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 Gambia mourns demise of legendary Korist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 13 Dec 2018 : 15:20:21
Gambia mourns demise of legendary Korist

The Point: Thursday, December 13, 2018

One of the finest Gambian oral historians has on Wednesday passed away at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul. He was laid to rest on the same day.

Jali Alagie Mbye was a master Korist, historian and cultural ambassador.

“The demise of Alagie Mbye has robbed our country of a powerful voice of culture, history and tradition, and left a void which will be hard to fill. Jali Alagie Mbye was a multitalented musician, orator, instrumentalist and historian,” Hassoum Ceesay said of him in a tribute sent to The Point.

“Alagie knew and loved the Kora. He was well known for his virtuoso Kora skills which have won him respect and admiration in The Gambia, Europe, America and neighboring countries,” Mr. Ceesay added.

About Jali Alhagie Mbaye

Jali Alhagie Mbaye was born in Jarra Barrow Kunda to Sutaring Mbaye and Aja Jabou Jange. He went to Barrow Kunda Primary School and later Mansakonko Junior Secondary School. He later went in search of his tradition and learnt playing the Kora where he started research on Manding history and was travelling across West Africa to gather facts about Manding.

Jali Alagie Mbye travelled abroad to Norway and Sweden where he stayed for a while before returning back to The Gambia. He lectured traditional music at various universities across Scandinavia and built a school teaching Kora to lots of people in order to boost the Mandinka culture.

Author: Momodou Jawo

Related Topic: Obituary: Jali Alagie Mbye Dies

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kiwi Posted - 16 Dec 2018 : 16:27:48
Also I have attended Alagie Mbay's performances a few times. First time I heard Soussou (then Hagbert-Gottlieb) was at Stallet, Stockholm, many years ago, she had just arrived from Gambia to her first performance. Now she is wellknown artist - one of the first femails alowed to play kora - with her husband Maher Cissoko.
Alhassan Posted - 15 Dec 2018 : 12:01:21
May his soul Rest in peace. Alhaji was one of the younger grandmasters of the Kora. I worked with him in 2005 at the korafestival, at the Swedish Concert Institute in Stockholm. Alhaji was the main focus, with the giving out of The Oral University. Alhaji is the narrator of the book written by Dr.Eva Sätter of the Malmö music fact Alhaji had a very good collaboration with them and produced Two very good Swedish kora players of world class namely Andrias Åkersson and Soussou SCissokho of Skåne.He did a kora workshop for children who have no connection with the kora culture. He has worked with world musicians in Europe and America, some of the grand children of Lalo Kebba Drammeh, Dawda Jobarteh and the renown Ali Möller of Sweden. A World musician who built bridges between the Gambian culture and other cultures with the kora music. There are still some of his students around in Sweden
Originally posted by Momodou

Gambia mourns demise of legendary Korist

The Point: Thursday, December 13, 2018

One of the finest Gambian oral historians has on Wednesday passed away at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul. He was laid to rest on the same day.

Jali Alagie Mbye was a master Korist, historian and cultural ambassador.

“The demise of Alagie Mbye has robbed our country of a powerful voice of culture, history and tradition, and left a void which will be hard to fill. Jali Alagie Mbye was a multitalented musician, orator, instrumentalist and historian,” Hassoum Ceesay said of him in a tribute sent to The Point.

“Alagie knew and loved the Kora. He was well known for his virtuoso Kora skills which have won him respect and admiration in The Gambia, Europe, America and neighboring countries,” Mr. Ceesay added.

About Jali Alhagie Mbaye

Jali Alhagie Mbaye was born in Jarra Barrow Kunda to Sutaring Mbaye and Aja Jabou Jange. He went to Barrow Kunda Primary School and later Mansakonko Junior Secondary School. He later went in search of his tradition and learnt playing the Kora where he started research on Manding history and was travelling across West Africa to gather facts about Manding.

Jali Alagie Mbye travelled abroad to Norway and Sweden where he stayed for a while before returning back to The Gambia. He lectured traditional music at various universities across Scandinavia and built a school teaching Kora to lots of people in order to boost the Mandinka culture.

Author: Momodou Jawo

Related Topic: Obituary: Jali Alagie Mbye Dies

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