.

Brikama Market is one of the busiest markets where thousands of people who come from all parts of the West Coast Region and Casamance do their daily businesses. The number of stalls affected by the yesterday fire incident was not confirmed.

Authorities are currently investigating the cause of the fire.

It could be recalled that two months ago Basse market was also consumed by fire which burnt more than 300 stalls.

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