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 Cultural guide: General
 "Positive attitudinal change"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 13 Aug 2013 : 12:46:51
I read this article from the D.O. very wordy,what exactly do all these words mean ? I asked myself when I read this article. I think it's totally up to the reader to decide which meaning he or she understands the article to mean,confused? so was I,but hopefully the full article means that it now the published aim of The Gambia to join the modern world and the average Gambian persons thinking,in the way life and values are perceived, (as they exist now) , has to change quickly, and become more positive,in many many ways.
My opinion anyway,anyone else want to, POST THEIR OPINION ON THIS ARTICLE ?

"The deputy director general of MDI, Alieu K. Jarju, reiterated that in this rapidly changing world, fostered largely by globalisation and increased application of technology to development and socio-political processes, it is imperative for all countries to develop adequate and efficient human resource capacity to not only deliver services for their citizens, but to compete as equals in the league of nations."
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 24 Feb 2014 : 23:15:57
I am baffled,how is it that in over 900 reads of this topic that all of these readers have NO OPINION OF THEIR OWN ?
IS it that these readers are totally satisfied with their own lives?
Is it that they just couldn't care less about their homeland and birthplace?
Anybody tell me ,the only poster on this topic,the reason why readers do not want to post?

sorry I didn't realise when I wrote the above that I also wrote the related topic !!!!!
toubab1020 Posted - 23 Aug 2013 : 12:28:20
If anyone is interested have a look at a related topic here on Bantaba in Cyberspace.
toubab1020 Posted - 23 Aug 2013 : 00:01:25
This from the D.O.
Looks as though someone has realised the potential of what was rapidly becoming a lost generation or at the very least a new generation SOME OF THEM without doubt adopt the thinking of their fathers and grandfathers in drinking Attaya most of the day and talking in groups rather than doing WORK,such sensitasion can only be good in in helping to change the attitude of SOME OF THE GAMBIAN PEOPLE.
The administration MUST UNDERSTAND that WORK MUST BE WORTH DOING, who can blame a person who works hard everyday only to be rewarded by a wage that is not enough to live on after the rent has been paid,most Gambians rent.
The days of ONE PERSON WORKING and supporting in some cases MORE THAN 10 OTHER PEOPLE who are content NOT TO WORK but happy TO ACCEPT FOOD supplied free to them by the person who works MUST END as soon as possible if Gambia is EVER TO BECOME A THRIVING NATION not relying on "help" hand outs,grants from other countries.

toubab1020 Posted - 21 Aug 2013 : 13:09:49
May be things ARE changing for the better,have a read of this from the Point:

" He thanked the youth for being proactive and urged them to be creative, and avoid being like those who only sit and drink Ataya the whole day."

My observations were correct then, reinforced by Dr. Jah Jah.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Groups of men and women converged on the University of The Gambia (UTG) groundnut farm at Faraba Banta on Saturday August 17.

The large crowd, mostly members of Faraba village men and women associations, was led by messrs Jenung Manneh and Sainey Keita, two of the university staff members tasked by the UTG Vice Chancellor to lead the university’s efforts to farm.

Now that the sowing season is over, the university is concentrating on weeding. Last Saturday’s event was graced by the acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Omar Jah Jr.

Dr. Jah Jah thanked the youth of Faraba Banta and implored them to continue to do the good work that they are doing, in line with the clarion call of the President. He thanked the President Yahya Jammeh “for helping the university to engage in this very important activity, which will help the university and the country achieve self-sufficiency in food production”.

Responding to the association’s request for a milling machine and tractor, Dr. Jah advised them to put their request in writing. He thanked the youth for being proactive and urged them to be creative, and avoid being like those who only sit and drink Ataya the whole day.

Dr. Jah also thanked Mr. Manneh and Mr. Keita for what they have been doing.

Mr. Manneh said the VC, Professor Kah, was not around at the moment and that was what explained his absence from the farm.

Dr. Jah was deputising for Professor Kah. He said “we are all families of the President, and it is good we heed his advice do something which we all know is good for us”. He expressed his delight to be involved in this, and thanked the participants for answering to their call.

The youth and women of Faraba also said they were glad to contribute their own quota, and will always be ready to participate because the university is for the whole country. Whatever they get for their association will be used to help their own society.
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Aug 2013 : 17:05:53
SO ALL READERS of Bantaba in Cyberspace are very happy and contented with the attitude of MOST Gambians in the way they live their lives.

"anyone else want to, POST THEIR OPINION ON THIS ARTICLE ? "

Errrrrr..............No Thanks.
I couldn't care less about Gambians who still live in Gambia and want to develop the country. !!!!!!............ WHAT !!!!!!

Ah well.....I can only try !!!!!

toubab1020 Posted - 13 Aug 2013 : 12:55:25
Could this be an example of what is envisaged ?

Njau, Panchang Wards committee conduct Needs Assessment exercise

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Njau and Panchang Ward committees in the Upper Saloum District Central River Region (CRR) north recently conducted a day Needs Assessment exercise for the two wards.

The initiative was meant to review the challenges confronting the wards with a view to mapping the way forward for meaningful and sustainable socio-economic development of the people of the area. The two wards have formulated a five-year strategic plan of Action from 2013 to 2018 during the programme.

In his opening remarks, the district chief, Alhaji Malick Mbye commended the committees for their high turnout, which he said was a sign of willingness to spearhead grassroots local planning for sustainable development. He seized the opportunity to thank Hon Sainey Mbye for launching the initiative.

He further spoke at length about the importance of the forum, noting that it will help to identify the priority needs of the people and by extension complement government’s efforts in poverty reduction.

The councilor for Panchang Ward, Saikou Samba called for the active participation of communities in the execution of the five-year Strategic Action Plan in their wards.

The strategic action plan he said is aimed at poverty reduction. He thus applauded Omar Ceesay for his active participation during the formulation of the action plan. Samba called for attitudinal change and urged communities to participate fully in national development.
Author: Lamin SM Jawo in CRR

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