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 Is the IGP condoning theft?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 03 Aug 2021 : 22:21:29
Is the IGP condoning theft?
By Madi Jobarteh

How could the police investigate and establish a crime yet let go the perpetrators off the hook simply because they intercepted and aborted the act midway? The fact is the bags of fertilizer left their lawful store without lawful authority by unauthorized persons and moved out of the lawful premises with an intention to steal.

Therefore, regardless of at what stage the act and its perpetrators were intercepted, the fact is there was an attempt to steal that was being excuted. How then could the police say there was no crime?

The Attorney General and his DPP must act on this with immediate effect.

Police Found no Crime in Fertilizer Smuggling Case
Trumpet: July 31, 2021

By: Fabakary B. Ceesay

Investigating officers of the Gambia Police Force tasked to look into the 2, 280 bags of Gambian farmer’s fertilizer bound for Mali impounded at North Bank Region, found no crime committed during the transaction of the deal.

The said fertilizers were sold to a Malian businessman from the Gambia Groundnut Corporation (GGC) North Bank Regional depot at Kerewan.

However, since the publication of the seizure, officials of Gambia Groundnut Corporation, Deputy Governor of North Bank Region and Police all confirmed the incident was under Police investigation.

The Ministry of Agriculture was quick to denounce the incident and distance itself from the fertilizer distribution. The Ministry calls for investigation and prosecution of those found wanting.

Trumpet newspaper has been trailing the investigation since the incident for weeks, but the Police kept mute over it.

After several questions and follow ups, Police Spokesperson Superintendent Lamin Njie said no crime has been committed.

Though, Njie confirmed that Police have intercepted trucks loaded with fertilizer bound for Mali but the investigating officers found no crime committed.

Njie said, “Police Investigation looks into the matter established no crime during the transactions. However, it is clear that the fertilizers can’t be sold or transported outside the Gambia and that has been prevented”.

Our sources within NBR confirmed that several trucks loaded with fertilizer have already crossed into Senegal before the seizure of the two Malian trucks.

Trumpet is also reliably informed that there has been a fertilizer standoff at North Bank Region as farmers queued for days without getting their supplies. Both GGC depots at Barra and Kerewan are said to be empty.

Farmers and GGC agents are required to pay at any GGC account with Reliance Bank at Farafenni and Barra where they are issued payment receipt for confirmation to receive their supplies.

However, shortly before going to press, we received information from a farmer that a fertilizer delivery truck has arrived at Kerewan depot to offload.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 05 Aug 2021 : 16:58:27


19thJuly 2021


Our attention has been called to an article published by The Trumpet newspaper (online) about a Malian truck intercepted with 2,280 bags of fertilizers. As a ministry, we want to make it clear to the public that the ministry of agriculture is not directly handling the sales of fertilizer in the country.

Fertilizer sales in the country is being handled directly by GGC. Thus, the ministry has nothing to do with the fertilizer intercepted in North Bank. We call on the Police and the SIS to carry out full investigation to get to the bottom of this matter and prosecute anyone found wanting in this matter.

Momodou Kanteh, Information Officer

FOR: Permanent Secretary
toubab1020 Posted - 04 Aug 2021 : 11:48:56

In My opinion the posting by Madi Jobarteh is accurate although I am no lawyer, in the eyes of a normal member of the public theft has been committed,an investigation by the IGP should take place as a matter of urgency,there is little doubt in my mind that all departments of Gambia's government will be observing the progress of the article published in The Trumpet newspaper.

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